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Search results

  1. Puxido

    Scifi/ post apoc traps and puzzles

    Im throwing a post apoc/scifi campaign soon. Any ideas on traps and puzzles I can use during the campaign?
  2. Puxido

    Pathfinder 1E Converting damage die by size?

    I'm doing a new campaign, it's going to be set in an alternate WW2 Earth, and I have a question. Is there a program or chart to convert damage die by their size? There's going to be a lot of third party weapons as well as ones made for the campaign, and I'm wondering if there's a program where...
  3. Puxido

    Pathfinder 1E What Pathfinder classes (norm and third party) fit in a modern/nonmagical setting?

    I have an idea for a non-magical campaign, what classes would fit in this world? Things like bikers and greasers and sheriffs and moonshiners, what classes fit some of these things? I think things like Brawler...
  4. Puxido

    Pathfinder 1E Non-magical Bard Archtype?

    Is there one? I want a bard for a non-magical continuity. What if I replaced the spells with the warriors weapon group abilities or the Gunslingers grit? Would that be OP?
  5. Puxido

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder: Fallout-feel Feats.

    I'm having a Fallout set campaign coming up, and I came up with a number of feats that fit the feel, what do you guys think of them? Lady Killer/ Black widow: You get a +2 to attack rolls against people of the opposite gender starting at level one, and this bonus goes up be two at levels 5...
  6. Puxido

    Pathfinder 1E How to treat a Buffalo rifle?

    I've been getting things ready for a modern/western campaign, and I would like to know how to treat a Buffalo/rolling back rifle?
  7. Puxido

    What is the best Free Hex map making tool?

    I'm going to make a open world campaign soon so I need (or rather desire) a hex map making tool. I have a small budget, so free would be preferred. Now, I don't want randomly generated terrain, I want full control over the terrain, and the only free ones I could find seem to have a limit on...
  8. Puxido

    What are you guys running for Easter?

    I know its rather early, but I wanted to do a Christmas campaign but ran out of time... So I thought I might as well start my Easter campaign early. Just one thing.... a Christmas campaign is easy, an adventure in the north pole... I have no idea what to do for Easter. What should I do for my...
  9. Puxido

    How do you make Open world tabletop settings?

    I've heard people talk about this, and I think it would be fun, but it also sounds impossible. Open world is go where you want, do what you want, right? Either your going to need a huge map, or I'm missing something, could somebody help out?
  10. Puxido

    Pathfinder 1E Custom Item: Mask of disguise.

    Homebrew Item: This plague doctors mask disguises the wearer as a human (assuming he is not human, the item does not effect humans), the wearer can choose his skin tone, but not his face, for it is covered by the mask, nor can he choose hair for the same reason. He appears to be a normal human...
  11. Puxido

    Pathfinder 1E Cavalier: Techno mount?

    I was thinking.... What if during a modern-setting campaign, if somebody chooses cavalier (preferably musketeer), could he use a motorcycle, bike, or a ATV as his "steed"? If so, would there be any benefits or penalties?
  12. Puxido

    Pathfinder 1E Tee ball bat: Weapon stats?

    Please read before you reply: If you follow my posts, you know I enjoy adding new weapons into the game (like the Claymore and the irish blackthorn). If you follow these posts, you probably know I have made a post in the past about baseball bats...
  13. Puxido

    Pathfinder 1E Avatar Last Airbender: Classes?

    Hey, I've been wanting to have an avatar themed setting in my group for a while. The only thing holding me back is that I can't find classes that fit the benders from the show. Is there any sources on how to treat anything similar? Preferably from paizo or another similar company. I heard...
  14. Puxido

    Pathfinder 1E Gatling Gun: New Siege weapon.

    Ok, I thought up some rules on how a gatling gun might work in Pathfinder for your wild west campaigns and what not. Gatling gun: Deals 1d10 damage capacity: 1d12+ Rules: A gatling gun uses a chain fed ammunition supply, requiring the user to crank the lever to shoot the gun. There are...
  15. Puxido

    Pathfinder 1E Wait, the katana only does d8?

    I just looked it up in my Ultimate equipment, and it says it does d8, I thought it did d10, same as a bastard sword. I know the bastard sword is bigger than the katana, but I always thought the katana was more "deadlier", and I know the katana has "Deadly" special ability, but that only comes...
  16. Puxido

    Pathfinder 1E Shouldn't the Khopesh sword do Bludgeoning as well?

    I looked up the Khopesh sword today in the guides, and I noticed it only did slicing damage. If I recall, I believe Khopesh's blunt side could be used as an effective bludgeoning weapon as well.
  17. Puxido

    Pathfinder 1E Would a cutlass be a rapier, longsword, or shortsword?

    I've been thinking about this, but cant really figure it out.
  18. Puxido

    Pathfinder 1E Custom Weapon group: Aquatic.

    Whether your training is amongst pirates, privateers, traders or so forth, you have trained on the high seas for most of your career, and as such your proficiency with weapons commonly found aboard a ship has shown itself true. These weapons include: Handaxe, throwing axe, longsword, scimitar...
  19. Puxido

    Pathfinder 1E Homebrew: Deity favored weapon group.

    Hey, I was writing a campaign earlier, and the religion was not a pantheon. Since for the most part there was only going to be one deity, excluding old ones and cults of evil outsiders, I decided rather than giving the deity a favored weapon, give him a favored weapon group, and clerics and...
  20. Puxido

    Pathfinder 1E Profession farmer proficiencies homebrew.

    I was making an npc today who was an Inquisitor, with the profession farmer due to his backstory. It come to me, if he's a farmer, should I treat him as proficient with scythes, and any other farm tool that can dual as a weapon (assuming it's of European origin). Would this be a balanced homebrew?