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  1. C

    D&D 5E Test of High Level 5E: Design 4 or 5 lvl 13 PCs for 6 to 8 encounter adventuring day

    This is a discussion started in another thread discussing 5E at 11th level. A few of us want to see how a high level group (13th) will do using the 5E rules for encounter design including the 6 to 8 encounter day. Flamestrike and Iserith will do some encounter design as their assertion is 5E...
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    What an interesting dice mechanic

    This is the first time I've seen a dice mechanic like the one used in Star Wars. The advantage/triumph and threat/despair system makes for very dynamic, cinematic combat. It truly encourages creative play like I've never played before. I hope this mechanic catches on. I'd love to see dice...
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    D&D 5E Warlock Higher Level Spellcasting: Too easy to counter/dispel or effective?

    As a DM I've found that it is very easy to ruin a warlock's spellcasting abilities with opposing casters. The low number of spell slots per battle with the short rest spell recovery mechanic makes spells such as counterspell and dispel magic hit them harder than other casters in key battles with...
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    D&D 5E [SPOILERS] Out of the Abyss Escape Scenario: To Fudge or not to Fudge?

    I'm about to run the escape scenario. I'm looking at the math and it's not too favorable to the PCs. A group of unarmed, unarmored players very close to a den of quaggoth, armed and armored drow guards, and giant spider guard dogs expected to escape at level 1 or 2. If I run this scenario as...
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    D&D 5E [CAMPAIGN] Out of the Abyss [SPOILERS]

    Started Out of the Abyss today. I'm going to keep a record of the campaign to share material for others that might be interested. The Characters... Apothicas DeVir: Drow Elf Paladin (Oath of Vengeance) 2/Wizard (Bladesinger) 12. Apothicas has his own reasons for joining the group that he has...
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    D&D 5E Spell Preparation: Leaving Slots Open

    I was looking over spell preparation. The way I'm reading it, you can leave slots open and fill them when you might need a spell. You can't change a spell slot until you take a long rest. There is no designated time of day when you have to fill your prepared spell slots. You could for example...
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    New Concentration Rule

    I'm interested in giving full casters a little more flexibility with what they can cast. We've found during play that buffing usually requires a caster's concentration slot preventing them from casting interesting concentration spells in combat. I wanted a rule that alleviated this caster...
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    New Cleric Cantrip: Punish

    I didn't think sacred flame fit all clerics. I wrote up this cantrip for clerics of a more vicious, controlling, or war-like nature. What do you think? Seem balanced? Punish Necromancy Cantrip Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Component: V.S Duration: Instantaneous You cause a creature...
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    D&D 5E The Contagion Spell

    This is the one spell I've found in the PHB that is truly over-powered as in it breaks the game. I read a Sage Advice recommendation from Mike Mearls to not have the spell take effect until the three saves are missed. Yet the spell is not in any way unclear and The Sage ruling is an attempted...
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    D&D 5E Rule Questions: Invoke Duplicity and Dragon's Breath

    Invoke Duplicity: Does it take up the cleric's only concentration slot or is it only like concentrating on a spell, but does not take up the caster's single concentration slot? Dragon's Breath: Is dragon's breath a magical effect? It is implied that dragons are magical creatures. They get all...
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    D&D 5E [SPOILERS] Final encounter in Tyranny of Dragons and playing a wizard for 16 levels

    The final encounter in Tyranny Dragons against Tiamat was boring, especially as a caster. The fight consisting of casting a fly spell and watching the martial characters swing at Tiamat. They designed Tiamat to be completely immune to magic for all intents and purposes. 1. Immune to spells...
  12. C

    D&D 5E Homebrew Feat: Dueling Mastery

    I've been analyzing the impact of Great Weapon Master and Sharpshooting on the fighting styles in 5E. From a min-max standpoint Sharpshooter, Crossbow Expert, and Great Weapon Master tend to push martial characters into using a heavy two-handed or versatile weapon or ranged weapon to maximize...
  13. C

    D&D 5E Analyzing 5E: Overpowered by design

    I've noticed that 5E is designed to be played fast and furious. Players are able to carve through enemies and recover at a much faster pace than previous versions of D&D save for perhaps 4E (excluding 4E because I have very little experience with it). And every class seems to have options that...
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    D&D 5E Blindsight Discussion: What Crawford tweeted

    I don't mind admitting when I'm wrong. Crawford did not offer a great deal of clarification because Twitter isn't the best way to disseminate rules clarification due to the maximum character length. Crawford did tweet that you can use Stealth (Hide) behind cover within Blindsight range. What...
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    D&D 5E How do you run Warding Bond and Protection from Energy or Poison combination

    We ran into an odd rule situation. Warding Bond is supposed to be like Shield Other. It works strangely with other defensive spells. The rules state that damage resistance doesn't stack. Warding Bond gives the target damage resistance to all types of damage. The caster takes the same amount...
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    D&D 5E Observations and opinions after 8 levels and a dragon fight

    Our group hit level 8. I'm playing a gnome wizard. We have a human fighter, human bard, elven cleric, and human paladin. We finished our first dragon fight in its lair. 1. I no longer envy the fighter's damage dealing capability. The fighter is still a fighter. A very limited, specialized class...
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    D&D 5E Experience with Legendary Resistance: How is it working for you?

    My group fought our first legendary creature. This legendary resistance mechanic has me somewhat concerned. I'd like to hear what others experiences have been with this mechanic. It seems to devalue casters as anything other than buff bots and make martials king of the all the key combats...
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    D&D 5E Some 5E Rule questions

    Some questions that may have been answered elsewhere I can't find. 1. Divine Smite: Text states it does 2d8 for 1st level spell plus 1d8 for every spell slot over 1st to a maximum of 5d8. Does that mean you never use more than a level 4 spell slot for Divine Smite? A level 5 spell slot should...
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    Rogue Design and Trapfinding: What do you think of these design choices?

    I have two goals with the following changes: 1. Expand the options for parties to incorporate trapfinding without being pigeon-holed into playing a rogue. Allows players to maybe try an Inquisitor, Ranger, Bard, or Monk as a trapfinding class. 2. Make the rogue competitive with the other...
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    Two-weapon warrior archetype: Twin Blades

    Twin Blades (Ex) At 5th level, a two-weapon warrior gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls when making a full-attack with two weapons or a double weapon. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels after 5th. This ability replaces Weapon Training 1. This ability seems lame. You get...