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  1. M

    The Untold Adventures of Fap Longwood & Friends!

    The Adventures of Fap Longwood #1 (Lost Mine of Phandelver) Having decided to seek his fortune as an adventurer, Fap Longwood (half-elf ranger) leaves his hometown and travels to the city of Nerverwinter. He hears that Gundren Rockseeker (dwarf prospector) is hiring heroes to escort a wagon of...
  2. M

    Online Adventures in the land of Discord

    Fantastic Adventures #1; 21/05/2020. Today was the first session of our online D&D(5th) game! I've never been too comfortable with Roll20, so we're just using Discord for everything - and honestly, it went pretty well. There are bots (Rhythm & Groove) to add background music to a Discord...
  3. M

    Pathfinder 1E Savage: Legacy of Fire

    SAVAGE: LEGACY OF FIRE Running the Legacy of Fire adventure path, converted to Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. The four player party consists of; NADIYYA EMBERSTORM Beautiful and athletic young human woman, with long black hair and smouldering red eyes. Pale skin that resists the burning gaze...
  4. M

    D&D 5E SH D&D5 Lost Mine of Phandelver & Beyond!

    Knolan Knorth: Human hero/fighter, wields huge a two-handed maul with great enthusiasm (he took the Great Weapon Master feat at character creation, the maul does 2d6 bludgeoning damage and the feat allows him to re-roll either/both if they come up 1 or 2). Korbin Nineflagons: dwarf barbarian...
  5. M

    Roll20 Report / Ironfang Invasion

    Phaendar is a small agricultural town situated on a small hill overlooking the Fangwood forest. Every two months, a large market festival is held in the town square, drawing in merchants and visitors from further afield. Small children run from stall to stall, tugging at their mothers dressed...
  6. M

    Conversion Notes - Sunless Citadel for D&D5

    Sunless Citadel (D&D5 Conversion Notes) I am working on a conversion for Sunken Citadel and beyond. These notes are mostly for my own benefit (my laptop is unreliable and I'm worried I might lose the stuff saved to the hard drive, so I wanted to put a copy online for reference if it does...
  7. M

    [Story Hour] Daring Tales of Adventure

    Tonight we played our first game of Daring Tales of Adventure for Savage Worlds. Around the table were; Pat (the GM) Mike (my good self, playing British mesmerist Nicolas C. Raven) Gary (playing wealthy, Italian playboy Emilio Valentine) Malcolm (playing eccentric inventor Doctor Gizmo) and...
  8. M

    Radiance Playtest / Carrion Crown conversion

    JONAS STENT (level 1, human gallant) STR: 13 (+1) DEX: 16 (+3) WIS: 12 (+1) CON: 14 (+2) INT: 11 (+0) CHA: 16 (+3) FOR: 12 REF: 15 WIL: 15 ATK: +4/+5 DMG: +/1/+3 INIT: +3 (30ft) WND: 8 VIT: 7 DR: 1 RACIAL: Adaptable, Heroic Mien...
  9. M

    mikeawmids runs Rise of the Runelords (in Savage Worlds)

    Some time ago (way back in 2012!), I started running the Rise of the Runelords adventure path converted to Savage Worlds. I originally posted a story hour on the Paizo forums, but recently became aware of and joined EN World and thought I would also create a thread here. I hope you enjoy my...