• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. D

    D&D General Forest Based Campaign: resources and tips

    My players have come to me with the idea of running a campaign entirely within a vast enchanted forest. The main hub will be an elven tree city like unto Lothlorien. They will be Forest Defenders combating a invading Empire that wants to exploit their resources. Are there any good resources out...
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    D&D General What is the appeal of Tolkien fantasy races?

    I'll admit I'm a new school D&D player/DM. I've never discounted a player idea in osr or 5e, but I still wonder. Dwarves, elves, halflings... and so on. Why do people chose these races? To me, elves and dwarves are just humans with some tokrm magic element. Turtle people, and cat people and...
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    D&D 5E How to run a cooking contest in iD&D

    I want one of my PCs to challenge a powerful, nigh unkillable, fairy lord to a cooking contest to save their town. How can I make this mechanically interesting and fun? Bonus points if we can involve the rest of the party as well.
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    D&D 5E Changing up my Princes of the Apocalypse campaign

    I'm running a much modifed 5e update of Village of Hommlet now and will soon be transitioning into PotA. It's got some neat stuff but the Four Prophets and their cults aren't well defined. Once you get past the Haunted Forts section they're all pretty much mustache twirling villains who are evil...
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    D&D General Yan C Bin is the worst name in D&D

    It's worse than Blibdoolpoolp which is at least hilariously weird. Yan C Bin featured in a previous campaign and we called him Yancy the entire time and joked that the C probably stood for something embarrassing like Clarence or Clementine. I wonder if there's an interesting history behind this...
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    D&D 5E Forge of Fury - Missing Handaxe

    I'm running FoF for my party, though modified to fit our campaign world and to challenge my 5th level party. In the aftermath section is lists a handaxe from area 14 that bears the forgemark and can be resold, yet when I turn to area 14 I see not mention of this item, nor do I see any other...
  7. D

    Please Stat This Monster (WTF?!)

    http://wyvern.furvect.com/Menagerie/Art/Alternative-Transformations/salamander+beholder+girl1.png Also, what one earth is it?
  8. D

    Jumping over Opponents

    I have one player that really enjoys leaping over rows of minions or soldiers to get at the squishy bad guys behind them. I don't want to prevent the character from doing so since the player clearly enjoys it, but i want to make sure it's being done properly and won't become overpowering. Are...
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    Infinite Dungeon Tiles?

    I noticed that home laminating machines have gotten down to the 40 to 60 dollar range. I was wondering if one could combine such a device with cardstock and online art/maps to produce and infinite supply of dungeon tiles? Would this work? Would it be time/cost effective? Would there be...
  10. D

    Rolling Corpse-Ball of Doom:

    Please critique as this is my first original 4e monster. This should teach the adventurers not to leave trussed up corpse-balls lying around the dungeon for the evil necromancer to find. Rolling Corpse-Ball of Doom Level 2 Elite Skirmisher The Rolling Corpse-Ball is constructed from...
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    Swamp based Modules

    I am planning an adventure set in an abandoned city that has been reclaimed by the large swamp that surrounds it. Are there any pre-existing adventure modules set in swamp or swamp-like conditions? Or, if I should be so lucky, that involve a partially submerged city or ruins?
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    Vecna Worshipping PC

    I have a player that wants to play a Dragonborn Cleric who secretly worships Vecna. I thought this made some amount of sense since Vecna is a god of secrets. Any advice? Has anyone had a vecna worshiper in their party before? Are their any good sources of vecna lore? How his followers act...
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    Castle Greyhawk vs Undermountain

    I am only aware of these megadungeons by reputation having never read any modules set in them. But they seem relatively similar to me. Both are giant crazy death traps built my insane mages. How are they different? Which is better?
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    Who is Torog?

    Is this evil god based on something from a previous edition? Is there any more information to be found on him? All the other gods have gobs and gobs of flavour to be found in previous editions. Servants, cults, what they look like. But I have no idea bout Torog here. What sort of thing worships...
  15. D

    Advice! Any ideas on a race of bunny fairy creatures?

    My girlfriend is really in to both bunnies and fairies. I though it would be nice if I could present her with a race of fairy bunnies. I know that in most cases she finds the body shape of the bunny cuter than a humanoid bunny person or bunny girl, so I was thinking fuzzy rabbits with gossamer...
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    Adventuring in the Shadowfell

    So there's this new plane, The Shadowfell. It's neat, sparks my interest, but there's so little written about it. Is there anymore info on it beyond that one paragraph? Has anyone run any games that involved it? There's been some discussion about an upcoming try-it-and-see 4e campaign and...