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  1. (contact)

    4th edition character sheet

    http://www.cklarock.com/dnd/4esheet.htm ^ I designed a 4th ed. character sheet. I hope you use it! The one in the PH is an eye-sore, IMO, and tends to overpower the information stored on it, which for me is a cardinal design sin. Since the most critical numbers are the ones the player has...
  2. (contact)

    D&D 4E Fun to die in 4e?

    One of the phrases we hear over and over from 4e designers regarding choices is "______ isn't fun." It isn't fun to have to retire the whole party for the night because the single fight (that was fun) drained all of the party's healing. Save or die effects aren't fun. The list goes on. But...
  3. (contact)

    D&D 4E Your plans for 4e

    Anyone here playtesting? Assuming most of you aren't, what are your plans to do with your current games in the final months before 4e? I'm finding that my enthusiasm for anything 3x declines in proportion to my excitement for 4e. I'd planned to finish the Savage Tide AP, but my guys and gals...
  4. (contact)


    It looks like in 4e, there will be no niche for the sorcerer (as all spellcasters will have once-per-round spells), but we will have the warlock. Can anyone give me a quick run-down of the class as it stands in 3e? Themes, game niche, etc.? Thanks in advance, all!
  5. (contact)

    Video chat for Gaming?

    Has anyone here used video chat or other online technologies to play RPGs with friends who aren't living nearby? If so, what was your experience? Any and all comments are helpful, thanks!
  6. (contact)

    The Mystery of the Missing Story Hour Posts

    In my Risen Goddess thread (http://www.enworld.org/forums/showthread.php?t=123) I am unable to view many of the posts. The page structure is still present (i.e. there are 18 pages, as I would expect), but there are no posts in many of those pages!
  7. (contact)

    (contact)'s Art Thread (Updated 4.24.04)

    Littlejohn's art thread fired me up, so I thought I'd share some of my more recent stuff with the board. I did this first piece as a spec drawing for one of Wulf's totally Bad Axe Heroes of High Favor books. p.s.: Vermeer roXXors my world. One of the true masters, his work is more...
  8. (contact)

    Characters for the Risen Goddess

    Indianichus, male halfling Rogue 4 / Wizard 5 / Arcane Trickster 3: CR 12; Small Humanoid; HD 4d6+4 plus 8d4+8; hp 53; Init +8; Spd 20 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC 23 (flatfooted 23, touch 16) (+5 armor, +5 Dex, +2 shield, +1 size); BAB +7/+1; Atk +2 shock half-spear +10/+5 melee (1d6+3 plus 1d6...
  9. (contact)

    The Liberation of Tenh (updated April 24)

    To New Readers The Liberation of Tenh is the campaign continuation of our homebrew Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil campaign, which was the first "serial" story hour on the EN Boards. It's one ongoing campaign that has seen a series of adventurers buried in shallow plots, resurrected...
  10. (contact)

    A thread you should see.

    About four years and two ENBoards ago, when the StoryHour forum was in its infancy, Piratecat posted a game-log of mine in serial format, with one update per day. The story was well received and fondly remembered (in the same way you might fondly remember a car wreck you witnessed, as you lie...
  11. (contact)

    Old Skull? Wanna serial story hour?

    Waaaaay back in the day, Piratecat posted my TOEE2 logs as a serial installment-- a post a day. It was pretty damn fun, IIRC, as some of the old school posters like Ranger Wicket, Wulf, Sagrio, etc. will remember. Would y'all be interested in seeing them again? Is there any interest out there...
  12. (contact)

    My god! Are these PCs all dead?

    All of the following images were drawn as portraits of D&D characters, as a game progressed. Some gamers stack dice, I draw. :) --------- This dwarven priest of the Father-God doesn't know that his current adventure will shake his faith to its core-- if it doesn't kill him first...
  13. (contact)

    Characters for the Liberation of Tenh (Updated 11/10/03)

    Belvor Belouve Male human Pal 16; XP 135,615 (136); Medium humanoid; HD 16d10+16; hp 108; Init –1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 28, touch 10, flat-footed 28 (+12 armor, +5 shield, +1 deflection, +1 natural, -1 Dex); Base Atk +16/+11/+6/+1; Grp +21; Full Atk +3 longsword +25/+20/+15/+10 melee (1d8+8/17-20 x2)...
  14. (contact)

    Bless Weapon

    This fellow is the kind who would smile when he knows he has no chance of surviving the morning's battle.
  15. (contact)

    The Liberation of Tenh, and Risen Goddess

    The Liberation of Tenh, and Risen Goddess The Liberation of Tenh storyhour and the Risen Goddess storyhour have been updated! The Liberation of Tenh, is the continuation of the ENBoard’s first serial story hour, the unique (not WotC module-based) Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil. A...
  16. (contact)

    That's a big ol' bear!

    I'm sure this has been debated to death, but it's new to me, and I can't find any appropriate archived thread. What limits the druid spell Animal Growth? Could a 9th level druid enlarge his 18 HD Animal Companion? That seems extremely powerful to me, and I'm looking for everyone's opinion.
  17. (contact)

    The Risen Goddess (Updated 3.10.08)

    THE RISEN GODDESS Before we begin . . . I'd like to say "thank you" to all the lurkers and readers who kept up with the adventures of the Risen Goddess on the last EN-Boards incarnation. Unfortunately, those threads are lost to the ethers, which is a real shame. The witty and insightful...
  18. (contact)

    The Liberation of Tenh Plot Thread

    The Liberation of Tenh Story Hour . The compiled logs can also be read in .rtf format, and you can get them at the Liberation of Tenh home page: http://home.earthlink.net/~cklarock/campaigns/tenh.htm **SPOILER ALERT** This will be the thread where I shamelessly beg all of you for your best...
  19. (contact)


    UBB code? Italics, bold? List list list