• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. V

    Video Review of Temple of Elemental Evil Board Game

    Ugh. Why does he always do that slo-mo of pieces falling? It's always waaaaay too long. Not a deal breaker on these videos, but a pet peeve of mine.
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    Video review of ToEE

    Ugh. Why does he always do that slo-mo of pieces falling? It's always waaaaay too long. Not a deal breaker on these videos, but a pet peeve of mine.
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    What's a Freelance RPG Writer Worth?

    Just for those new to the biz, 5 cents a word is considered professional rate for short story fiction. For RPGs (and short story magazines) the turn around time to get paid is usually in the months long time frame. Freelance for advertising and marketing copy is actually a "day rate" where you...
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    The Bamfsies Announce the Best Superhero RPGs!

    I was about to whine, old geezer style, that this list had forgotten the supers RPGs of old. ... And then I googled GCore Prime.
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    RPG Products So Bad They're Good!

    It seems like the writer just took down notes of the random questions his playtest group asked. "So yes, these fellows, are they tarrying?" "Nope." *Writes down note*
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    D&D 5E Gamehole Con Live Tweeting Perkins Panel

    "There has been discussion about the overall "brand" strategy for D&D, which Perkins commented on. He mentioned that "...people at Hasbro that never cared about D&D before, care about it now; Hollywood is fighting over it" I guess old Hollywood never took the bait when the agents said D&D was...
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    D&D 5E [UPDATED] DMG - Villainous Classes Preview

    NPC don't need XP, so just use the Milestone system. Like the header says, I get the impression that this is an option, you can build them the old fashioned way if you want.
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    Where cani find Pulp adventures?

    Good stuff and highly ironic that it gets a d20 port as well. The other two game lines, Trinity and Aberrant, hardly regisitered on the radar. :( But Adventure! became a cult favorite for its modifications on the Storyteller system. So while the other two games might get a second life under...
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    GR's putting out a feats 'n skills Psychic class book

    I can't and won't argue with that. :) When it came to the feats and skills thing, though, the impression I had gotten (right or wrong) was that his version of psionics was more low key than I wanted. Not that I want "comic book" powers all the time, but I was basically looking for something...
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    Where cani find Pulp adventures?

    Occasionaly, check out www.peginc.com Their new game Savage Worlds is very pulp orientaited and two of the free demo adventures are very pulpish (The Eye of Kilquato! and Shades of Terror.) They also have a $5 pdf adventure, "On the Rocks" set in an alternate 1920s...
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    To Mystically-Modernize Spycraft?

    Buy the Shadowforce Archer book? And then after that the Hand of Glory (http://enworld.cyberstreet.com/reviews/index.php?sub=yes&where=active&reviewer=Psion&product=THOG) book? The S.A. book introduces three optional paranatural things to the game. All three are used in the SpyCraft campaign...
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    D&D + non-D&D D20 Fantasy = compatability?

    Mix and match at your own discretion. In general, the d20 set up is in no way a promise that other publishers will make their stuff compatable, though most of it is close. On that note, there are some offical D&D licenced products, WarCraft and Kingdoms of Kalimar go through a process to...
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    At what point is it no longer d20?

    According to Guardians of Order, as long as you use a d20 and add modifers to be a DC, you've got a "d20 system" and they have had no problems with being complient. Green Ronin, however, played it safe and made their product OGL (it was also because a lot of people complained about the...
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    GR's putting out a feats 'n skills Psychic class book

    Actually it is such a cool idea that TWO games buried it under their franchise and integrally linked to other game mechanics so as make it that you had to take wholesale. Star Wars had it linked to Vitality Points, which is just a bookkeeping method for subdual damage. However, I wanted more...
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    GR's putting out a feats 'n skills Psychic class book

    Yeah, this is going on my list too. And I am banging my head on my desk :D I did something like this years ago with the d20 Star Wars Force rules. I think I'll go with Green Ronin version.
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    Gamma World - Disappointment

    Oddly enough, that is similar to some of the responses to WarCraft, also done by WW. Even down to the "I realize there will be more down the road, but I was hoping for more in the core book." Perhaps WW needs to even out it's pacing a little. More in the core, thinner on the suppliments?
  17. V

    d20 GAMMA WORLD: excerpts, links, Pure Strain Excitement

    Thanks for the info ... though how do the different FX work?
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    [revolution] Exactly WHY is d20 so great, comparing?

    And I should tell you that two are blessed. :) To give a better idea, of my experiences... In college, when we played mostly Mage, it was all about deep questions and storytelling. But when I left for the "real world" it was a completely different expereince. First job was in the middle of...
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    [revolution] Exactly WHY is d20 so great, comparing?

    The short explaination culled from a mailing list I belonged to ... "As for voting for three different games I'd like the group to play, I'd nominate d20 Rokugon, Forgetten Realms and Scarred lands." Funny how this player showed up to the game with the entire FR 3.0 library in his car. Or for...
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    WW's Adventure/Abberent/Trinity to be d20! (Merged w/other thread)

    As a side note, between all the the AC vs "Just"C comments plus all the WW vs. Sony comments I have read in the last two weeks I have pretty much formed the conclusion that a lot of gamers are wasting their enthusiasm in their current jobs and should go to night school to become IP lawyers...