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Search results

  1. jayaint

    sneak attack

    Is there an already established feat that would allow a non-rogue to gain sneak attack? I am doubting that there is just because that is the rogue's *thing*, but I figured I'd ask. (Technically that should be posted in DnD rules... however, based on the assumptiopn of a negative answer, and my...
  2. jayaint

    Mo, Columbia, DnD 3.5 game seeking DM

    Group of 2E gamers and myself (a 3E and 3.5 player) looking for a DM for a FR, Eberron, Greyahwk, etc campaign. We are a very creative bunch, and have some great character ideas that are just looking for a home. Thanks in advance.
  3. jayaint

    Odd character idea... tips to make it work

    For all the EN'ners who've seen the David Fincher movie "Fight Club" I was wondering how one could go about translating the Tyler Durden/Narrator characters into a single PC for a DnD game. Some Ideas my gaming group and I have had: -Flaw: Multiple Personalities: Character is unaware of the...
  4. jayaint

    What would a monk have to give up?

    ...In your game, in order to either a) get the fighter's BAB progression? (Doubtful this would fly in our game, but I figured I'd ask) or b) to be treated as having a +1 BAB with unarmed strike at first level? (More realistic, yet it seems like an "odd" type of house-rule) Is it possible to...
  5. jayaint

    New Race for critique

    Stoic Racial Traits +2 WIS, +2 CHA, -2 STR, -2 INT: Stoics are quiet and contemplative, with generations upon generations striving for enlightenment. They are plain-spoken and honest, and trusted as mediators in almost any scenario for their foresight. Long periods of meditation, however...
  6. jayaint

    +0 LA race with WIS bonus?

    So far, in my quick, skim-scan page-flipping, I have only found one (1) race in the Wizards books that allows a +2 WIS racial bonus with +0 LA. It was the singing, non-verbal monk-like race from Planar Handbook. I would like to play a cleric in a high powered campaign my group is starting, and...
  7. jayaint

    Monk Initiating a Grapple

    Okay, situation is this: 1st level monk charging to initiate a grapple. He has Improved Grapple, so he does not incur an attack of oppurtunity. He also has (house-ruled w/o "+1 BAB" prereq) Weapon Fineese (unarmed). Would his melee touch attack to start the grapple (with a grab) receive: a)...
  8. jayaint

    Why did CAdv leave out Ascetic Cleric?

    Shouldn't clerics get the same oppurtunity to gain something from a mild feat-based acesticism? Does anyone have a house-ruled feat that balances into this "genre" of feat? -jay
  9. jayaint

    A New DM'ing situation, advice wanted *now with excerpt from setting*

    I am starting a play-by-email game with ONE and only one PC. I am running the game. I am an okay writer, creative, yadda-da yadd-da, and I don't mind typing alot. As far as gaming goes though, are there good resources somewhere for a dice roller, that will post the results in an email or a...
  10. jayaint

    New PrC that needs EN help....

    I am at work and without books, so forgive the roughness here. I have had a moderate-ly cool idea (like a 6.5 out of 10) for a Prestige Class and I want to A) get it written down before I forget too much of it and B) get ground-floor input from EN'ers as to its develop-ability. Prestige Class...
  11. jayaint

    Anarchy in the FR!!!

    I have heard the term "post-apocalyptic fantasy" several times on different threads, boards, etc. I am assuming that means some kind of doomsday scenario in a modern world, including a surviving population, and the fantasy part being mutants, wild pyschic talents that emerge, lasers, et al...
  12. jayaint

    Having a Camp. Sett. Issue...

    This is a hard problem for me to explain. I am not currently in a campaign. But I have had (what I consider to be) a GREAT idea for a (seemingly) unique (?) setting. However: It is based on a VERY recognized WotC CS and the alternate-history proposed-future timeline changes I would want to...
  13. jayaint

    Columbia, Missouri Games?

    I talked to Scion in another thread, but his group seems full and he is not the DM at the moment. Wondered if there were any other groups from CoMo hooked up to ENworld? I am moving back to there in June and would love to find a DM who needed an extra player. Thanks for any info if you are out...
  14. jayaint

    Second Level Spell Slot Feat

    I have too many books to buy... the list is TOO long. In the meantime, a friend mentioned that Complete Arcane has a sidebar with a feat in it that allows a 2nd level spell slot at first level. (Or something to that effect.) Does anyone have any clarification on that feat, i.e. whether it is...
  15. jayaint

    Practised Spellcaster Question (Scion please check back)

    Does Practised Spellcaster overcome Racial Level Adjustements? My initial guess would be no, however, if someone could make a case for it doing so... I would LOVE to hear it (and use it).
  16. jayaint

    Lost a thread...

    ... and coming unraveled. There was, I swear, a thread about an Eberron writers workshop thingy doo-hickey ma-bob and it has COMPLETELY disappeared... or else I'm just looking in the wrong place. If my memory serves... which it obviously doesn't it seemed pretty recent, but I can't find it...
  17. jayaint

    Crazy Caster Prc... broken?

    Okay, here's my crazy question.. I want to Flavor-fy the Mystic Theurge and see if I can make it have a little more swagger, tailor it a bit, and give it some personality. So here's my idea, and I would like some feedback before I dig into mechanics and numbers... Take 1 part Geomancer (MotW...
  18. jayaint

    A Crumbling Trail (Chapter 2 up now, upd. 2/27)

    Two adventurers on a lengthy mission stop to rest at a riverside inn. Their world (and their mission) is about to get a whole lot more complicated. The party grows. Introduction: The two figures opened the door to the inn and looked around wearily. The front room seemed to yawn with the light...
  19. jayaint

    Why does WotC hate innate casters?

    With the release of Dragonlance, and Miniatures Handbook there are now two (that I know of) innate divine casters produced by WotC. Looking at them, as well as, the core sorcerer class, does anyone here @ EN have any insight as to why it takes innate casters a WHOLE EXTRA level to get 2nd...
  20. jayaint

    Story Hour Newbie Question

    Obviously a newbie... look at that pitiful post count. *sheesh* Anyways, I was wondering if any mods/veteran SH writers had any quick words of advice for starting a new SH. One of my players and I have been working with a couple characters each, and I have an intro write up almost ready to go...