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Search results

  1. Imhotepthewise

    Encounter idea for Star Trek, Traveller, or any space or horror rpg - Apollo 11 ascent stage

    It is possible the Apollo 11 ascent stage is still in orbit around the Moon and may never crash. What could be on it that would make an interesting adventure?
  2. Imhotepthewise

    Tell me about Top Secret F.R.E.E. Lancers

    I recently acquired some old Top Secret materials, including F.R.E.E. America. Can anyone tell me about the F.R.E.E. Lancers supplement?
  3. Imhotepthewise

    Gamma World author Michael Price, 2 suppliments. Did he write anything else?

    Gamma World author Michael Price, 2 suppliments. Did he write anything else? I have been reading the original Famine in Far-Go and The Cleansing War of Garik Blackhand. I admire his writing style.
  4. Imhotepthewise

    "I really like the Dungeons and Dragons game"

    Quote from my wife this week: "I really like the Dungeons and Dragons game" Of course, it was in Las Vegas, and it was a slot machine. I'll take what I can get!
  5. Imhotepthewise

    Mighty Monsters - Ganesha Games - Kaiju Stomping Goodness

    On Saturday, November 16, 2013, I attended Elliscon at H H Ellis Technical High School in Danielson CT USA. I ran Ganesha Games Mighty Monsters, since the crowd at Elliscon is younger. I do have a couple more of Ganesha’s games, but I will play them another time. I shopped around for some...
  6. Imhotepthewise

    Alien made of hardware Salem MA

    Nuts, bolts, and other hardware. They had a Predator, too, but I couldn't get a good shot.
  7. Imhotepthewise

    Sheldon plays D&D with girls!

    This was awesome. Thoroughly enjoyable. Hope you DVR'd it if you couldn't see it live.
  8. Imhotepthewise

    I am now a community supporter! I Have The Powerrrrrrr!

    I am now a community supporter! I Have The Powerrrrrrr! Lurking since the Days of Eric Noah. Posting occasionally. Enjoyment always to be here. Glad Iron DM is back on the boards.
  9. Imhotepthewise

    No love for Talk Like a Pirate Day! Avast!

    No love? By the Powers!
  10. Imhotepthewise

    Snow Dragon!

    Snow Dragon! Or, what my daughter and her friend did on Winter break from school.
  11. Imhotepthewise

    Where is Arthur Collins?

    This ran on Paizo messageboards with no answer. I hope someone here can give an answer. Where is Arthur Collins? Yamo, Thu, Sep 15, 2005, 08:14 PM Reply -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Looking through some of my favorite issues of...
  12. Imhotepthewise

    Deryni Adventures RPG.....Anyone seen it?

    I realize this is not D20, but has anyone seen this on the street yet?
  13. Imhotepthewise

    Cold Steel Reign from Mad Hermit Games

    Cold Steel Reign by Mad Hermit Games. This was advertised in Dungeon 121, page 13; does anyone know anything about it? Dogpile search did not reveal anything. Moderators, feel free to move this, I was uncertain where to put it.
  14. Imhotepthewise

    Dragon 325 Energy Substitution - Correct?

    Pg. 58 War Magic Article. Is there a typo in Energy Substitution feat? No sonic? Sonic is energy per the PHB. Usta be in that feat from Tome and Blood.
  15. Imhotepthewise

    Review of Star Trek: The Experience 07/12/04.

    Moderators, please move this where appropriate. Review of Star Trek: The Experience 07/12/04. I have tried to keep this spoiler-free. On Monday, July 5, 2004, my father, my son, and I went to Star Trek: The Experience at the Hilton in Las Vegas, Nevada. My dad is 70, retired, and a resident...
  16. Imhotepthewise

    Viva Las Vegas!

    Just returned from a week in Sin City. No gaming was done, except I was able to read about half of the Eberron CS book in flight (10+ hours). Went to Star Trek: The Experience. Would anyone be interested if I wrote a review of it?
  17. Imhotepthewise

    Teach 30 People to Play D&D

    With the 30th Anniversary of D&D coming this fall, I had a weird idea. Could I introduce 30 people to D&D between now and then? People who have never played before? Simple adventures with pregen characters. Lots of action and fun. If a few get hooked, good for me and good for the hobby. I...
  18. Imhotepthewise

    Pathfinder 1E Thanks Paizo!

    Thanks Paizo for replacing my incomplete Dragon! When I received Dragon 315, the last three articles in the mag were not bound into it. The issue ended at the Maztica article! It was about the time when many were complaining about how the FLGS were getting the newest Dragon before the...
  19. Imhotepthewise


    Just finished a straight read through this game. I am really excited to see d20 get pushed further to the envelope. I am brimming with ideas, and I think I could make a pretty exciting game out of this. I recommend this game and encourage you to purchase the mag, even for this article alone...