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Search results

  1. UselessTriviaMan

    The Grindhouse Arena: Coming to a Convention Near You?

    Back in 2011 I found myself doodling on a piece of paper in a boring sales meeting. I came up with the start of an idea for a set piece D&D battle arena. This thing quickly gained traction in my head, and about a year later the Grindhouse Arena was born. I first unleashed this thing on the world...
  2. UselessTriviaMan

    D&D 5E Inspiration: House rule improvements?

    I don't know about you, but I was unsatisfied with the RAW Inspiration. Specifically, I didn't like the only-one-inspiration-at-a-time; having played (and enjoyed) Savage Worlds, I much prefer its Bennie mechanic where you have a pool of spendable points. I "borrowed" a concept from other GMs...
  3. UselessTriviaMan

    QC Game Fest (Davenport, Iowa) Apr 22-23, 2017

    Anyone else planning to attend QC Game Fest? It's gonna be pretty spectacular! Play To Win: It's back for a second year, and we'll be giving away about a hundred board games in Play To Win. In each four-hour time slot, there will be a selection of board games available for anyone to play. (QCGF...
  4. UselessTriviaMan

    Ultimate Comedy Movie March Madness: ROUND FIVE (Sweet 16) voting now open!

    What's the funniest movie of all time? I'm not really a basketball person, but I do love comedy. So with a lot of input from online friends, I built a mammoth 256-entry March Madness bracket for comedy movies. Here's the first piece of Round 1. The rules are simple - in each head-to-head match...
  5. UselessTriviaMan

    QC Game Fest (Davenport, Iowa) Apr 30-May 1, 2016

    QC Game Fest is coming! FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – QC Game Fest Announces Inaugural Details Games+1 and the QC Game Fest committee wish to announce the inaugural year of what will become an annual event here in the Quad Cities area of Iowa and Illinois. QC Game Fest, a tabletop board gaming...
  6. UselessTriviaMan

    Gamicon (Iowa City) Feb 20-22: Anybody else going?

    The thread title says it: Is anybody else braving the Iowegian winter and going to Gamicon Omega? I'll be there all weekend, and I'm running games on Friday and Saturday. It's at a new venue this year, at the downtown Sheraton Hotel. So who else is ready for some gaming??
  7. UselessTriviaMan

    XenoCon 3: Oct 3-5, 2014 (Davenport, IA)

    XenoCon 3 will take place October 3-5, 2014 at CASI in Davenport, Iowa. GM Event Registration is happening right now - you can submit your event at XenoCon's website or (for the local crowd) pick up a GM sheet at Games +1. You can also now order your player badge (only $20 for the entire...
  8. UselessTriviaMan

    XenoCon 2013 - May 17-19 in Milan, IL (Quad Cities)

    Hey all, I wanted to extend an invitation to anybody in the mighty Midwest of the USA - our local Quad Cities gaming convention, XenoCon, will take place May 17-19 at the Milan Community Center in Milan, IL. This year we've moved to the Illinois side of the river to a bigger (and much nicer)...
  9. UselessTriviaMan

    OGRE Designer's Edition on Kickstarter

    (Opening caveat: I do not work for Steve Jackson Games. I just think this is awesome.) I know that these forums are crawling with dedicated fans of RPG's, but if you have any inclinations towards old school board/war games, Steve Jackson is redoing his first game, OGRE, in a huge way. And by...
  10. UselessTriviaMan

    The Quest for Kurrigan's Gold - a puzzle to whet your appetites

    The old sea captain has called you to his parlor. He hands you an old scroll and asks you to do what he could not. Solve the code. Use the secrets hidden within to find the legendary treasure of Kurrigan the Blackheart, pirate scourge of the Torn Coast, who vanished from the Sea of Storms aboard...
  11. UselessTriviaMan

    Total Blackout

    So yeah, I've now got a new guilty-pleasure addition to my Favorite TV Shows list. Anybody else catch the first episodes? This thing is HILARIOUS!
  12. UselessTriviaMan

    Designing a convention RPG tournament

    I have... this... thing. When I come up with an idea for a game, it tends to be completely over the top. (I'm pretty sure it's a major disad. Just ask my wife.) My next project: I want to organize and run a role-playing tournament at a local convention. I've got a little over a year to put it...
  13. UselessTriviaMan

    4/21~22: Xenocon, with GoH Frank Mentzer!

    The first annual Xenocon is set to take place on April 21 and 22 at the Duck Creek Lodge in Davenport, Iowa. The Guest of Honor for this inaugural convention is none other than Frank Mentzer! Xenocon Flier Mark it on your calendars, gamers of the Midwestern US! (And anyone else who'd be...
  14. UselessTriviaMan

    Evolution of a convention game: The Grindhouse (lotsa pics!)

    It began with a doodle on a piece of graph paper during a ridiculously boring weekly sales meeting. I'd been thinking about running a convention game for a while, and I remembered how much fun I'd had playing in a convention grand melee game I'd participated in about twenty years ago. I mulled...
  15. UselessTriviaMan

    Convention: Gamicon Phi (Iowa City, IA) Feb 10~12

    Anybody going?? I'm excited about going to this convention for the first time, especially since it's within easy driving distance. Also, I'll be running an epic Pathfinder grand melee there that will hopefully turn into an annual event. _______________________________________________...
  16. UselessTriviaMan

    Bull Rush: a question

    If my NPC were to bull rush a PC into an open 15'x15' pit, would the victim get a saving throw to avoid falling? My initial thought was that the victim should get a Reflex save. Let's set it at a DC 12 or so to grab the edge of the pit. But if they roll a 17 or higher, they avoid the pit...