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  1. W

    D&D General A Tale of Two Designers: Reflections on Mike Mearls' Departure

    Over ten years ago, I wrote a tribute to Rob Heinsoo on the occasion of his departure from WotC. The tribute was warm, sincere, and over 11 years later, I still stand by all of it. Rob Heinsoo was and remains an incredible designer, and D&D is poorer for having lost his contributions. 11 years...
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    D&D 5E Eberron: from Maltese Falcon to The Newsroom

    So, the new book is here. Some questions early impressions and reviews haven't quite touched on yet include: Just what is this? Who is it for? And... why? But let's start from the beginning. At its inception, Eberron was grandiose in vision and vast in expense. Enworld would discuss how heroes...
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    Wizards of the Coast to reprint D&D 3.5

    A German retailer announced earlier yesterday that WotC' upcoming product catalogue features a reprint of the three D&D 3.5 core rule books. Nothing is confirmed beyond a reprint of these three. The books, however, will integrate the latest errata. Please treat this as an unconfirmed rumor...
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    D&D 3E/3.5 5E solve me this: 3Es and 4Es biggest problem

    Earlier today I came across an amazingly insightful comment on Monte Cook's latest column. I'll reproduce it in full: I agree with this, because this week as I'm starting up a new 4E campaign the usual stuff ensues. Endless bickering over which stuff to declare legit, what's off bounds, what...
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    WotC sayz "People don't use rituals much" - O RLY?

    A surprising tweet from the GenCon Q&A on the future of D&D (thanks to bloghofholding): How does this not amount to a great combo of self fulfilling prophecy and closed feedback loop? To explain, IF rituals are removed from the revamped Players handbooks then OF COURSE new players won't use...
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    Essentials classes - eaiser to play... at reduced tactical complexity?

    I've been perusing the Heroes of books in the past week, and was wondering if the Enworld community could help me to substantiate or devalidate a sneaking suspicion that I had upon browsing that material. Immediate Disclaimer: I haven't used Essentials in play, nor has any other person in my 4E...
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    Bob Salvatore on the various editions of D&D

    Bob Salvatore dodges the edition wars - and he does so beautifully. Watch and learn from a man who clearly appreciates the comparative merits and weakness of all the many proud editions of D&D (timed link): YouTube - Meet Author R.A. Salvatore Here's a salute to Bob, and a thanks for an early...
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    D&D “Essentials” as a product line = making it less daunting to get into the game?

    D&D “Essentials” as a product line = making it less daunting to get into the game? According to WotC’ remarks surrounding the introduction of the “Essentials” product line (both in Ampersand and on GenCon presentations), one rationale for the new product line is to lessen the confusion created...
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    WotC and brick and mortar retail stores - Greg Leeds weighs in

    Over the last couple of days, there's been an interesting exchange of sorts between a retailer and WotC president Greg Leeds. 'Exchange' may stretch the terms here, but in essence a retailer presented his situation and Leeds wrote a response. I'm going to quote both in full and, to round it off...
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    Pathfinder 1E Paizo re-invents Hexcrawling

    Paizo's flagship product are their so-called 'Adventure Paths'. These consist of 6 modules which are intended to jointly deliver a campaign using the D&D 3.5 (now: Pathfinder RPG) ruleset for PCs from level 1 to 15. Ever since Paizo started doing these Adventure Paths (APs for short) there was a...
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    New Realms = Old School

    Here's my proof that the new FR setting book is closer in spirit to the Old School Renaissance (OSR) than its proponents or detractors ( ;) ) might care to admit. It's also my gift to two unfortunately divided camps in the fandom of D&D - 4E'ers and OSR'ers. Behold my gift of...
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    Dark Sun - Player's Guide rendered obsolete

    So far with 4E settings we got two books - a DM exlusivie campaign guide, and a Player's Guide with race and class entries appropriate for the setting along with some nice campaign specific feats and "backgrounds". 4E Dark Sun is abandoning that model in favour of this: Book 1: First emphasis...
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    Rob Heinsoo's tenure at WotC - a fan's tribute

    Rob Heinsoo was WotC‘ most talented RPG designer, next to Jonathan Tweet who left WotC the year before. After having co-designed with Tweet the best produced and best designed WotC game of all times - Dreamblade -, Heinsoo went on to design two games for WotC by himself – Inn Fighting and Three...
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    The return of DDI-enhancements for published adventures - would you like to see them?

    I've been perusing two of WotC' published modules for 4E lately, P1 Assault on Nightwyrm Fortress, and E2 Kingdom of the Ghouls. While both, especially the latter, ooze over with goodies, my impression is that these modules require quite a lot of work to fill in. Filling in these things is a...
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    Lifting players's selection constraints on powers - has anyone tried this?

    If you look at the table on page 29 of Player's Handbook 1, you'll see a codification of "Total Powers Known" per level. For instance, a level 1 PC gets 2 at-wills, and one encounter and daily power each. At level 30, he still only gets 2 at-wills, but 4 encounter and daily powers each. Here's...
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    Tweaking the Skill System back to 3.5

    Hi everyone, It's been my experience with Skill Challenges that I'd like my players to have more of a variety of skills at their disposal. Like, you know, when we had 3rd edition. Now I totally understand that you may well not share this concern or desire. But on the supposition that you did...