• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Camelot

    My Solution to the 15-Minute Workday: The Hero Score

    Existing Solutions that I Don't Like When trying to do research to find out how other DMs solve the problem of the 15-minute workday in 4th edition, I found two main categories: 1. The DM has to build the adventure to prevent taking extended rests until a certain point in the adventure is...
  2. Camelot

    Hybrids and Armor

    Just a question that I can't find a ruling on: I want to make a hybrid Cleric/Ranger who uses melee weapons. The hybrid Cleric gets the full Healer's Lore feature, so can I trade that out for Battle Cleric's Lore (Dragon Magazine 400)? Normally, such a character would only have proficiency in...
  3. Camelot

    Roleplaying Encouragement

    I'm looking for a system to add onto my games that will encourage my players to roleplay a bit more. When I say roleplay, I don't just mean say some colorful things about they way they smash the kobold's head in, but actually play a consistent character and form interesting connections with the...
  4. Camelot

    [Recruiting] Dragon Age RPG

    Dragon Age: Bleeding The little town of Lothering in South Ferelden has recently been the source of both heroes and heretics. Before being overrun by the Fifth Blight, the Grey Warden now known as the Hero of Ferelden began a long and arduous journey; Hawke, the Champion of Kirkwall, fled the...
  5. Camelot

    Wizard Wands

    I am making a game! The first of many, hopefully. I have the rules all written up, and now I have to get to work on the cards. I hope you enjoy! Overview You and your friends are wizard’s apprentices, who normally must study for years under a wizard master in order to gain the slightest...
  6. Camelot

    RPG Map Images Resource?

    I've recently downloaded MapTools, which I'm sure many of you out there use, and I want to make my own maps for it. Does anyone know of any good resources for images to use in maps? For example: trees, bushes, chairs, tables, viewed from the top. Google searching for every little thing is a...
  7. Camelot

    Help me think of a name for a homemade race!

    In my homebrew world, the first nine intelligent races (which are, for most of the world's history, the most common races) are each made by an individual god. Dwarves - God of Justice, Protection, Skill, and Earth Elves - God of Wilderness, Earth, Sea, and Storm Gnomes - God of Hope, Life, Sun...
  8. Camelot

    5 Skills for Any Situation

    D&D skill systems that I've seen have a wide range of skills that each use a specific ability score, implying that they are only used in certain ways. The best example of why this is a problem is Intimidate. If a really strong fighter with a high Strength but low Charisma wants to scare the...
  9. Camelot

    Fearsome Knight

    If you have ever wanted to play a dark knight character, but without all the baggage of being a blackguard, or the striker role of a slayer, then these options for Knights from the Heroes of the Fallen Lands book are for you! Fearsome Knight Now your enemies will quake in fear at your...
  10. Camelot

    Sling Hunter - Ranger Build

    The hunter ranger in Heroes of the Fallen Lands can use a bow or a crossbow to great effect. But the third ranged category, the sling, is ignored. Here are alternate class features to play a sling hunter, as well as the slingshot weapon, a two-handed sling that doesn't deal as much damage as a...
  11. Camelot

    Hill Gnome (Hobbit) Race

    Sometimes, you just want to play a hobbit. But halflings in D&D, at least for me, don't cut it. Halflings are sly, dodgy, thieving, and charismatic, and while those are all things a hobbit CAN be, but it's not what a hobbit is most known for. They're relaxed, happy, somewhat chubby, and like to...
  12. Camelot

    Giggling Babies

    Apparently there's an ad around here that plays the sound of babies saying "da-da" over and over...and over...but when I look, none of the ads match the sound at all, though the one that's always there is the Lysol ad. It's seriously playing every page I open. Is there a way to stop this...
  13. Camelot

    Dragon Pact Hexblade

    Many moons ago, I created the dragon pact for warlocks. That was before the hexblade came out in Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms. Now the hexblade also has the choice of dragons as his or her patrons! Dragon_Pact_Hexblade
  14. Camelot

    Heroes of the Feywild Speculation

    Thread for general speculation, hopes, some discussion, but no arguments! I think the most certain thing we'll see is a druid build, probably a controller and probably a shapeshifter, but built differently than the original one, Essentials-style. We might see some other primal classes getting...
  15. Camelot

    Battles & Badges

    A while ago, I started a project to make a Pokemon TTRPG using the D&D 4e rules. I had quite some help from the folks on this board, and now that I've started back up, I thought I'd put it here to see who's interested. Battles_&_Badges is completely seperate from D&D 4e, besides almost...
  16. Camelot

    Reverse Expectations

    I had a thought. Since the dawn of roleplaying games, there have been levels. Many games today try to kill this sacred cow. However, there is one thing that you cannot (and many would say should not) get rid of; while playing, your character gets stronger. What if this were relatively not...
  17. Camelot

    What's a good game for...?

    What's a good game (not a board game or card game, but a pen and paper roleplaying game, dice optional) for two people to play, one that's simple enough to learn in one day and good for playing a one-shot? Any genre!
  18. Camelot

    Theme: Back from the Dead!

    Raised_Character_Theme The Raise Dead ritual requires the subject to have been dead for no longer than 30 days. A month still gives a lot of time for something to happen to a wandering soul in the afterlife, and it could return to its body with newfound powers! Also, as you can see...I...
  19. Camelot

    How much would this house rule break the game?

    All characters and monsters can use the higher of their Constitution or Wisdom for hit points and healing surges, and can use the higher of their Dexterity or Intelligence for initiative.
  20. Camelot

    Avenger Build

    The menacing avenger is based on the idea of an inquisitor (y'know, one of the ones from Spain), working through threats and fear, using one creature as an example for the others. Level_1 Levels_2-10 As someone brought up, since they use Wisdom and Charisma, they'd fall behind in AC...