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Search results

  1. shadowbloodmoon

    Out of the Frying Pan 2 (Bol and Kesler)

    It hadn't been long since you had a drink, so you are uncertain why it was that this one affected you as much as it did. The Rodian that was drinking with you seemed nice enough. As your vision went from blurry to almost black, you saw the Rodian holding.. what was it? BLAM! When you awoke, you...
  2. shadowbloodmoon

    Here's a quick one...

    Many of us have seen movies where the big bad evil guy gets rushed by a hero who then is swiftly knocked 15-20 feet away by the bad guy's backhand B-Slap. Or similarly, you see the bad guy wade through foes as his arms swing and send numerous redshirts flying in all directions. My question is...
  3. shadowbloodmoon

    ATTN: all Shadowbloodmoon's players and DMs

    Unfortunately, the computer that I had been using for Internet access decided that the motherboard that was inside it was done working. Forever. Therefore, I haven't been able to go online except for now on someone else's machine. That means that until a) I fix the junkpile emachines or b)...
  4. shadowbloodmoon

    DnD will never die...

    I know it's silly, but hear me out. I was in my favorite FLGS today (The Source, StPaul MN), and my wife and I overhear these two young boys (couldn't have been more than 8 years old) talking about getting some dice. They said that all they had was a player's handbook and they brought it with...
  5. shadowbloodmoon

    Besm d20

    I can't seem to figure this one out.... I recently picked up Big Eyes Small Mouth d20 Revised Limited Edition (GOO02-699). However, I'm not sure if it is 3.5 or 3.0 compatible. The other book is similar, Revised 3.5 Edition BESM, specifically calling out that it is 3.5 compatible. Its number is...
  6. shadowbloodmoon

    Absent today...

    Just so as my players and Gamemasters know, I won't be posting today, and haven't posted the last couple days because I am preparing to test a couple of black belts this evening. I should be back into the swing of things by tomorrow afternoon.
  7. shadowbloodmoon

    Saving throws...

    Here's a quick one I'm too lazy to look up before going to bed... When a Supernatural or other ability asks for a saving throw, such as Fortitude save DC 15, but it says this is a Charisma-based save, what does that mean? 1. Does it mean that the target's Fort save is modified by its Charisma...
  8. shadowbloodmoon

    New Out of the Frying Pan SWd20 thread

    Okay guys, here is the new thread for the characters in my Out of the Frying Pan campaign for Star Wars d20. As of today, the characters are: Characters 1. DRK-1X (modified DRK-1 droid Thug 4, Scoundrel 1, Soldier 1), played by Ambrus 2. Ka-Femi-Odo (Cerean Jedi Consular 3), played by...
  9. shadowbloodmoon

    Calling Linnorm

    Linnorm, It seems we may have lost a player or two and since you were the alt we had, we are extending and invite to join our Star Wars game(see Sig for link). Please post here if you are available/ interested and it will be easy to write you in. If not, that's cool too, just let us know. Thanks,
  10. shadowbloodmoon

    Darkness and Fog Cloud

    Okay here's one for the rules buffs. Situation is thus: (Those of you who have finished Grasp of the Emerald claw will recognize this one) Players have finally encountered the BBEG. A part of this BBEG is a Huge living construct. Another part is a sentient creation schema. The schema has...
  11. shadowbloodmoon

    Deflection and Incorporeality

    This is probably a silly one, but are deflection bonuses granted from spells technically a Force affect and thereby will affect an incorporeal creature's to hit chance? More specifically, does Shield of Faith protect from a wraith's attack? This came up in my Xbox Eberron campaign and I ruled...
  12. shadowbloodmoon

    ENWorld magazine?

    Okay, so it is possible for me to miss things at times. However, I've been noticing people talking of the 'demise' of the ENWorld magazine. I realize that it has been some time since I got Issue 2 and #3 is nowehere in sight, but I'm curious as to what happened. Is it simply delayed or should...
  13. shadowbloodmoon

    Books of Swords

    Hi folks, One campaign I had started to write ages ago and even played awhile was loosely based on Fred Saberhagen's Book of Swords series. The problem is, now that 3.5 is here, I need to update said campaign and stat out the Swords. My question is this: Has this already been done or barring...
  14. shadowbloodmoon

    Grasp of the Emerald Claw (possible spoilers)

    Probably not the right forum to ask this on, but here's the situation. I am currently running the Eberron adventure series for my Xbox Live group. The crazy fools have all but walked through it. Their warforged has a morbid fear of Dire Animals now. but still. Anyway, in the Grasp of the Emerald...
  15. shadowbloodmoon

    Hurakan tribe of Sairundani

    Having based my character from Knight Otu's Hurakan clan of Sairundani humans, I felt obliged (read: was asked) to do a write up of that tribe for them and so here it is: Proposal: The Hurakan tribe of the Sairundani live in Helatia, the capital and largest city of the Sairundani. Centuries...
  16. shadowbloodmoon

    Out of the Frying Pan... (d20 Star Wars)

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... STAR WARS Out of the Frying Pan... The Clone Wars are in full swing. The Republic's new clone army has proven itself time and again against the forces of the Separatists. However, despite many wins, the war continues. The Dark Lord Count Dooku...
  17. shadowbloodmoon

    Fantasy Grounds

    Hi all. My friend and I bought Fantasy Grounds for our computers to help facilitate our long distance table top gaming. However, despite our best efforts, we have yet to be able to connect. We have tried everything from different computers to networks settings, firewall switches etc. No dice...
  18. shadowbloodmoon

    Out of the Frying Pan... (Star Wars d20)

    This is the character thread for my new Star Wars d20 game titled Out of the Frying Pan. The OOC thread is here and the IC thread is here. The Characters are: 1. Callon Kordyran (Human Soldier 3), played by Galethorn 2. Pilot Delta Six (Clone Soldier 2/ Scout 1), played by Melkor 3. DRK-1X...
  19. shadowbloodmoon

    Fantasy Grounds?

    Greetings all, I am looking for information about the software Fantasy Grounds for online roleplaying. I've been to the website, www.fantasygrounds.com, but I want to know from a consumer's point of view how well it works. I have the demo and it looks pretty decent. I'd be using it to DM...
  20. shadowbloodmoon

    And So It Begins.. (Babylon 5 d20 Game)

    It was the dawn of the Third Age of Mankind, ten years after the Earth-Minbari War. The Babylon Project was a dream given form. Its goal: to prevent another war by creating a place where humans and aliens could work out their differences peacefully. It's a port of call, home away from home for...