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Search results

  1. M

    D&D 5E Starter set being shipped early in Canada

    If you ordered your starter set in Canada from Chapters, run, do not walk, to your mailbox and take a peek. You probably got it delivered today if you live in a major (or semi-major) urban center.
  2. M

    [NBA] - (S)Entry

    Table of Contents ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Hung-Ke opened up his website and, as was his wont first thing in the morning, spent some time trawling through Craigslist for giggles. Mainly looking at the personals section. Some of those people...
  3. M

    (S)Entry - Nights Black Agents - Recruitment thread (2 spots left, jump in whenever)

    I picked up Nights Black Agents a couple of months ago, and given that my face to face group has pretty much self destructed due to personal drama, I decided, after having been run through a brief scenario by Piratecat, to attempt to run a campaign via play by post. In case you are...
  4. M

    Nights Black Agents - Interest check

    I recently purchased Nights Black Agents and, given that my face to face group starts making warding gestures at anything that is not 3.5, I figured I would give running in via these forums a shot. Would anybody be interested in playing in it? Some notes: 1 - I have never DMed anything before...
  5. M

    How easy would it be to play Nights Black Agents in a play-by-post

    I just picked up Nights Black Agents. The setting (spies in Europe with vampires) really intrigued me. My real-life situation is tight enough on time that I doubt I will get a chance to actually play it over a table, so I was wondering how easy it would be to play this game in a play-by-post...
  6. M

    Contribute via PayPal link

    Is this something that can be removed for Community Supporters?
  7. M

    Not showing as Community Supporter

    I am a community supporter (as a quick double check of my CC statement shows) and am not tagged as such under my icon. Is this something that I change in my profile or did my status get lost in the rebuilding?
  8. M

    Subscription problems

    Otherwise known as "I can't read". I got the notice of my subscription ending, and didn't pay attention to the dates. I was tired, and misread July as June, so I re-purchased a 4-month subscription, when I was on a 1-year monthly plan. I have no problems with the 1-year monthly pan rolling...
  9. M

    Weirdness with Dice Roller

    When I try to use a favourite Dice roll, nothing happens. No matter if I click on the Roll! or Add button. The Roll button brings me back to my post, with no roll added to it. The Add button doesn't appear to do anything at the moment.
  10. M

    Where did the drop-down forum menu go??

    There used to be a drop-down menu to quickly jump from one forum to another. Was it removed to speed up the forums?
  11. M

    Threads being marked as read

    When I logged in this morning, I noticed that in the forums I frequent, all of the threads had been marked as read, even ones that I had never, ever read before. Is this part of the de-slowifying of ENWorld?
  12. M

    Looking for News Guide

    Hey all. I am looking for someone who might be interested in helping me out and becoming part of my DDI VCL team over on the WotC site. As part of my volunteer responsibilities on the site, I post the official threads for each DDI article in the appropriate forums. The person who currently...
  13. M

    Non-DDI subscribers getting access to VT

    Soon, non-subscribers will be able to get access to the VT. From the VT Beta group:
  14. M

    September DDI Update news

    As noted by Steve Winterhere, the Character Builder update next week will be introducing the ability to use your own character portraits. Also, the update to the Adventure tools is supposed to be rather substantial. Supposed to allow you to build/modify monsters. (Note, please don't use this...
  15. M

    Hasbro & Atari Resolve rights dispute over Digtal Rights to D&D

    http://www.wizards.com/Company/Press.aspx?x=wz/press/54 Details:
  16. M

    6/21 DDI update is live

    The 6/21 DDI update is live. Here is what is included, as well as the reason why last months update didn't happen. Also note that the compendium will currently throw an error when you look at a ritual. This is a known bug and will be fixed in an update on 6/28 (next week.)
  17. M

    5/17 DDI Update info

    The update is a good news/bad news situation. From WotC_Huscarl More info as I get it.
  18. M

    4/19 DDI Update

    Here are the details of today's update. From Trevor's Stickied post, above
  19. M

    WotC_Trevor is looking for questions for Rule of Three

    I just got a PM from Trevor (on the Wizards forums), which he asked me to pass on. To make life easy for him, please give your PM the subject like "Rule of Three" I don't know if Trevor has an account on these forums here, so if you do not have an account on the Wizards boards, you can post...