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  1. C

    A few feats and a lack of higher ideas. Your thoughts?

    There are three animal gods (Haquael the jackal, Zeilu the bear, Boza the antelope--yes, the first is random and the last two are anagrams), but they aren't really gods. That doesn't matter one bit to the characers, though, as they don't know that, and the last time one of these 'gods' tried to...
  2. C

    House rules and all that...praise, flames, etc?

    http://www.doddstech.com/campaign.htm Note: No map and regional histories yet...the next (2nd) session may be held as early as this weekend (the first was a disaster--one small mistake dominoed, and I know now, I will not DM again w/o chinese food and good coffee!), so I'd like some feedback...
  3. C

    How *do* I balance this?

    OK, I'm giving a class a bonus to damage similar to sneak attack. Hidden Shot: Hidden shot may only be used at or beyond 60ft. That i have, but I can't think of a good way to balance it and make it separate from the rogue sneak attack (the class that's getting it is tracker/hunter (or sniper...
  4. C

    New Magic system (like you've never seen THAT before, huh)

    Conviniently C&P'd from the house rules packet I'm working on: Powers There are four basic powers that sorcery is divided into: Divination, the ability to achieve cognizance above natural boundaries; Channeling, the ability to directly use (as apposed to using as a catalyst) one’s soul to will...
  5. C

    Opinions please -- New caster class

    This is a class I am working on for my upcoming campaign, and the one custom spell for them so far. The end result will be 5 paths, BTW. I think this is a bit on the powerful side, but I can't seem to decide what to remove...so here it is: Blood Fetter Adventures: blahdy blah blah...