• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. D

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Prestige Classes?

    I know that prestige classes did not count towards a multiclassing XP penalty in 3.0, but I can't seem to find any information in the 3.5 rulebooks that says this is still the case. Has this been changed so that now prestige classes must be figured into the multiclassing penalty?
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    Planescape/Sigil question

    Did anyone play the old 2e Planescape setting? I know that the Lady of Pain didn't like powers/dieties and didn't allow them in Sigil, but how did she feel about clerics of those powers? E.g. what did she do about a priest of Moradin casting spells in Sigil? Was that just ignored, or was that...
  3. D

    Spell Turning

    What happens when a wizard protected by Spell Turning casts a spell (let's say Haste) upon himself?
  4. D

    Telepathy question

    I'm confused about how telepathy works. Telepathy from a demon, devil, pseudodragon, or the Mindbender prestige class, let's say. Does this telepathy allow the subject to respond telepathically, or do they just hear the words in their mind? Can a being with telepathy communicate with someone...
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    Falling question

    How do you decide when a character that fall whether they are prone or not? I can't find a rule that states this, one way or the other, but I have a hard time believing a PC that falls 200 ft. (and takes 20d6 damage) isn't prone after this.
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    Dimension Door question

    The Dimension Door spell description says that "After using this spell, the character can’t take any other actions until the character's next turn." Now what my players have been doing is DDing with another, then that person takes their full turn after the DDer goes. Should this be allowed? I...
  7. D

    Can incorporeal creatures be disintegrated?

    If a sorcerer hits a wraith with a disintegrate spell, assuming that he makes the ranged touch attack, and that the 50% chance to ignore non-force spells doesn't ruin the spell, and that the wraith doesn't make its Fort save, can the wraith be disintegrated? I can't seem to find anything that...
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    Falling Stuff

    As a DM, suppose that during combat your PC wizard casts disintegrate on the ceiling of a high, natural cavern 100 ft. up. He or she casts their 10 ft. cube to disintegrate the highest part of the ceiling, leaving low hanging stalagtites and other protrusions unaffected within this 10 ft. area...
  9. D

    Teleport Other?

    I'm converting something to 3e and run into the Teleport Other spell problem. It doesn't exist in 3e. Has anybody ever seen a conversion? Anybody know another way with the core rules to magically transport another with a spell, possibly against their will (a save is fine)? I need a spell that...
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    Banking in D&D?

    One of my players has expressed interest in banking services. I use the Greyhawk campaign setting. Obviously, medieval banking wouldn't be like modern banking (if it existed at all). Has anyone used anything like this in their games or know anything about history that could help me out? Thanks!
  11. D

    Dragon Disciple Question

    Does anyone know the correct way to compute the bite and claw attacks for a Dragon Disciple? Obviously, the bite is the primary weapon at BAB + Str mod. But what about a full-attack? Are there one or two claws usable? Are these natural weapons? Does the Dragon Disciple get secondary attacks with...
  12. D

    Psionic Rules problem?

    One of my players seems to have found a big way to exploit the psionics system. Here is the scenario: Assume you have a 12th-level psion (savant) with a 20 Con and 90 power points. Now assume that in one round the psion manifests psychofeedback for 7 pp, leaving 83 pp. The next round, the psion...
  13. D

    Quick Psionics Question...

    Is manifesting a power with a metapsionic feat a full-round action, like a sorcerer casting a metamagiced spell?
  14. D

    Question for Psionic rules experts Re: psionic monsters

    I have a question regarding psionic creatures. Some creatures have feats (such as Mind Trap, Deep Impact, Psychic Bastion, etc.) that are activated by using power points, but the creatures themselves don't have any power points, just a number of psionic powers/attacks/defenses "at will". Does...
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    Polymorph confusion!

    OK, one of my players just got the polymorph self spell, and I'm trying to deal with it. Apparently there are numerous errata and different versions for polymorph running around. Can someone please clarify for me the current (final?) details about how polymorph works? Thanks a lot!
  16. D

    Half-Celestial PCs

    I have a player who wants to role-play a half-celestial (half-human) character. With a little background, this fits fine into my campaign, so I want to allow it. But what ECL should I assign for being a half-celestial. They get a lot of cool powers, so I don't want the player to have an unfair...
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    Scroll question

    Suppose that a character fails to cast a spell from a scroll because the spell is higher level than them, and they fail their caster level check. If they avoid the mishap, I've always assumed that nothing bad happens, but the magic spell on the scroll is lost. However the DMG never says that the...
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    old issues of Dragon magazine

    Does anyone know a good web site from which to order back issues of Dragon magazine? I'm only looking for some relatively recent ones (all from after the 3e cutover).
  19. D

    Int increase and skill points

    Sorry if this was already covered in a past thread, but I'm afraid I don't know the answer: When a character reaches a level that allows an ability score increase (let's say 8th), and they put that point into Intelligence, and that point changes the mod for Int (let's say from Int 15 and a +2...
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    Special Cohorts

    I have a question about the Leadership feat. How does one compute the "Level Equivalent" for Special Cohorts, such as intelligent monsters? I would have thought it would have been just their CR, but that doesn't seem to be the case, because table 2-27 in the DMG lists a werebear (CR 5) as...