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  1. J

    My explanation of alignments to my players

    Originally these were meant to be a translation for the convenience of my players, but I noticed that they became a bit more expansive than the original SRD text. These are already accepted by my players so there's no turning back, but I just wanted to share these with you. Comments are more...
  2. J

    Possibly a stupid idea for a short adventure - You'll be the judge!

    In my game, there's a Fleshwarper (PrC found from Lords of Madness) who wishes to have an official position (guildmaster in an Adventurers' Guild), but the church of Saint Cuthbert is convinced that this is necromancy and refuses to listen to reason. A knight (aged half-elf NPC) is willing to...
  3. J

    Problems with the Diplomacy skill (plus a total halt to a campaign)

    Within the game-mechanics, how would you resolve the following dialogue? "Let us in. We want to check your house." "What?! Hell no!" "Please reconsider." "NO!" "Ok, bye then." (end of conversation) I see a few glaring problems with the diplomacy skill: 1. It requires at least a one minute of...
  4. J

    Broken PCs = Broken NPCs?

    The question is: If a player deliberately creates a character that is more or less munchinized, does it give the GM a permission to allow the NPCs to use the same methods? I was supposed to add voting... The option were supposed to be these: No. It's unfair/counterintuive to have GM vs. players...
  5. J

    Would you houserule these things?

    Out of curiosity, I'd like to know how many of you are willing to houserule things that aren't specifically covered in the rules but don't necessarily need any houserules for the game to work. I've chosen a list of things that occasionally provoke DMs to make bunch of houserules according to...
  6. J

    How roleplay the use of bluff skill - delivering a secret message?

    I'm the game that I'm running a certain NPC will hint that one of the referees in a gladiator tournament is (easily) bribable. This is a DC 15 Bluff check. I find roleplaying this really hard so I was thinking about this: "Your friend suddenly talks all kinds nonsense about weather and her cat...
  7. J

    Strongest racial animosity in D&D?

    Of all the intelligent races, which ones have the strongest hatred toward one another? IMHO Gith*-Illithid animosity wins hands down. But are there any other races with comparable hatred? *Githzerai/Githyanki
  8. J

    Have you ever played "Join me in the dark side" type of campaigns?

    Have you ever played campaigns where the players were meant to be heroes but were corrupted by outside influences? Evil campaigns where everyone starts from the "dark side" don't count. IME these sort of games are rare. During my 10 years of gaming I haven't played in any so I decided to have...
  9. J

    101 small details to liven up your game a bit (mostly for GMs)

    1. Nicknames. We all have nicknames, right? IMO it's not chaotic or evil if a high-priest of Heironeous calls his favorite cousin Erriadonus the White Paladin as "Err" (not in front of the acolytes, of course). 2. Have NPCs interrupt each other. Long monologues are... well, long monologues. It's...
  10. J

    Players that are only interested about their characters

    Recently I've noticed that my players only talk about their characters' game mechanical abilities. They talk about how much damage they can inflict per round and how powerful they will be and what sort of builds do they want. I've noticed that they never talk about the game-world or any...
  11. J

    Running royal courts?

    In my campaign I'm trying to get the PCs to a royal court but I'm lost with the formalities. For instance: The PCs step in front of the court for the first time. How are the introductions handled? My version: A courtier says with a loud, clear voice: "Your Majesty, before you (name and titles...
  12. J

    GMs & DMs: What do you do with (severely) unbalanced adventuring parties?

    An all-rogue party? No one is willing to be a medic in your modern campaign? The adventuring group is a showcase of poor builds and your players think they are all "very cool"? Usually the party imbalance is easy to fix by having a discussion with your players but what if that doesn't work...
  13. J

    15 questions about your gaming style

    Since my group has enjoyed these questions, I decided to post them here too. The idea is to help a gaming-group to determine stylistic issues and avoid clashes in the game. I'm no analytist or anything of the sort but I hope you find these questions helpful. Any criticism is always welcomed...
  14. J

    Death by Infelicitas - Is it acceptable?

    Recently I made a 15 question query for my players (I hope someone asks me to show the questions ;)) and one of them was this: Can bad dice rolls kill characters? Can characters die at all? So far the players have been purely against such practice. One says that characters can only die from a...
  15. J

    Aspects of D&D that have made you fed up?

    What rules or features of D&D have made you to consider burning your books? In my group there is a clear consensus against animal companions and familiars. "Oh no, another ******* rat!" is perhaps the best way to summarize our sentiment. The enormous and unfun zoo directed by druids, rangers...
  16. J

    Can you help me to determine what alignment is this?

    "I'm a knight and my Brotherhood always goes first. I love all my brothers but those that do not put brothers first always disappoint me. Some of my brothers go from battle to battle and war to war but they always let those greasy nobles - whom are NOT our brothers! - to come and rule the lands...
  17. J

    Political scheming for the good guys?

    Can you help me out with this dilemma? In my game there is Neutral Good religion (Pelor) which is suffering from a religious schism. The Lawful Good revisionist sect says that all temples should follow The One True Leader which is the "Pope". The Neutral Good conservative sect says that all...
  18. J

    Social ranks and pseudo-medieval fantasy worlds

    Recently I've tried to incorporate a system of social ranks into my Greyhawk campaign. I want to establish a ranking between different social classes so that my players know what the pecking order is. If a merchant and a craftsman have a word against word situation, which one is right by...
  19. J

    Dumbest thing you have ever done in RPGs? (on- or off-game)

    I have one that I really feel bad about. It happened two years ago and I had been running games for a small group. The thing was that I had always been running or playing in small groups and it was kind of a habit - a superstition perhaps - that great games only happen if you have a small group...
  20. J

    Creating a village where your character would stay

    My current group has been staying in the same locale for dozens of sessions and they've always visited the same city. I like it, actually and it makes a lot of sense storywise. I'm challenging myself a little bit, just for fun. I'm trying to create a village of few hundred people that would be...