• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Zappo

    D&D 5E Monster PCs

    Hi all, The current standard 5e approach is that there is no such thing as 3e's level adjustment, and every playable race must be balanced with each other. This is very reasonable, given that LA had many major issues. That said, I'd still like to figure out how to use as a PC a character...
  2. Zappo

    System idea: managing a secret organization

    Hi all, I'm toying in my head with some potential ideas for our next campaign. One of these is a novel way to represent a setting where the PCs are at the head of a secret conspiracy or covert faction of some kind, and waging a secret war against some other such cabal. The basic idea is that...
  3. Zappo

    Fishing for a new system

    Hi all, I'm starting to think about the next campaign we're going to play after we wrap up our current Dark Heresy game. After playing a ton of systems over twenty years, I have a pretty good idea of what major problems I have with RPG systems (for my group, at least), and I'd love to get...
  4. Zappo

    Looking for a lightweight SRD

    Hi everyone! I've decided to learn embedded devices programming, and to have something to practice on I've bought a new cellphone. The Nokia 6630 has almost anything you could ask, lacking only infrared and a thermometer (the first being handy to connect wireless to my bluetooth-lacking laptop...
  5. Zappo

    Warcraft's mass combat system

    I've read the mass combat system presented in Warcraft: Alliance & Horde Compendium. I think that it had already been printed elsewhere, but I don't know where. Anyway, I have a serious doubt about spellcasting in that system. A battle round is one minute long. During this time, a unit can...
  6. Zappo

    USB drive connected to a cellphone?

    I've got a USB drive which I carry around with me at all times, and which I use to store miscellaneous data. Of course, not being a cyborg, I need a computer to actually view that data. Also, I've got a cellphone, a Nokia 5210 - if you've seen Blade Trinity, it's the one the familiar holds...
  7. Zappo

    English language help

    I'm writing my thesis on the topic of videoconferencing, and I'm defining a model for videocommunication systems. I've got several models, and one of these uses four entities: - the guy who speaks (speaker). - the blokes who listen and stay silent (listeners). - the dude who moderates...
  8. Zappo

    Magic sales and security

    Yesterday we played our usual saturday Warcraft game. One of the players wanted a +2 rapier. He found a shifty individual in a seedy tavern, promising that he would get him the weapon in two days, for a payment of 7000 gold - 1000 now and 6000 on delivery. I planned on having the man steal the...
  9. Zappo

    Electrical outage. Apocalypse follows.

    About 48 hours ago, the power company was doing some work in my area. When they powered up again, a surge completely destroyed my computer, despite the fact that it wasn't on at the time of the outage. I mean it. AC feed, motherboard, DVD burner, even the friggin' keyboard is toast. I'm not sure...
  10. Zappo

    Summoned creatures and being flat-footed

    This question has come up in a recent game. The enemy had summoned a creature, and the creature attacked one of us; the DM said that the victim was denied his Dexterity modifier to AC, because the summoned beast surprised him. So... Suppose that a creature is summoned during a fight, with the...
  11. Zappo

    Shaving coins

    So I have a player who wants to start filing coins to obtain gold dust, melt it, and increase the number of coins in his possession. By the way, what's the term for this action? Now, there are a couple of things I'm aware of. First, merchants probably weigh the gold received in any...
  12. Zappo

    RPG killed?

    The message board RPG, that is. Can't see it anymore. Gone for good? Upgrading? Lost in the mists of the past, or destined to stand steadfast in stark contrast to its starts? (why no, I don't get paid for using the 'st' sound, why do you ask?)
  13. Zappo

    My Warcraft campaign

    To my players: fuori da questo thread o quando avrò finito con voi mi implorerete di lasciarvi morire. Having just started a Warcraft campaign, I'm trying to plan the overall plot. The characters are 3rd level now, but I'm planning on getting them to 20th and maybe epic before the campaign...
  14. Zappo

    [RPG] Unable to start bot battle

    After the epic (well, sorta) fight with Mr Mortis, I find myself unable to start a bot battle. I get the message saying You have gone over the limit of 'Allowed Bot Battles Per 24 Hours'. This Limit Is Set To: 1. But I haven't had a bot battle in something like ten days. Help? :)
  15. Zappo

    New Line options WW's Vampire

    Lookie what I got in my mail today: New Line Cinema Options White Wolf’s Vampire: The Requiem for Multi-Picture Deal Atlanta, GA, July 26, 2004 — White Wolf Publishing has reached an agreement with New Line Cinema to produce a motion picture series based on Vampire: The Requiem...
  16. Zappo

    Waiting for CS renewal & lil' RPG problem

    I bought a new year of CS account a couple of weeks ago, before the old one expired, and now I'm without CS account (yeah, I emailed Morrus with the order information from rpgnow). I should have waited until after expiration, I guess. No big deal, I can wait, except that before the account...
  17. Zappo

    Detailed map of Azeroth/Kalimdor?

    So I've started my Warcraft campaign, and already the dwarf has managed to almost obliterate himself in a massive explosion involving lantern oil, rhum and gunpowder (don't ask). Wheee! But what I'm here for is: anyone has a detailed map of the setting - especially Kalimdor? The map provided...
  18. Zappo

    Any news on the new server?

    Well... just as the title says, really. I know that we have enough bandwidth but the current server struggles, and that a new server is planned. I wonder what's the status of this project? Is the machine yet to be bought? In the mail? Being tested? Something else? I don't want to be nagging...
  19. Zappo

    [RPG] Handy shortcuts

    Am I the only one who dislikes the omnipresent "redirect" pages in RPG? Yeah, I know I bought a potion, can I use it already? So I figured out a way to accelerate the whole thing. Let me share. :) Entering any of these URLs in your browser will cause your RPG character to perform...
  20. Zappo

    [RPG] XP & money awards

    So here we are, with a Fluffy Pink Bunny which gives 5 gold and a much tougher skeleton which gives zilch. And both give the same XP. I reckon that, before this game is called done, something must be done here. However, balancing the rewards is a very tough job. Even assuming that some way is...