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  1. Will

    Wild20 game discussion

    Ok, started a thread for this now that it's something remotely legible: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/803826/Willd20.docx (click or copy link, you should be able to preview or save document, let me know if any problems) Willd20 is very much a 'working title.' Heh. Constructive analysis desired...
  2. Will

    Is this the right forum for OGL homebrew?

    I've been working on a system that's OGL, D&D but with a bunch of system changes. Is this the right forum for discussing/getting feedback about it?
  3. Will

    Pathfinder 1E Will's E6 Pathfinder project, feedback requested

    Overview I really like D&D third edition. However, I've long been dissatisfied with the gameplay at moderate and high levels. In addition, while Vancian magic is cool and useful, I missed the kind of magic I often see in modern fantasy, magic that plays out much differently than D&D magic...
  4. Will

    Buy-off LA idea

    I realize Paizo is rather cool on the idea of monster PCs, but for those out there really keen on the idea, here's a very simple mini-system. Racial HD buys off LA as follows: 1/2 LA per level: Animal, Construct, Fey, Humanoid, Plant, Undead 1/4 LA per level: Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid...
  5. Will

    Minotaur powerful charge useless?

    So I noticed minotaur Gore damage was reduced from 1d8 to 1d6. Hmm. Ok... Then I noticed powerful charge is now gore: 2d6+6 instead of 4d8+6... Except the greataxe does 3d6+6 damage. ... So is powerful charge now just a backup in case he gets disarmed?
  6. Will

    YALF! (Yet Another LA Fix)

    I hate LA. I don't like the weird effects it has (I'm 5 HD for sleep? Sigh. Ok), I don't like the effects at low level, where one level of HP represent a huge percentage, and so on. Well, after a lot of experimentation over the years... I think I have something viable. This takes a few clever...
  7. Will

    When PDFs for sale?

    When will WotC sell PDFs of the core book? They claimed, at various points, that they would, but is there any schedule for it? I'm skipping hardcopy unless it comes with free PDF. So assuming they still do the 'a PDF copy will cost ya,' I'm only interested in the PDF. (And no, I won't do piracy)
  8. Will

    PDF products?

    Anyone know what the current status of PDFs for core books is? And, ideally, timing? At first, we heard 'get a book, get access to PDF version.' That changed. Now there's DDI, but that's a general access. There supposedly will be PDF versions of books for sale. So, um, what's going on? (And...
  9. Will

    Can awakened animals speak?

    An awakened animal gains languages from the list the druid knows, but it's not 100% clear (to me) whether the animal (as a Magical Beast) gains any ability to actually talk. I'm inclined to say 'no,' because: Lycanthrope in animal form can't speak Druid in animal form can't speak Anyone have...
  10. Will

    Hexes and offset squares

    I know I read a thread on ENWorld at SOME point regarding the issues faced with using hexes in D&D, but I can't find them and now that I'm contemplating using hexes or offset squares in 4e... (I'd prefer offset squares, but I've only been able to find hexes as vinyl battlemats) So: Are hex...
  11. Will


    A minor point, to be sure, but anyone think dogs should have some sort of racial ability to be more useful with Handle Animal? I'm thinking of something like: If the dog regards a character as its master (raised the dog, otherwise spent a lot of time with the dog) and the master is trained in...
  12. Will

    Duelists, anyone?

    Anyone try a duelist and like it? Been perusing books and considering stuff I haven't tried before, and looked over Duelist again. From the point of view of a standard melee-type, it looks like utter crud; no armor, no offhand weapon, no shield, uses Int bonus to AC? Man, what? Looks like...
  13. Will

    DR/materials -> Bane

    Some discussion on rpg.net about the annoyances of the DR/materials system (IE: DR/silver, and so on) got me thinking... there's a principle in game design that players enjoy mechanics of reward more than mechanics of punishment. The point of DR/materials rules is to reward forethought and...
  14. Will

    D&D as Space Opera

    I posted this on RPG.net... didn't really get a lot of heat, so thought I'd see how it went here. Fear Kobold Commandos, explore strange alien ruins of bygone civilizations, scheme to liberate the core worlds from the Aelfar Imperium... So been thinking of running D&D as a space opera. No, I...
  15. Will

    Injuries buy off damage system

    Ok, been considering this for a while now, and think I have a conceptual breakthrough to make it work. The goal is to have a 'descriptive' element to combat: I'm much happier saying something like 'the mace clips your knee -- your eyes water from the pain, and it's going to be hard putting...
  16. Will

    'qualitative' wound system?

    Anyone have a decent system for handling damage mostly like D&D, but incorporating more descriptive/flavored wounds? Something like various leg injuries causing move penalties, or head-shots causing a round or two of stun, or... that sort of thing.
  17. Will

    [Iron Heroes] Yet another Arcanist

    Provided here Opinions? It needs a few more lores, and a bunch of examples, but what do people think so far?
  18. Will


    Um, is there a faq somewhere on just what 'immobile' entails? I THINK it means you are denied Dex bonus, but this is not actually stated. So, for example, a pinned character is immobile. Says that in many places. Does not actually define 'immobile' in PHB or DMG, as far as I can see. Help?
  19. Will

    Do effects kick in if no damage is done?

    So there are several places where side-effects of damage have separate mechanics, like a marut's thunder fist. Sonic attack, and then a check to deafen. My question is, if you have resistance to sonic that completely absorbs the damage done, would the deafen check be skipped? It seems sensible...
  20. Will

    Inherent bonus?

    I was just noodling about and... hrm. Inherent bonus, given by wish and tomes. Does it have an effect while polymorphed or in another form? Now, I'm inclined to say 'no,' but I was wondering if there were any specific mention. Consider bonus to stats due to equipment. If the character has...