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  1. D

    Summoner Help

    Summoner Ideas So I am looking to make a summoner (easy enough right?) What I need is some ideas on how to get Sunlight/Starlight/Moonlight Summons Basically I need summon nature's ally to get those feats First Worlder is not an options. The only thing I can think of is dip 1 into druid Any...
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    Druid Character help

    So, I have a few questions and I am hoping for some help First, what shapes are best for wild shape. I am level 7, and need some idea what will be best until level 10, at which point large air elemental will be best as I can use call lightning and call lightning storm for xd10 damage Secondly...
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    A Strange Idea......

    .....but by the rules, is it valid? So the sorcerer bloodlines. It always struck me as funny how you could only have 1. How a powerful wizard in your background (one who may have dealt with fey, elementals, demons, devils celestials frequently) could crowd out all these other sources of power...
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    Shifters from Eberron

    So, I have seen some people looking and comparing conversions for warforge but nothing for other races, specifically Shifters. Well I kinda have one in mind, and I wanted to know what people think Here goes: Abilities: +2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Int, -2 Cha. Trying to give the shifter simular...
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    D&D 3E/3.5 Shifter Druid 3.5

    So my FLGS has a DM who will be running an Eberron game, after looking at the eberron races I decided to go Shifter. I debated ranger but eventually went with Druid mostly because I like nature magic. So, I am wondering how strong this character will be. I did take all the substitution levels...
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    Dragon Prince

    So I need some thoughts on how best to create this character. Back Story, he is the exiled bastard of the king of a land where everyone claims dragon blood, often in the form of sorcerer but also in the form of barbarian dragon totem and eldritch heritage. He has been living by himself for a...
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    Oddball question about Reincanate Spell

    So, title says it all. Well most of it; backstory My half elf summoner died. The Druid in the party decided to reincarnate me. I was fine with it, I like the summoner and they managed to save most of my stuff. So the DM rolls and come back as a kobold. That was no problem, I am a caster...
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    Armor Class

    Back story: I am in a group with a magus, a monk, a bard, a rouge a (now dead) witch and an inquisitor(me) as you can see, we have lots of combat support, secondary fighters and such but no true tank. you can also see, we have lost 1 member already. We are 5th level the encounter that...
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    New Golems

    So, I have been looking through the Ultimate Magic, especially at the Construct section I was wondering if anyone has looked at this section, their thoughts, and their new constructs they made with the rules there. I have had a few ideas for "new golems" from this section and will be posting...
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    Pack Lord/Beast Master

    So, I have always like Druids, they were always fun to play and help save the party quite often Apparently in Ultimate Magic there is a pack lord archtype. Combined with the beast master archtype in APG for Rangers that is 2 animal companion pack classes. This got me wondering, Prestige classes...
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    Silly Logistical Question

    So, I know I am playing a game set in a fantasy world, but I still gotta wonder Spells like snake staff, which have bizzare material requirements, how do you carry that stuff around? For those who don't know, snake staff transforms pieces of wood into snakes to get a venomous or advanced...
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    Class options

    So, this may seem a newbie question but, could my drunken master monk also study the hungry ghost style? Basically, I am asking if I could "multiclass" by taking 5 levels of drunken master monk and 5 levels of hungry ghost monk on my 10th level character Is it unreasonable to assume that the...
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    Its only NATURAL

    So this has been bugging me since I posted a question on the dragon bloodline claws. Do I have natural attacks or not? This will actually be a number of questions on the subject of natural attacks, feel free to address all, some, or none of them as you wish. My first question: Do I have...
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    Sea World

    So I am making a world that is covered (90%) in water, most cultures have embraced sailing, and I am looking for material in pathfinder. For instance, I am looking for specs for cannons, ships, and general aquatic rules. Also appropriate racial alterations or substitutions. There are the...
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    Pathfinder 1E Flight in Pathfinder

    So, this is a bit of a 2 parter thread, first, I wanna know if people agree with me or my DM on a disagreement of a spell I used. And second, how people conceptualize flight (3D movement) with tabletop miniatures (a mostly 2D environment) First part. My druid casts ball lightning summoning 2...
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    Advancing the Magus

    So I have been looking at the magus class from the last playtest (I know it comes out in a month) and I was wondering what people thought were good combat styles for it IE: 2 handed weapon, 2 weapon fighting (offhand as spell), 2 weapon fighting (offhand as weapon, using buffs primarly) or...
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    Beastiary 2 and spells

    So it has been a while since the Beastiary 2 came out, and I was looking to see how non pathfinder society players were handling the new monsters Specifically, I was wondering what they were doing with the polymorph subschool spells and SM and SNA Beast Shape: there were new animals and magic...
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    Dragon Bloodline

    So I was looking at the sorcerer and saw that it gained claws at first level in the dragon bloodline. At level 9, I have a base attack bonus of +4, does this mean I can take the Improved Natural Attack (Claws) feat from the beastiary? If so, does this also apply when I use beast shape or form...
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    Filling the Melee Hole

    So my party has a problem. We are a rouge, wizard and druid See the problem yet? The melee role is empty and if we are going to survive we need it filled. I am the druid and have "volunteered" for the role. My thoughts are to go with the wolf shaman archtype. This will give me standard action...
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    High Level Summoner

    Ok so I was looking at the summoner from the APG, and noticed that its abilities kinda stalled out around lvl 20. Basically the only reason to continue in it past 20 is the Eidolon, and since it is the key point in the class, it seemed important to continue him. Basically, you only boost your...