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Search results

  1. Kid Charlemagne

    D&D 5E 5E, Acrobatics, and Parkour

    Has anyone created any guidelines for Parkour in 5e? I've got a bunch of roguish players (not all actual rogues) with high dexteritys, low strengths, and a fear of walls, climbing, etc :) I've been kind of winging it to this point but am thinking of trying to come up with a set of guidelines to...
  2. Kid Charlemagne

    D&D 5E The Plane of Fire and the City of Brass - how have you handled them?

    The next big arc of my campaign (5E, players are 6th level) is likely to involve the Plane of Fire and the City of Brass, and I'm curious what other people have done with those. My plan is to make the Plane of Fire a vast desert wasteland with Egyptian motifs; sometimes places swallowed up by...
  3. Kid Charlemagne

    Fey Society - Seelie and Unseelie

    The Fey are a pretty big part of my campaign world (homebrewed 5e D&D), and a couple of things have occurred to me recently that I don't have great explanations for... Namely some issues regarding biology and society. For the most part here I'm talking about the classic Fey - seelie and...
  4. Kid Charlemagne

    Alternate Magic Systems for 3.5?

    What sorts of alternate magic systems are there out there for 3.5? I'm looking for something to change up my standard D&D setup, and I'd like to see what systems people have created before going to the effort of trying to reinvent the wheel myself... My ideal system would be a little like 4E...
  5. Kid Charlemagne

    [Saturday 10-2] The King's Players, D&D 3.5 - Full - Accepting Alternates

    The King’s Players The Duke of Gascoyne, Max “the Mad,” has kidnapped the most famed actress and the most respected writer in the Kingdom, and is forcing them to create a play glorifying his insane ambitions. The authorities have no interest in antagonizing “Mad” Max by insisting on their...
  6. Kid Charlemagne

    What is "Quintessence"?

    I'm running a psionic-based adventure, and I plan on using this substance in it, and possibly developing it further. However, in order to really get a good handle on it, I thought I'd draw on the collective wisdom of the internet (is that an oxymoron?). So what is "quintessence"? In D&D...
  7. Kid Charlemagne

    The Pirate King's Day of Reckoning: A GenCon 2008 Story Hour

    The Pirate King's Day of Reckoning As run by Barsoomcore, based on a chance comment by Hypersmurf, using a game by Steve Kenson, derived from a system written by Wizards of the Coast, evolved from a game created by Gary Gygax, which in turn tracks its roots to war games played by the likes of...
  8. Kid Charlemagne

    D&D 3E/3.5 Help me create a 3.5 Skill Challenge!

    I thought it would be a neat thought experiment to create a Skill Challenge in 3.5 for my PC's for my next session. Backstory: The PC's are 12th level, and are in the town of Ambergate. They've found a Mockery Queen (modified, and referred to hereafter as the Dark Queen) and killed her, and...
  9. Kid Charlemagne

    Blog Modification

    I'm thinking about doing the blog thing, but I was wondering if there is any plans (or current methods that I'm missing) to allow for customization of the blogs. At the moment, it looks like all of them have the default ENWorld look, and I thought it would be neat to do something to stand out...
  10. Kid Charlemagne

    Skill Challenges and Pitched Battles/Naval Engagements

    I'm reading through various preview threads, and it suddenly hits me that I think the Skill Challenge rules could be very easily adopted to allow for the resolution of large-scale battles. Probably a Complex skill challenge (12 success before 6 failures). Each battle would need to be set up...
  11. Kid Charlemagne

    Pathfinder 1E Where should Pathfinder Threads Go?

    What do you think? I'm thinking that Pathfinder threads should go in the General Forum for now. This might also be a good time to discuss how we'll organize the forums once 4E hits (or for someone to point me to previous discussions that may have already taken place on the subject).
  12. Kid Charlemagne

    Product I Want: Customizable PHB

    This is something that I've been thinking about for a while... Here is a product that I would love to buy: something that would help me to create my own, personalized PHB for my campaign. It would be based on the 3.5 SRD, it would allow me to easily choose which feats/spells/domains/etc I want...
  13. Kid Charlemagne

    Creepy Victorian Cleric idea needed...

    I'm a player in an alternate Victorian England game, where magic is real, elves rule Ireland, orklings prowl the West Side of London, and the closest thing to Leonardo DaVinci is an epic-level Vampire... My PC, Nigel Spenser, is a Sherlock Holmes fan, and a consulting detective of growing...
  14. Kid Charlemagne

    Thread move! Pretty Please?

    Can someone move this thread to General please? I brain-farted and put it in the 4E forum. http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?p=3914931#post3914931
  15. Kid Charlemagne

    Whedon Back on TV! With Eliza Dushku! On Fox, No Less!

    All the gory details: http://www.aintitcool.com/node/34637
  16. Kid Charlemagne

    Halloween Games?

    What was the best Halloween adventure (either home-brewed or not) that you ever played in or ran? I'm especially thinking of sessions meant to be run/played on Halloween rather than jsut scary adventures in general...
  17. Kid Charlemagne

    Ship Speeds

    The SRD lists a sailing vessel as having a speed of 2 mph, for a total of 48 miles per day (thus assuming a 24 hour sailing day). I know this is meant to be an average, and that there are various books out there that go into further detail on speeds, wind conditions, etc. However, I've...
  18. Kid Charlemagne

    World Design: the Isle of Krone

    I'm working up a few areas of my campaign world that I haven't detailed yet, but which are close enough to the PC's activities that they might come into play, and I thought I'd fish about here for some extra ideas. My players are welcome in this thread if they happen upon it. The Isle of Krone...
  19. Kid Charlemagne

    Travel Advice - France

    (cross-posted from Circvs Maximvs) I'm making a commitment to doing more travelling in the next few years - I lived in France for five years as a kid, but I haven't been overseas since '86, and I'm tired of that! I'm in the first stages of planning a week-long vacation in France (and possibly...
  20. Kid Charlemagne

    David Noonan on playtesting

    Question for Dave (if he stops by) - is there a requirement for how often playtesting groups need to meet to qualify? For example, once a week for four hours, twice a month, a certain number of hours a month, etc, etc.