• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Imaculata

    5e rule set for Call of Cthulhu

    I've been playing a bit more D&D 5e recently, after playing 3.5 for most of my life. I was wondering if there is a good book/ruleset for Call of Cthulhu style campaigns, but with 5e rules? What I'm looking for, is something that plays just like D&D 5e, but has suitable classes for Cthulhu...
  2. Imaculata

    New Dune trailer

    A new trailer for Dune dropped recently. I didn't see a thread for it yet. This is still looking really good. This may be the new Lord of the Rings if they get it right; a movie that we'll be talking about many years after its release. I hope this is that kind of movie. The casting is on point...
  3. Imaculata

    Name that alias (Batman's rogues gallery)

    It would be hard to find anyone on the planet who does not know Batman's real identity. Batman's Rogues gallery is equally well known. But just how well do you know these characters? Can you match the actual full name of the character to their alias, without looking it up? Sidenote: since we're...
  4. Imaculata

    Name that alias (MCU edition)

    With Disney+ releasing a ton of Marvel shows, and more MCU movies on the horizon, now is the best time to test your knowledge of the MCU. Can you match the true full name (including their last name) of each character to their alias, without looking it up? You may think you know most of them, but...
  5. Imaculata

    Name that alias (GoT edition)

    It has been a while since Game of Thrones came to a disappointing conclusion, and plenty of people are still awaiting the new book Winds of Winter (if George ever finishes it). But until that time, how well do you know your Song of Ice and Fire characters? Can you match the full name of the...
  6. Imaculata

    Hate-watching Cursed on Netflix

    CURSED A tragically dull lead, boring villains, dreadful writing, dreadful costumes... okay effects? It seems Netflix shows these days are a little bit like playing Russian Roulette. There are a few gems, but a lot of them are burning heaps of trash. The fantasy show Cursed unfortunately falls...
  7. Imaculata

    Designing a city for my pirate campaign

    I've been working on a map for a new city this week and I thought I'd share my process. Perhaps this can serve as inspiration for other DM's. I'll probably refine the map more in the time leading up to the next session, but I'm already pretty happy with how it is turning out. At first I made a...
  8. Imaculata

    COVID19 and pirates and a dragon

    As we are all dealing with the COVID19 crisis, our D&D groups are forced to adjust. Some groups may cancel their D&D nights completely. But for those who wish to continue running D&D, there are plenty of online alternatives. Although the prospect of learning a new program can be a little bit...
  9. Imaculata

    Starfinder Looking for sci fi maps and tiles

    My group is currently playing a D20 Future scifi campaign, and I've been looking around for some good looking scifi maps and dungeon tiles. However, I haven't been able to find many, and those that I did find were not drawn very well (or are very rusty and/or bloody, which doesn't fit a normal...
  10. Imaculata

    D&D General The Grand List of Dungeon Challenges

    Every now and then us Dungeon Masters suffer a moment of designers block when creating our dungeons. Our dungeon seems to be missing something... an interesting obstacle, or a simple puzzle to spice up that boring maze of corridors and rooms. If only there were a thread with ideas, ready for...
  11. Imaculata

    Have you ever gotten choked up during the game?

    Last Sunday I had to describe a funeral scene to my players, after several npc's had died in a massive naval battle. We run a pirate campaign, and a ship needs a crew. So most of the crew is going to be npc's, and they all have names and a personality. At the conclusion of the battle, I felt...
  12. Imaculata

    Looking for Spaceship dungeon tiles

    Me and my group are big fans of the D&D dungeon tiles. But now that we have started a D20 Future campaign, we're looking to find sci-fi themed tiles that would allow us to easily create lay outs for space ships and space stations. Does anyone have experience with some of these, and can you...
  13. Imaculata

    Battlestations 2nd edition - Review

    A friend of a friend happens to be really into backing boardgame-Kickstarter projects, and so he had this game lying around. I am a big fan of scifi and of cooperative boardgames, so this game seemed right up my alley. Battlestations isn't completely cooperative however, because it still...
  14. Imaculata


    I picked this game up at Spiel in Germany, mostly because of the awesome looking miniatures and solid presentation. Usually I have a rule against such purchases. Games with large boxes and tons of miniatures are often style over substance, and have pretty sub par rules. But I really liked the...
  15. Imaculata

    D&D 5E Fire and Water: Designing themed dungeons

    Fire and Water - Designing themed dungeons Table of contents 1 - Dungeon theme basics 2 - Dungeon side views 3 - Narrative and enemies 4 - Boss battles 5 - Designing a boss room 6 - Player boss strategies 7 - Boss behavior 8 - Ending a dungeon Other resources: Quickleaf wrote this elaborate...
  16. Imaculata

    D&D 5E Prepping your campaign

    -How do you prep your campaigns? -How much do you write before hand, and how much do you improvize? -What is on your table during a session? -And how long do your sessions generally last? As you can see in the pictures, I prep quite a lot, and our sessions generally last up to 8 hours. But...
  17. Imaculata

    Rogue One Review (Spoilers)

    Rogue One - Script writing zero (When too much fan service ruins a movie) As you can probably tell from the title, I did not like Rogue One. But please, if you are a big Star Wars fan, please don't let my opinion ruin your movie going experience. In fact, watch the movie first yourself, and...
  18. Imaculata

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Adventures in Meerheim

    A friend of mine started her first 3.5 campaign a few months ago, but this thread was lost in the big server roll back, so I'm reposting the entire thread (I kept a backup). (Playing the campaign in the garden at night. Mosquitoes and crickets, what better way to set the mood for an...
  19. Imaculata

    D&D 5E First experience with 5th edition and Lost Mines of Phandelver (no spoilers)

    I normally play 3.5 with a group of seasoned role players. But last weekend I had the opportunity to join a 5th edition game with a first time DM, and some newb players. The module he ran for that evening, was Lost Mines of Phandelver. I decided to play a human barbarian called Logue, a...
  20. Imaculata

    D&D 3E/3.5 Pirates of the Emerald Coast (3.5) continues

    Welcome to pirates of the Emerald Coast! This is my very own 3.5 campaign that has been running for over a year now, in the home brew setting of Kirbawa. Pirates of the Emerald Coast is all about swashbuckling, naval combat, and water.. lots of water. Water is the main theme that ties...