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  1. Warpiglet-7

    D&D 5E Long time players and 5e’s success

    Where do the long term players fit into 5e’s success? The simple answer is that they are not that important from a numbers of players point of view. Folks leaving their 40s are not a huge block in the player pool. We get reminded of this frequently. And in some cases it is suggested that a...
  2. Warpiglet-7

    D&D 5E I’d be glad for MAD

    So I recently rolled some stats that would allow for 16s in two mental stats (chr and int) if I take a tiefling or half elf, while still having decent con and dex. I was excited; I can make another artificer that is good at social skills. I haves decided I am tired of SAD characters...
  3. Warpiglet-7

    D&D 5E Alchemical Savant and Greenflame Blade

    So I am going to play an alchemist. I normally parse things and figure rules out to my satisfaction but am stumped here. Advice very appreciated! Does Alchemical Savant grant an intelligence boost to greenflame blade? For this to happen, you must use alchemical supplies as a focus. And...
  4. Warpiglet-7

    D&D 5E Great scores weak subclass; strong subclass so-so scores

    I have been a fan of taking “weaker” subclasses just because I like their flavor. I also am a fan of playing against type with fixed ASIs. Now to my point… What do you think is the relative importance of ability scores, optimized race and subclass In various combinations? I have usually done...
  5. Warpiglet-7

    D&D (2024) 1/2 in, half out

    I have been thinking about the upcoming game maybe a little more realistically. When 3.5 came out we simply did not see the need. I was not even tempted. At first with 5e I felt the same. Worse, I did not like many proposed changes to classes we are anticipating. Then I gave it some more...
  6. Warpiglet-7

    D&D (2024) Boring things that might mean something…

    initially I was less that lukewarm about 5.5. And maybe now I lukewarm about some of it anyway. While everyone is excited to see new subclasses and implementation of old ones, I am looking forward to something more much more mundane. And I don’t know if it is coming. I would like a good...
  7. Warpiglet-7

    D&D 1E Deities and demigods 1st printing

    So I just got an early unexpected birthday present. It is a 1st printing of deities and demigods with Elric and hp lovecraft stuff…(correction, 2nd printing) So my question is “how many were printed?” I am clearly not selling ever and want to prominently display in my game room :) I was just...
  8. Warpiglet-7

    D&D 5E Restrictive DMs and player enjoyment

    I just “clocked out” and started designing a character. And then started thinking that my idea would not fly at all tables. Some DMs would say “no.” That would be a drag and made me question: do players prefer a restrictive or permissive DM? Curious if any players prefer a tight fisted DM vs...
  9. Warpiglet-7

    D&D General What do you actually like about D&D?

    In some recent threads I began to suspect some people don’t like D&D. As in people who play it but almost only find fault or compare it to something else they simply like better. This made we wonder: what is the attraction? For me, the genre itself is appealing in a way the Wild West, wuxia...
  10. Warpiglet-7

    D&D General Kicking the tires vs. puncturing the tires; being effective vs. breaking the game

    I have enjoyed a few recent threads which have wandered into interesting territory. It is one that clearly demonstrates that people have widely varying opinions and tastes and have very good justification for point and counter point. I mean I have always known this; it’s just really been on...
  11. Warpiglet-7

    D&D General Making and surviving the break…

    I have mentioned many times before I have been an every other edition guy so I can answer the questions for myself. I am interested in hearing how it is for others! I played AD&D 1e, 3e and now am fully entrenched in 5e. What makes folks (you) stay with an edition? What are the costs of...
  12. Warpiglet-7

    D&D General Dave “Diesel” Laforce at Gen Con!

    Just want to prop up some old school artists! He was cool and working his booth. I almost fell over when I saw his name tag. They had a 1e lizard man shirt I was eyeing and he was going to help me find my size! He has some signed prints but wish I would have brought my books!
  13. Warpiglet-7

    D&D 5E Gen Con weirdness

    So my friends and some of our kids came to Gen Con. We have played D&D in the hotel at night and spent much of our time haunting the great hall. One friend wanted to go by wizards of the coast and buy up some books. Except there is no wizards of the coast booth! In the past I recall them...
  14. Warpiglet-7

    D&D General Encounters

    Does anyone have a recommendation for drop in encounters? I want to flesh out and adventure but would love a resource with encounters I can pilfer. I would like an encounter at a bridge over a river, a fight near a hazard, things I can drop in. Traps are great too. My project is ambitious so...
  15. Warpiglet-7

    D&D 5E Giant skeleton stats

    So I have acquired some giant skeleton miniatures of the hill, frost and fire variety. However, I do not know where to find their official stats! Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  16. Warpiglet-7

    D&D 5E Strength rogue and feats

    I was toying with the idea of a strength rogue. Maybe assassin, maybe mastermind l, maybe other. To that end, I was thinking about a brawler who would take grappling feat and then if stuck in individual combat, grapple and round two sneak attack 2/2 advantage. Has anyone tried something like...
  17. Warpiglet-7

    D&D 5E Help me plan!

    So at long last I am having a friend-con! I had so much fun in the early 90s going to gencon. The feeling never left me. Seeing painted armies and foam terrain blew me away…and I want to do something special for my lifelong friends to show them something similar. Or better. Now I have a 4’...
  18. Warpiglet-7

    D&D 5E Good modules (not APs)

    Hello! I was hoping for some recommendations for modules for 5e. Bonus points for older style adventures or even updated ones. I have keep on the borderlands for 5e. I really would like shorter adventures in lieu of adventure paths or 1-15 type stuff. Thanks in advance for any...
  19. Warpiglet-7

    D&D 5E I think I want to mainly dm?

    So I have always taken turns DMing, but my campaigns have not lasted to higher levels. Often this was due to new babies being born etc! Anyway, I have a campaign setting I have worked in since 2016. I have built terrain. I have 1000s invested in minis. I have a custom gaming table. I...
  20. Warpiglet-7

    D&D 5E Rare unusual subclasses

    I am fascinated by the large number of subclasses. Bards that do psychic damage with their blade? Druids that have fiery pets? The list goes on. I am curious to hear about your experiences taking a subclass that is likely not the most frequently encountered…