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  1. P

    2-hour adventures

    My 2 players and I usually have very short periods to play so we enjoyed the adventure "Winter's splendor" that is given for free in the latest edition of Dragon+. This adventure caught my attention becuase it mentiones that it is to be played in 2~4hours, which is accurate. Do you know about...
  2. P

    Making my own DM/GM/Referee screen

    Hello, I am thinking about making my own DM/GM/Referee screen and I want to know your suggestions about which tables are the most useful to include. So far I want to include these tables: NPC reactions Emotion matrix Weapons with damage/range Armor with AC Movement...
  3. P

    D&D 5E CoS question -- DM ONLY, PLAYERS STAY AWAY!! --

    Just started reading Curse of Stradh. Pg. 24: Sunlight in Barovia: The sunlight of Barovia´s sun isn’t considered as sunlight for purpose of vulnerabilities. I feel I missed something, the main villain is a vampire, the foreword even says that they hoped to bring the vampire folktale to its...
  4. P

    D&D 5E noob question: roll Xd and add it to your roll...

    Bardic inspiration grants a die (6d, 8d, 10d or 12d) that can be rolled and added to the number rolled to an ability check, attack roll, or saving thow. Are there other rules that allow an extra die to be used as in bardic inspiration?
  5. P

    D&D 5E Green flame ?

    Hello, I recently saw the some recordings of Adquisitions Incorporated and noticed that when the DM says 'green flame' the audience would shout 'green flame'. Other D&D products mention the 'green flame', for example the spell Green Flame blade in the 5e's PHB, the green flames on the eyes and...
  6. P

    Noob question: freedom to use mechanics?

    I recently started dreaming with making my own rpg. I would do it only for love to the game and for my own satisfaction, and I would like that the final product has professional quality. Thinking about what I need it seems the most basic are the setting/ambiance (Fluff) and the mechanics...
  7. P

    Horror RPG mechanics

    Since Curse of Stradh was announced I have felt again drawn to horror-themes after getting away from them for several years. Now I daydream about home-brewing a simple system for a sporadic horror campaign. Unfortunately I know few horror games so until now I am just considering as inspiration...
  8. P

    Lamentations of the Flame Princess // Ability checks?

    I am reading the basic book "Rules & Magic" of Lamentations of the Flame Princess which I understand is the equivalent to D&D´s Player´s handbook. I have seen the rules for combat and its basic mechanic (roll d20, apply modifiers and try to get higher than the adversary´s AC), however I...
  9. P

    RPGs from Spain (Plenilunio & La Mirada del Centinela)

    I want to add new games to my collection and maybe I can get these two games from Spain: Plenilunio La Miranda del Centinela Does anyone know anything about them? I did a quick search and could not find much. I will appreciate very much any comments!
  10. P

    Help please! Adventure/Module suggestion

    Hello, With the hype of Episode VII I plan to run a Star Wars game during December. I will play it with my family using the D6 system. I ask you to please suggest me a module to run. I want something interesting with many opportunities to roleplay and all the clichés from Star Wars, must be...
  11. P

    D&D 5E Stradh Von Zarovich, formidable Necromancer? / Necromancer build for 5e

    Stradh Von Zarovich is the only famous Necromancer that I know. I looked his stats in the books I own and also on the internet, and I found that they vary (as it was expected). Which would you say that are the most recent/updated stats for Stradh? Is he really a great Necromancer? What makes...
  12. P

    D&D 5E D&D fantasy & sci-fi

    I have seen that the sneak peak about WotC's new storyline points towards "Expedition to Barrier Peaks" so I looked for information about that module and found that it is fantasy + sci-fi. This has made me wonder about which other modules have there been that crossed over fantasy and sci-fi and...
  13. P

    D&D 3E/3.5 1e, 2e, 3/3.5e or 4e to 5e Conversion guidelines?

    A lot has been said lately about how little new material is available for 5e and how WotC will not be publishing as much as some people may want. Also that the best option that we have is to rely on the material from previous editions by converting it "easily" to 5e (or to create your own, which...
  14. P

    Campaing PCs made into playable heroes in the D&D Adventure System games

    A few days ago I saw at a D&D 5e´s google community that Dan Head had created his daughter’s PC as a playable hero for the board game Temple of Elemental Evil. I think the idea is great and as I have this game I want to adapt the PCs of our current campaign so they can be heroes in this board...
  15. P

    D&D 5E Monster Slayers: Champions of the Elements

    I just saw in the WotC website a new feature article which is titled "Monster Slayers: Champions of the Elements" and which talks about an adventure with the same name. However I couldn't find any additional information about that adventure. Does anyone know more about this?
  16. P

    D&D 5E Tiefling´s horns & tail

    Tiefling´s horns & tail Hi, I want to play a Tiefling. The horns count as natural weapons in which I have proficiency, right? Does anyone know the damage that the horns can make? The tail is four to five ft long which lash or coils... can I grab things with it? If I cant grab things with it...
  17. P

    D&D 5E Beginner´s question: Melee attacks cause a DEX saving throw?

    Beginner´s question: Melee attacks cause a DEX saving throw? Hello, I have read the PHB and recently I got the DMG. Last night I read Jeremy Crawford´s article on ability checks and I am somewhat confused. The DMG says that the DEX saving throw is to use to "dodge your way out of damage"...
  18. P

    D&D 5E Beginner question / ability check + proficiency bonus

    Hello, I'm doing my 1st bard ever and while reading the rules I find that the feature Jack of all trades says that you can add half your proficiency bonus to any ability check that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus. I understand that "ability check" means about a roll for any of...