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Search results

  1. Maggan

    Coming Outside the Box - the history of Swedish roleplaying games

    Hello everyone! Today the book I am working on was announced. https://fandrake.com/produkt/outside-the-box/ The release is slated for late next year, and the preorders are only for the Swedish market (it being produced in Sweden after all :) ). The plan is to secure international...
  2. Maggan

    EN World ranked 11,248 out of 15 million sites used to train AI

    Washington Post has published an article about what sites Google are scraping content off to train their AI. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/interactive/2023/ai-chatbot-learning/ According to the WaPo there are 15 million web sites that are used. The Wapo then analyzed the set of...
  3. Maggan

    Free League announces Dragonbane, the translation of Swedish RPG classic Drakar och Demoner

    Today Free League announced an English version of Drakar och Demoner, the seminal fantasy RPG in Sweden. The original dwarfed D&D in the Scandinavian market during the 80s and remains massively popular still in this day. A new edition of Sweden's first RPG Drakar och Demoner, finally in...
  4. Maggan

    In mobile mode, I have notification I shouldn't have

    Hi! When in mobile mode on the starting page, I have 5 notifications. Three are from mods discussing two post reports I've made. When I click those I get "you don't have access". The other notifications are old as sin. Or at least a year old. They don't show up in desktop mode. /M
  5. Maggan

    ICv2 numbers out

    ICv2 just released the Hobby Games sales rankings. D&D at the top, and Pathfinder following. Star Wars strong, Shadowrun and Iron Kingdoms are stronger than I would have thought. http://icv2.com/articles/markets/view/32097/top-5-roleplaying-games-spring-2015 /M
  6. Maggan

    Pathfinder 1E Kingmaker: Need help with Irovetti showdown

    Hello! I'm gearing up for an encounter with the bad guy from Kingmaker 5: War of the River Kings. Problem for me is I have little experience running multiple high level magic heavy encounters, and this one would involve Irovetti, Avinash Jurg, Villamor Koth and several Pitax Wardens and troll...
  7. Maggan

    Advice wanted: taking over a Kingmaker campaign

    Hello! Pathfinder + Kingmaker + Maggan as DM = True. I am taking over the DM chair after our resident DM is doing a doctorate in another city, gearing up to running Kingmaker. I have played as a player up until half the second adventure, and am now trying to wrap my head around the whole thing...
  8. Maggan

    OotS 810 up now

    Link below: Giant In the Playground Games I think I need to backtrack to get this one. Was the lizard cleric part of the Linear Guild at one time? Cheers! /M
  9. Maggan

    Legens&Lore: Monte Cook takes over

    So Monte is taking over after Mike Mearls, writing the Legends&Lore column. Very interesting, and it will be fun seeing what this brings to D&D4. What are your reactions? Oh, link: http://www.wizards.com/DnD/Article.aspx?x=dnd/4ll/20110920#76573 /M
  10. Maggan

    Post reporting for other users shown in settings

    Hello! I my settings, I can see my 10 latest posts. One of these read "Reported Post by <name removed>". The name is not mine, so this means that I can see that another poster reported a post. EDIT: I can't see which thread, but I can see that a poster sent a report. Not a big thing, but it...
  11. Maggan

    Spreading XP around ...

    Hello! I would like to reward a poster, but it says I need to spread some XP around before giving it to him again. My question is, how much must I spread around before I can do that? I have given 12 people XP after this particular individual received one from me. How many more must I spread...
  12. Maggan

    D&D 4E 4e dinosaurs?

    Hello! Does anyone know anyplace I can find stats for dinosaurs for D&D4e? I'm looking to spring a T-rex at my players next week! /M
  13. Maggan

    So, what is "4th Edition's Tomb of Horrors"?

    Clipped from WotC news: Does that mean they are redoing Tomb of Horrors, or doing something akin to Tomb of Horrors? I'm guessing ... erm ... a remake of Return to Tomb of Horrors, mega-adventure style. /M
  14. Maggan

    Question re titels of OotS titles

    Hello! The collections of OotS have joke names, being versions of other titles. I can figure out some of them. Start of Darkness = Heart of Darkness On the origin of PCs = On the origin of the species No cure for the paladin blues = No cure for the summertime blues ??? War and XPs = War and...
  15. Maggan

    I need a "Xavier" for my group

    Hey all! On tuesday I'm gonna move out of my comfort zone of running WFRP and Call of Cthulhu, and for the first time DM D&D4e, by popular demand from my group. I have some hopes of pulling off a good game, and to make it easy for me to prepare and keep things moving, I've chosen to run...
  16. Maggan

    GenCon: Any news on the GenCon vs. Lucas issue?

    Ok, so GenCon did take place this year, and it seems there was a successful con, which is good for the future of the event. On that note, did anyone hear anything about the status of the issue with Lucas that GenCon has/had? Cheers! /M
  17. Maggan

    Multiple voting in polls

    Hi! Just wanted to highlight the risk/chance that it is still possible to vote several times in a poll. I've voted at least once in a poll already. I'll go to Firefox - Preferences - Privacy - Show Cookies ... now I delete the EN World cookies and refresh this thread in another tab. I am now...
  18. Maggan

    Reaper prepainted minis - how was the result?

    Hello! Has anyone here bought the Reaper prepainted minis? If so, what was your experience? Overall quality? Price? Range? (is it a good selection?) Utility? (is it possible to use them instead of or together with D&D Minis)? Also, does anyone have any information of how sucessful the launch...
  19. Maggan

    What are the tools for Home Brewing a World?

    Hi! With all the talk about home brews and how different rules support or hinder home brewing, I started thinking about the best tools for making your own setting or world. I have for example heard a lot of good comments about A Magical Medieval Society, but are there more resources and tools...
  20. Maggan

    Teaser Video: Who are the Players?

    Hello! I sort of got the idea that the guys playing D&D in the (in)famous teaser video are part of the D&D R&D at WotC (a mouthful of abbreviations, for sure). Is that right, and is so, who is who? /M