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  1. T

    A few questions

    Alright...so our group is a bit lost on these things. 1. The paladin in the group took a PrC that granted him immunity to mind-influencing magic and effects. By the rules, is he able to lower this in order to gain the benefit of the bard's inspire greatness ability? 2. The Battlefist for...
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    Warforged and Battlefists?

    Okay...so here is the situation. In one of my games I'm playing a Warforged Psion and I made myself a Battlefist (the attachment that improves the slam attack). Thing is, last adventure, we fought another warforged who also had a Battlefist. So....my question is, what happens if a Warforged...
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    Ebberon Weretouched Master Question

    Question ... a shifter with the razorclaw shifter feat gains +2 Str and claws. If the shifter later took the prestige class Weretouched Master (ECS; p. 85) and took Tiger as his heritage animal type he also gains +2 Str while shifting. The actual words in the book: In addition, he gains one of...
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    Werewolf Hunter Help Needed

    It's been a while since I posted, life has been complex, so if I am in the wrong thread please don't kill me :confused: I am in need of ideas to create a werewolf hunter, but for some reason don't know where to get started. So I'm turning to all the briliant minds of ENworld I would like...
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    Is this legal?

    I have a player who quite honestly comes up with some of the weirdest ideas ever. He wants to do the following: His character, a Neutral Drow, wants to make a +3 Buckler, but with the requirements that only a Neutral Drow can use it. According to the DMG if there is a restriction, then there...
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    A little help with awakening a skeleton

    Okay, so here is the scenerio. In one of my games, I have a character who has a skeleton walking around with them and soon will be awakened (as per the Librus Mortis spell). The skeleton in question is under the effects of (All should be from Librus Mortis): Corpse Crafter: +4 Str, +2 HP per...
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    Sparta-like Empire

    In light of the upcoming movie I have had recent inspiration to develop a previously undeveloped area of my world after the Spartans. I'm just running into a little problem. How to effectively make them like the Spartans. Historically, the Spartans did not value formal educaiton above...
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    Player looking to join a PbP game

    Hi all. I currently find myself in a position that does not allow for much table-top D&D. As such I am looking to get into a play by post game since that seems like it could be better.
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    Trying my hand at coloring

    Just colored a pic I had for a character
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    Help with Crafting Rules

    I have a (probably) simple question regarding the creating rules. The rules for crafting say that the crafter needs to spend 1/3 the cost of the item in raw materials. So if a player is crafting a mithral weapon, does that mean that the player pays 1/3 the cost of the weapon, 1/3 the cost of...
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    Order of the Bow Initiate and Manyshot

    I have a player who is looking into the class and we are in disagreement over this little detail. Now this is where we disagree. I say that one can't use Manyshot because it says that its a single attack that takes a standard action. He says that since its exactly like sneak attack in all...
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    Help me reward a player

    Okay, here's the idea I have. My group is currently playing through the Shackled City campaign, but we are on a break while I'm in college. As such, I would like to do as much work on it as possible. I plan on giving each of my players a gift in character. I just can't come up with...
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    A odd request for artwork

    I know this is going to sound odd, but can anyone provide background pictures in black and white. I'm trying to improve my Photoshop skills and wish to place characters onto some sort of background, but since I am not a good enough artist to do the pictures justice I humbly request some of the...
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    My Attempt at Coloring

    So I got inspired by some art and decided to get back into photoshop coloring. I took an old pic (by KiptheBold) and colored for myself. What does everyone think?
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    A few homebrewed and "fixed" races I need people to look at

    Okay, I've recently decided to work on my homebrew again. However, I want to know if any of my homebrew and "fixed" races are balanced and what other people think of them. Any help with these is appreciated. First up are Saiyans. Yes like in DBZ, but I wanted to make them as playable a race...
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    Question on enhancing Warforged

    In the Magic of Faerun, there is an armor enhancement called Blueshine that, among other things, makes the armor immune to rust and acid. Warforged are able to be enhanced as if they were armor. My question is whether or not a Warforged can enhance his armor with this ability to make him...
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    Question about Desecrate

    One of the PC's in my game wants to cast Desecrate in an area to help the necromancer animate dead better. I'm not exactly sure if this would work so I come here to ask all of you. The spell description stats that "an undead creature created within or summoned into such an area gain +1...
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    Help a begining artist out.

    I got bored a few days ago and decided that I want to learn how to draw better. This way I can have pictures of some major NPC in my world and not have to ask the artists on ENWorld for eveything. So far I went through my collection of downloaded pictures and copied them free-hand. I think...
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    Tests of Heros

    I am making a dungeon for my players that will effectively be a series of test. I want it to test several aspects of adventuring life. I have the names of the tests, but can't think of the actual tests. So far: 1. Intellect before Brawn Enter a room. There is a 10' bridge spanning a chasm...
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    Looking for a old pic (Phoenix Cross)

    I was recently going through some pictures on my computer and accidently deleted a pic that I liked. It was a group pic about a group called the Pheonix Cross. Can someone be nice enough to re-post the pic, or find the thread where the pic was. I am almost 100% positive that the pic was on...