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Search results

  1. D.Shaffer

    Talk to me abou Blood Bowl (And dwarves)

    My FLGS is starting up a Blood Bowl league. I've gotten a couple of walk throughs of the game, and it's pretty fun so I put a down payment on a team of Dwarves, who seem to follow along my general playstyle. That said, while I believe I have the basics down, any general advice, and advice about...
  2. D.Shaffer

    Hulk vs * animated movies

    Marvel.com put up some new clips of Hulk vs Wolverine and Hulk vs Thor. See the latest from the January 27, 2009 DVD Release | Marvel.com News | Marvel.com vs Wolverine look to be fun. I'll watch it for Deadpool if nothing else. vs Thor? Eh...
  3. D.Shaffer

    Best TV Theme Songs - Top 40

    Paste's Top 40 Best TV Theme Songs of all time Well, this amused me. Not sure if I completely agree with all their choices, but there's a good crop here. #1? Cheers, It wouldnt be my #1, but it's definitely in my top 10. Check out their top 12 Best TV Themes from current shows too. Doctor Who...
  4. D.Shaffer

    Supernatural Season 4 - Spoilers

    Well, Season 4 premiered last night. They've dealt with Dean's lack of belief before, so this was an interesting turn of events. Having 'The other side' show up was new, nand I cant wait to see how that plot ends up. Heck, can angels lie? What's it mean if they can? What's it mean if they CANT...
  5. D.Shaffer

    Zombies! New Dungeoncraft article up

    New article up in Dragon. Brraaaaiiinnnns http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/drdd/20071019a Interesting notes. Turning undead in. You can critical hit undead. Zombies are generic.
  6. D.Shaffer

    D&D 4E Reported post: 4E: Manufactured Excitement(3813400)

    Original post: in Thread 4E: Manufactured Excitement Reason: ...If this isnt a troll, it's only a borderline away from it. Assigned Moderators: (mods who got the Email) April O'Neil, Creideiki, d6, Darkness, Dinkeldog, Dinkeldog2, el-remmen, Eridanis, Henry, Hypersmurf, Pielorinho, Plane...
  7. D.Shaffer

    Dragon/Dungeon Online submission Guidelines Up

    Thought this was worth mentioning. Wizards has Dungeon/Dragon Online submission guidelines up. See them Here. So, for those wondering if the online version would be taking user submissions, looks like you have your answer. :)
  8. D.Shaffer


    Because penguins make everything better. Any other penguin related oddness out there?
  9. D.Shaffer

    ADV Anime Sale

    For the fellow anime fans out there, I JUST found out about this a few moments ago but ADV is currently having a sale on a WHOLE bunch of stuff on their website for Memorial day. It ends today too, so if you're interested hurry up and look. I placed an order for some stuff too, but it was more...
  10. D.Shaffer

    Transformers-The Movie

    Ok, the movie is coming in a little less then a month and a half, and the marketing blitz has begun. The toys have started to been released, we're getting merchanside into the stores, and, most importantly, we have the first real trailers (as opposed to teasers)...
  11. D.Shaffer

    Natural Attack questions

    A couple wierd questions here. If I have a Bite attack, and have a weapon in hand (Say a Defending Longsword+2), do I HAVE to use the weapon as the primary attack, or could I choose to use just the bite attack and not have to deal with the -5 penalty. Would you allow someone to put a weapon...
  12. D.Shaffer


    From the complete power book, it's additional selection for the Comprehend power. It's a natural fit for my character, as well as many other 'mystic' type characters. Comprehend - Spirits (Paraphrasing from the entry) You can communicate with incorporeal and normally invisible and inaudible...
  13. D.Shaffer

    Pimp my Ass!

    Ok, technically it's a Mule, but it works out much better as a title. To summarise, the party has a 'mascot' of sorts, in the form of a mule. He's been with us a while, and we've grown probably just a bit to attached to it. It's gotten to the point that he's probably wearing more magical items...
  14. D.Shaffer

    Kung Fu Grip!

    ...There are times I REALLY love Hasbro. http://www.hasbro.com/gijoe/kungfugrip/ It's one of the most hilarious things I've seen in a while, and safe for work viewing. :D
  15. D.Shaffer


    Havent seen much talk about Supernatural lately. Since it's just come off hiatus with a new eps last night, I thought I'd try drumming up some more discussion. Avoiding spoilers, I thought it was a pretty decent episode. I saw the major plot twist about a quarter into things, although it was...
  16. D.Shaffer

    paperclip siege devices

    I'm not sure if this belongs here or the mini's section, but considering the materials it's from, probably more deserving for here. Need a quick and easy siege instrument for the office? Look no further. The office supplies Trebuchet! I'm already making my own variant. Had anyone else seen...
  17. D.Shaffer

    Prestige Class: Halfling Outrider

    Just planning for the future here. Would like to see if we can make the Halfling Outrider (C. War. p 38) available as that's sort of the direction I'm pushing my halfling now.
  18. D.Shaffer

    Feat: Poison Immunity/Resistance

    For a future character idea. Originally from 3.0's BoVD (p49), it has yet to be officially transfered over to 3.5 (Or if it has, I havent found it), but it doesnt seem that powerful so I'm hoping there's no issue brought up with it. Summarised: POISON IMMUNITY - BoVD p49 Choose one type of...
  19. D.Shaffer

    Improving the Wild Cohort feat

    The Wild Cohort feat on the wizards website (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031118a) seems to get mentioned at least once a month. Usually accompanied by comments such as 'Nice idea, but not as good as "Insert combo here." I was toying with the idea of upscaling it a bit to make...
  20. D.Shaffer

    Intelligent Mount/Unintelligent Rider?

    Has anyone ever encountered a situation where you have an intelligent creature serving as a mount for an animal intelligence creature trained to act like a rider/combat helper? How did you handle it? As a bit of a background for this question, there is a race in a novel series I'm thinking...