• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Keaggan

    Buried Submarine Encounter

    GM Question: setting is a realistic post apocalypse and the PCs find a small black tower isilated in the flat sands. On top is the hatch to a burrried submarine; what 3 things are found inside? 1. Something interesting that adds flavor to the setting or situation? 2. Something useful that...
  2. Keaggan

    D&D 5E D&D5e Dropping to 0 HP Alt Rules

    I'm making some adjustments to some rules to the game. How I do not want to implement them before I have a chance to get some feedback. I know there are many experienced D&D5e GMs in here so I'd like to hear from all of you. A Quick FYI, I run my games where the PCs can only get a long rest from...
  3. Keaggan

    D&D 5E MAGIC ITEM: First Betrayer's Tail

    Hello everyone. Need some feedback on this magic item I made for one of my players. I make unique items (legendary relic level) that grow with each player through the campaign. A bit of background on the PC that is getting is a Sorcerer that had to permanently sacrifice 4 spell slots to acquire...
  4. Keaggan

    Designer Diary - Welcome to the Sticks

    When we care about someone, we want to share their enthusiasm. Say encouraging things like "you're the best singer I've ever heard" or "no, you look good in that dress." But to get valuable feedback to improve and grow, we need honest, an unbiased critique. Hello everyone! My name is Keaggan...