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Search results

  1. Tom Cashel

    Social Skills in d20: GM-requested or Player-suggested?

    Wulf's thread on the imminent TPKs of Barakus got me thinking about social skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Sense Motive, and Intimidate, to be specific. How are these handled in the campaign you run or play in? Situation A. Players meet NPCs. NPCs tell lies. DM rolls NPC Bluff behind the screen and...
  2. Tom Cashel

    Expanded Psionics

    So what are my options for an expanded psionics system for D20 Modern? I've heard of Mind Over Matter, but I don't want a feat/skill-based system; I want Advanced Classes. What's out there? Thanks in advance.
  3. Tom Cashel

    I got an RPG job!

    After 20+ years in the hobby, I have finally gotten my foot in the door of the RPG industry, and my first job is a doozy. Troll Lord Games has hired me as a freelance editor, and I'm working on the "Castle Zagyg" supplement, authored by the one, the only, Gary Gygax. It's just an amazing...
  4. Tom Cashel

    24 4/11/05 (Spoilers, natch.)

    Okay. Can anyone tell me why they sent one helicopter and two guys to retrieve the FOOTBALL?!? I kept waiting for the Special Ops guys to come pouring out of the other two copters, seal off the exits, swarm in and blast Marwan's goons to bits. No excuse, except that the innocent bystanders...
  5. Tom Cashel

    Dang Modern SRD -- Need ability raises!

    Anyone got their D20 Modern book handy who can tell me at what levels PCs get ability points? Is it 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th? Many thanks!
  6. Tom Cashel

    Keeping a Prisoner "Medicated"

    So my players have captured their archnemesis. They want to interrogate him, but they know he's psionic and they need to rest up from the fight. Naturally, they had the idea to zip-tie his arms and legs, and "dope him up" until they see fit to question him. They have access to a small medical...
  7. Tom Cashel

    Why No Street Dates?

    Hi all. I'm just sitting here after checking the d20 Past product page for the umpteenth time on amazon.com, to find that it is "not yet released." Moreover, if you scroll down a bit, amazon.com lists a publication date of April 16, 2005. The Wizards' web site lists the month of March as the...
  8. Tom Cashel

    Are you ignoring me?

    Well, stop it. I've mended my ways. I've adjusted my attitude. I've licked the boots of the Grandjoker Vladinmire Pokethankenschefft. So stop ignoring me. Or at least admit it if you are. (I had to post this, due to this thread.)
  9. Tom Cashel

    D20 Modern reference sheets--where?

    Hi folks. I know this has been asked before (probably by me), but I can't find the thread and my google-attempts have come to naught. Does anyone know where I can find PDFs of D20 Modern reference sheets online? The ones I'm thinking of come in Landscape and Portrait versions, so you can put...
  10. Tom Cashel

    Adventurers: "We don't want your kind around here."

    A lot of game worlds are predicated on the notion of an "adventurer culture." PCs are treated like heroes, and eventually, demigods. There are shops that cater to their needs. Magic is a tool, like anything else (unlike every mythic tradition, the use of magic in D&D has no inherent negative...
  11. Tom Cashel

    How do you strip a miniature?

    Well, it's finally happened. I screwed up the Ghoul King one too many times, and decided that the details were getting lost under all that paint (hint: no matter how much you want your zombie to appear splattered with blood, spattering red paint on the mini will only ruin it). One full night in...
  12. Tom Cashel

    So when does the new server get hooked up?

    Looking forward to speedy uploads! So...when does the new hardware get to churning?
  13. Tom Cashel

    Describe your NEXT game session!

    I'm home with the baby three days a week. Life is good...I've got time to spend with my son, and stacks of D20 Modern books around the computer for creating NPCs while he sleeps. Down side: the next session I'm going to run will be in March of 2005. Painful if you dwell on it. Link in sig's got...
  14. Tom Cashel

    [GMs/Players] One medium or many media?

    I finished the collage for season 2 of my D20 Modern game, and it got me wondering what other kinds of media GMs might use to get players keyed up for upcoming games, plotlines, etc. As players, what other media do you bring to the table? I put together collages. Do you write fiction, poetry...
  15. Tom Cashel

    Stupid Thread Syndrome

    Is there any limit to the amount of "Stupid X Syndrome" threads that will pop up? So far we've had Stupid Player Syndrome, a rebuttal with Stupid DM Syndrome, and Stupid Author Syndrome. Despite how you may feel about the inherently combative nature of these threads, or whether you support...
  16. Tom Cashel

    Patrick Aidan "Cashel" is home! (pics)

    Born three months early, thriving (after early setbacks) during his 66 days in the neonatal intensive care unit at Georgetown University Hospital, my son has finally come home! I don't get much sleep, or time to post, but I thought I'd put up a brag shot or three. That's him and me in the last...
  17. Tom Cashel

    Tell me about your House Rules for Action Points

    ...and how have they worked out? My players are a little frustrated with the 1 AP per round, 1d6 per AP rules as written in D20 Modern. I've considered offering a reroll of the d20 for 3 AP, and allowing multiple APs per round (but no more than your level divided by 2). What have you got for...
  18. Tom Cashel

    Math problem! Gamer/Mathletes needed!

    My players, please don't read this. Okay, here's the deal: My players' TARDIS has broken down, leaving them in a hostile situation, surrounded by enemy troops. The troops are aware of the (camouflaged) TARDIS, and are planting explosives (six lbs. of C-4) to try to blow open the door...
  19. Tom Cashel

    A Cashel is Born

    Please excuse the brevity of this post, but I'm flat-out exhausted. My son, Patrick Aidan, was born by c-section this afternoon at 1:08 p.m. Nearly three months early (2 lb. 4 oz.), he'll be spending some time in the NICU. But he's already forgone the breathing tube (for now), and he's doing as...
  20. Tom Cashel

    Tom Cashel's Pants

    Hey, if Morrus can have a huge thread devoted to his pants, and how they ended up draped over the front page of the site, then T. O'Boyle O'Flynn Cashel should have one too. I'm mad as hell about my pants, and I'm very nearly not going to think about taking it anymore. They're old. They need...