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Search results

  1. L

    Looking for interesting thrown weapon mechanics.

    Most seam pretty bland. "Throwing knives 30ft + str". for example just doest grab me.
  2. L

    Mouse Guard/Torchbearer question, Are there any premade aids for these games? Goals, Beliefs...etc

    premade goals, beliefs, missions and so on ?
  3. L

    Looking for a game with pregenerated quests/plot lines that can turn into a full story.

    And the story would be random every time.
  4. L

    What games, homebrews or advise does anyone have on making running the game more of a Co-op experience.

    Something that can brige the gap of player and DM and there working together on the story. Rules are that written without a DM guide. Like if a new person read how to play the game they would also understand how to run one.
  5. L

    What games are the best organized / easy to understand ?

    As in well written and won't have to reference a website or a friend to understand it. Some kind of D20 type is preferred. Thanks all !!!
  6. L

    how many attacks should be allowed per round before its just nonsense or a pain for running a game.

    how many attacks should be allowed per round before its just nonsense or a pain for running a game ?
  7. L

    New or dynamic ways for Armor class suggestions

    We all know the " rolled 10 + 5 so you hit the goblins AC of 15" But is there any ideas or different ways to make it feel more natural without complicated it too much or just something different? Hope that made sense all. :) Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  8. L

    Game concept: In game death, permanent vs Mario style. Is there a happy medium ?

    I'm trying to make a death and resurrection concept that is not " well your character see ya next week with a new one " and also not " O your character died, eh pay the healer 5,000 gold and your good ". Is there a happy medium that doest kill the momentum of the game but also doest let players...
  9. L

    Looking for generic/open source monster behavior tables like in Godbound

    Something like this, thanks all. Guardian Automaton AC: 3 Move: 40’ run Hit Dice: 12 Save: 10+ Attack: +10 x 2 attacks Damage: 2d12 smash or blast Morale: 12 Effort: 4 This particular relict was built for defense, and is enough to provide a mild challenge for a novice pantheon or a serious...
  10. L

    Looking for modules that have story but no stats./Modules for a low amount of players 1-4 or less.

    1.As in it gives you the story but no monsters or skill checks so its easier to add your own encounters? 2.Modules for a low amount of players 1-4 or less. Or more geared for one on one play? 3.Are there any module building tools out there that can help me with this ?
  11. L

    Building a skill based on being musically gifted.

    I'm trying to make a skill for a musically minded characters, but I don't know how this would help them in or out of combat. All I can come up with so far is rhythm attacks and maybe better hearing. Help please :)
  12. L

    Pathfinder 1E What are your favorite rage powers for flavor or dramatic effect ?

    What are your favorite rage powers for flavor or dramatic effect or what ones have you re-skinned ?
  13. L

    I've been trying to build a an offline infinite story line and looking for some ideas.

    So, I've play games like " the dead of winter " and alot of D20 rpgs and I was looking for a way to build a module story line of sorts but I'm having a hard time how to go about. One idea is that each quest tells you more about the world as you complete them. But thats about all I've been...
  14. L

    Looking for ways to make a perpetual storyline. Maybe with quests ?

    Looking for ways to make a perpetual storyline. Maybe with quests ? Has anyone ever heard of this or made something similar.
  15. L

    Stats. Hate them ? Love them ? Think they can be better ? Or an outdated concept ?

    Stats seem to be at the center of most rpgs, but do we need them ? Are they important to how a character is " seen " or is it something we keep carrying on from other roleplaying systems because that is what we have always done. Can they be better ? I'm not looking at any one system to change...
  16. L

    MBTI for bonuses.

    So I'm looking to add bonuses with the MBTI personally test. Something like an extravert gets +2 to diplomacy and maybe +2 to damage and so on. Has anyone done anything like this before? Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk
  17. L

    What's is your favorite D20/D10 RPG and why ?

    I would love to know that D20 you like the most and what part stands out above other systems. Example, you love pathfinder but still think Thaco is the best thing ever. Thanks all ! Sent from my E6782 using Tapatalk
  18. L

    Need help gathering a board game maker kit

    Hello I'm looking to build a board game kit of sorts and I'm looking for recommendations like card board printers, cutting tools, wacom tablet...as you can tell I'm not sure where to start. So any input is appreciated. Thanks all! Sent from my E6782 using Tapatalk
  19. L

    Help with finding a skill tree template

    Looking for a template for ether word or excel to a make skill tree or advice on how to make one. Maybe something that looks like dragon age Inquisition-ish Sent from my E6782 using Tapatalk
  20. L

    Looking for/write a GM step by step guide

    Hello all, I was looking for/possibly starting to write a step by step Game Master guide. Something as easy as reading institutions for a board game. I feel a lot of the wording in books is pretty vague for most new GMs. Anyway if you of you have any suggestions and/or can point me in the right...