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Search results

  1. narayan

    Looking for players, IRL, A Song of Ice and Fire RPG (Game of Thrones) Sacramento

    Queen Daenerys is dead. The Iron Throne reduced to molten slag. King Bran the Broken rules the six kingdoms of Westeros from the ashes of Kings Landing. Queen Sansa rules the restored Kingdom of the North from the ruins of Winterfell. Hunger and strife spread through the north like the winds...
  2. narayan

    Alien: Tribulation

    Welcome Alien Fans! Alien: Tribulation is a play-by-post game using the Alien RPG books (Free League Publishing) set in the year 2183 (4 years after the events of Aliens & Alien 3) Game Status: Cancelled (due to lack of interest) Current Game Thread: (Will be posted here when the actual game...
  3. narayan

    Kingdoms of Kalamar; Rancor of the Unholy START HERE!

    Kingdoms of Kalamar; Rancor of the Unholy is a Dungeons and Dragons, 3.5e game incorporating house rules, set in a somewhat homebrew version of Tellene. World data and house rules will be posted on Obsidian Portal eventually. Game Status: Playing (With two open slots for new players) Current...
  4. narayan

    Kingdoms of Kalamar; Rancor of the Unholy - Act 1: Scene 1

    Act 1: Scene 1 Kingdom of Cosdol; Homeday of the month of Snowfall, 1044 Y.K. The hour was late, the task at hand difficile and wearisome as the old wizard leaned over his desk, struggling to focus as he shivered. Castles were no place to keep warm, especially in the dark of night in the...
  5. narayan

    Billanverthorne's Memories

    This thread starts here.
  6. narayan

    Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 3

    Act 3: Scene 3 Continent of Akhenaten Kingdom of Vulkh & Surrounding Region; Year 3500 - 12th day of Mid Spring __________________________________________________ < We are using DDS 33 on rolz.org... ​>
  7. narayan

    Dread Marches in Sion - Act 1: Scene 1

    ________________Act 1: Scene 1________________ Continent of Mgorongoro: Commonwealth of Athenea Year 3500 - Mid Spring < We are using DMS 11 on rolz.org... ​> ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ From a low vantage point...
  8. narayan

    Dread Marches in Sion, play-by-post; 3.5e

    Welcome curious adventurer! Dread Marches in Sion is a play-by-post is a Dungeons and Dragons, 3.5e game incorporating house rules, set in my homebrew world of Sion. About the Campaign This campaign will be set on the continent of Mgorongoro...
  9. narayan

    Dread Marches in Sion pbp START HERE!

    Dread Marches in Sion, play-by-post, is a Dungeons and Dragons, 3.5e game incorporating house rules, set in my homebrew world of Sion. It is a secondary campaign playing alongside the primary campaign; Dark Days in Sion (Which is also run here on EN World). World data about Sion and my house...
  10. narayan

    Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 2

    Act 3: Scene 2 Continent of Akhenaten Kingdom of Vulkh & Surrounding Region; Year 3500 - 11th day of Mid Spring __________________________________________________ < We are using DDS 312 on rolz.org... ​>
  11. narayan

    Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 1

    Act 3: Scene 1 Continent of Akhenaten Kingdom of Vulkh & Surrounding Region; Year 3500 - 11th day of Mid Spring __________________________________________________ < We are using DDS 311 now on rolz.org... please everyone roll up new Fate Pools ​>
  12. narayan


    Please use this thread for all OOC chat related to STAR WARS: ASHES of the OLD REPUBLIC SCENE 1 Discussion I realize the holidays is a rough time to start a new game. How is everyone managing? I appreciate the good posts by the newcomer Sezarious, Shun001 and 97mg of course. (It's kind of...
  13. narayan

    STAR WARS: ASHES of the OLD REPUBLIC - Scene 1

    Lanthrym________________________________________________________ An ice planet orbiting a yellow sun, Lanthryrn is a world still angry about a slight that occurred centuries ago. When the Elrood-Derilyn Trade Route was assembled, Lanthryrn and Coyn competed to be the third major stop on the...
  14. narayan


    This is a D20 STAR WARS play-by-post game incorporating some house rules, set shortly before the events of Episode IV: A New Hope. The game begins in the Elrood Sector of the Outer Rim along the Rimma Trade Route. New PC's will start at 2nd level, most likely as fringers or independents. (There...
  15. narayan

    STAR WARS: ASHES of the OLD REPUBLIC - Start Here!

    This is a D20 STAR WARS play-by-post game incorporating some house rules, set shortly before the events of Episode IV: A New Hope. The game begins in the Elrood Sector of the Outer Rim along the Rimma Trade Route. New PC's will start at 2nd level, most likely as fringers or independents. (There...
  16. narayan

    Dark Days in Sion - Act 2: Scene 5

    Act 2: Scene 5 Continent of Akhenaten Kingdom of Vulkh & Surrounding Region; Year 3500 - 10th day of Mid Spring __________________________________________________ < We are using DDS 215 now on rolz.org... please everyone roll up new Fate Pools ​>
  17. narayan

    Dark Days in Sion - Act 2: Scene 4

    Act 2: Scene 4 Continent of Akhenaten Kingdom of Vulkh & Surrounding Region; Year 3500 - 10th day of Mid Spring __________________________________________________ < We are using DDS 214 now on rolz.org... please everyone roll up new Fate Pools ​>
  18. narayan

    Admin privileges over play-by-post game threads?

    Just wondering if it was possible to be granted admin privileges over my play by post game threads? The inability to edit players posts or close threads when I am ready to start a new thread is kind of a pain. Editing posts is sometimes important for the DM, like when teaching new players how...
  19. narayan

    Dark Days in Sion - Act 2: Scene 3

    Act 2: Scene 3 Continent of Akhenaten Kingdom of Vulkh & Surrounding Region; Year 3500 - 10th day of Mid Spring __________________________________________________ < We are on DDS 213 now on rolz.org... please everyone roll up new Fate Pools ​>
  20. narayan

    The Game of Bones

    So I recently created a new game of chance for my Dark Days in Sion campaign. I wanted to share it with other players and DM's to use if they so desire. I can picture this game being played in caves, back alleys and shady taverns alike. I also imagine this game being especially popular with the...