• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. U

    Gun Metal Games' First annual Apocalypse Day Sale is on!

    Billboards all across the country are proclaiming May 21st as the day the world ends. To commemorate this once in a lifetime (Or maybe last in a lifetime?) event, we at Gun Metal Games are placing ALL of our products on sale for 30% off! Prepare yourselves! You'll need all the RPG goodness you...
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    [Gun Metal Games] Class Options Volume 4: Brutal Barbarians, now on sale!

    Brutal Barbarians! The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game greatly expands the options for barbarian PCs over earlier iterations of the game. Rather than a simple boost to hit points and melee damage, the new barbarian also gains special abilities when he releases his inner fury. Brutal Barbarians...
  3. U

    Pathfinder 1E [Gun Metal Games] The Stones, a Pathfinder adventure now on sale!

    A newly-built dam unearths an ancient evil that threatens the countryside. Will you journey into the depths to defeat this nameless evil before it's too late? The Stones is a Pathfinder RPG scenario designed for 7th level characters. Set in a generic border kingdom and wilderness area near a...
  4. U

    Interface Zero (Savage Worlds Edition) is now on sale!

    That's right friends, Interface Zero messed around and got itself Savaged! Welcome to the Future! Interface-Zero, is the first book in the Interface-Zero Cyberpunk Setting by Gun Metal games. IZ brings your Savage Worlds game up to speed with the dark, frenetic world of 2088. Within the pages...
  5. U

    [Gun Metal games] Interface Zero savage worlds edition beta test is now available!

    And, the free beta test edition is live! In this 67 page eBook, you'll find everything you need to create a character for IZ. Future freebies will expand on this material, providing cool stuff like one-sheets, most wanted lists, the latest pieces of cyberware to hit the mean streets and much...
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    [Gun Metal Games] Class Options Volume II: Paladins Prevail, now on sale!

    Paladins Prevail! Stalwart knight. Bringer of justice. Defender of the weak. The paladin fulfills many roles. This Pathfinder compatible supplement allows a player to individualize a paladin based on how he imagines his character's faith manifests as abilities and powers. New class abilities...
  7. U

    [Gun Metal Games] 25% off sale!

    Hi Everyone, I'm happy to announce Gun Metal Games has shifted over to the new name on Rpgnow and DTRPG, and to commemorate the change, I'm putting all my products on sale from now until Christmas! You can grab all your favorite titles, from our newest release for Traveler: Reign of...
  8. U

    (Gun Metal Games) Reign of Discordia, the Traveller Edition, now on sale!

    Absolutely. We'll likely be seeing the book get into distribution in late April through Flaming Cobra. I'll have more information on the print release as things develop.
  9. U

    (Gun Metal Games) Reign of Discordia, the Traveller Edition, now on sale!

    reign of Discordia is now available at RPGNOW! http://enworld.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=65788&filters=0_0_0_0_0&manufacturers_id=2212 Be sure and grab is here on the enworld store to support the best resource for role-playing on the net!
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    (Gun Metal Games) Reign of Discordia, the Traveller Edition, now on sale!

    I'm pleased to announce the Traveller Edition of Reign of Discordia is on sale now at our website! Science fiction the way you love it! Reign of Discordia is the core setting book in line of the same name by the celebrated game designer Darrin Drader and Reality Deviant Publications. RoD gives...
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    Orcus of Necromancer Games says "You were right, I was wrong"

    Jeez... Do you want his first born child too? God man, chill out.
  12. U

    Vote for the New company Name!

    OK, I've thought long and hard about this, and my decision is............ Phat Booty Publishing!! :twisted: Seriously though. It's Gunmetal Games, submitted by Theophage! I feel Gunmetal games is edgy and reflects the direction I'm going with future sci fi/modern products like Interface...
  13. U

    Vote for the New company Name!

    And the winner is.... Nobody yet. It's actually a Tie, at this point. I ran a second poll over at the Pinnacle boards to give others a chance to vote (I set them both up on the same day), and here are those results: Great White Games/Pinnacle Entertainment Group :: View topic - Vote for the...
  14. U

    Spells and Rituals for M&M Superlink is now available!

    Spells and Rituals is 35 pages of new spells formatted as power feats for the Magic power, Magical rituals, and rules for using places of power in your sword and sorcery M&M game! Also included are rules for converting all of this magical goodness over to the True20 system! Here's a sampling of...
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    Vote for the New company Name!

    Thanks a ton to everyone who submitted an entry! You all came up with some interesting names, and it was really hard to choose, so I decided to put it to a vote. Here are my top 10 suggestions. Choose which one you like best! I'm leaving this poll open for the next 5 days. Good luck to...
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    So, I'm changing my company name

    That was the main inspiration for the name :)
  17. U

    So, I'm changing my company name

    hmm.. Go necromancer style and make it: Wizards of the Corpse ;)
  18. U

    (RDP) Class Options Volume 1: Sorcerer Bloodlines, Now on sale!

    You know, I'm thinking about possibly bringing Scarrport to Pathfinder. I'll talk with the writer to see if he's interested!
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    So, I'm changing my company name

    Just a reminder everyone, there's only 2 more days until the company name contest ends, so get those entries in! So far I've been getting some pretty neat, inventive entries, many of which have inspired my own ideas! Much thanks to everyone who has participated so far!
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    (RDP) Class Options Volume 1: Sorcerer Bloodlines, Now on sale!

    Class options, Vol.1 is a new line of E-books designed to enhance existing classes in your 3.5 or Pathfinder game! Each issue will provide new options including sorcerer bloodlines, prestige classes, new feats, spells, class abilities and much more! The first issue in this series provides you...