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Search results

  1. molepunch

    Caster and Non-Casters

    In a typical fantasy setting, I've always wondered if it even makes any sense for a "Fighter" to stand on equal ground as a hero with a Wizard or a spell caster. It's like having super heroes and policemen in the same team. I love playing the melee warrior guy and 3.5 has always bored me...
  2. molepunch

    New PF DM

    Hi all! I've never DMed in 3.x or PF before and am starting a new PF group. I must confess I'm spoiled by how easy it is for me to plan and improv in 4E and how loose OD&D is so I'm nervous about being a PF DM. Anything I should most keep in mind? Or should I not even try? I don't wish to...
  3. molepunch

    Smartphone Apps for DMs/Players

    Hi all. I'm hoping to compile a list of useful and recommended apps for smartphones or the iPad that us table-top gamers. Please feel free to contribute and I'll do my best to update it with a credit. If a similar thread already exists I'm happy to transfer my post there instead. The list...
  4. molepunch

    The DM Burnout and How to Get Past That: Advice?

    Hi all, A little background: as far as I've remembered, in all my gaming groups since high school I tend to be the default DM. I'm passionate about the game, but I wouldn't call myself someone who loves to DM. I sometimes equate the position as being the stage manager of a production, the...
  5. molepunch

    Arg, Too Many Monster Stat Blocks

    Hi all, While I'm still passionate about DMing, I've been getting lazier and lazier in copying down monster stat blocks into my DM notes. Sometimes, I keep flipping back and forth between the pages in the Monster Manual bookmarked by index cards. Am I the only one here? I just can't be arsed...
  6. molepunch

    Saving Throw vs Death Saving Throw

    Hi all, I'm in need of a rules expert. Is a death saving throw techinically a saving throw in terms of triggering from effects/abilities that go off saving throws? Or are they two very separate things? According to the rules compendium it says that DSTs "work like" STs. That's a tad vague still...