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Search results

  1. S

    Anyone going to game at Ghostorb?

    Hi, as some posters here at ENworld I have trouble getting people to play with. I just got my Dungeon 121 and in it was an advertisment for a place called Ghostorb an I was wondering if anyone knows something about this place and whether anyone plan to join? Cheers, Stegger edit: www.ghostorb.com
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    New MMIII errata and 3.5FAQ update at Wizards

    Hi, I just saw this at wizards: http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/MM3_Errata02252005.zip and http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/Main35FAQv02252005.zip Looks like there were added quite a bit to the MMIII errata sheet! Cheers, Stegger
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    Where do you read about the demon princes?

    Hi, I relation to the article in the latest Dragon Magazine about the classic demon princes, where have you read about those creatures before and their planes before? Other Dragon/Dungeon Magazines, TSR books? I am really interested in reading more about both the princes and the planes of...
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    Bought some books. Sharing the love...

    Hi, I just bought some books from amazon: Savage Species: Playing Monstrous Characters (Dungeons & Dragons Supplement) (Hardcover) Epic Level Handbook (Dungeons & Dragons Supplement) (Hardcover) Fiend Folio (Dungeons & Dragons Accessory) (Hardcover) City of the Spider Queen (Forgotten...
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    Swift and Immediate Actions?

    I saw this as an option in the 4e poll and I do not know what they represent. Could anyone enlighten me as to what they are, and if and how you use them? Thanks in advance, Stegger
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    Hiding true alignment?

    Hi, I am without my books right here, and are not that experienced in this part of the game. Problem: I just started DM a single player, a paladin PC, and he is about to venture of with a "friend" of non-paladin like alignment. They are both low-level (2 and 3). What options does the NPC have...
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    Pathfinder 1E VAT on Paizo subscriptions in Europe?

    Hi, I posted this in the "Why dont you buy ........." thread, but I just wanted to make sure that it did not drown in that thread. I am about to sign up for a 1-year subscription to both Dragon and Dungeon, and hope of course that the delivery problems have been resolved! I just have a single...
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    Challenging Challenge Ratings by Upper Krust?

    Sorry for the cross forum post!!!! But here goes again: Hi, I have been looking for the Challenging Challenge Ratings document that Upper Krust have made, but have been unsuccesful so far. Does anyone know where to find it? I have looked at his immortal homepage wothout succes. I remember...
  9. S

    Challenging Challenge Ratings by Upper Krust?

    Hi, I have been looking for the Challenging Challenge Ratings document that Upper Krust have made, but have been unsuccesful so far. Does anyone know where to find it? I have looked at his immortal homepage wothout succes. I remember having seen a post here about when he updated it, but I cannot...
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    age of planetouched?

    Hi, I have a player in my group who wants to play a planetouched character and we have not been able to find out how old they generally are when they start adventuring or what age they can reach. Does anyone know where this information can be found? Thank you very much! Cheers, Stegger
  11. S

    Price-changes at Amazon. How often?

    Hi, I hope somebody can help me with this. The problem: The prices for various d&d books are just so much higher here in Denmark compared to the prices I can get them for at amazon.com, even with taxes (25%) and p&p added. I just went to amazon.com this morning and looked at +10 books I would...
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    Pathfinder 1E Subscription to Paizo magazines - Europe

    Hi, I have been buying my Dungeon magazine at the local gaming shop until now, but have started to think about a subscription to maybe both the Dungeon and Dragon magazine. But I would like some feedback from people who live in Europe (Denmark/scandinavia in particular) about delivery times. I...
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    Top 10 Greatest Adventures IN the Dungeon Magazine

    Hi, I have been reading some of the posts in the "Top 30 Greatest Adventures Discussion"-thread. "Unfortunatly" I have only played since 3rd edition came out and I will probably never get hold of any of the old adventures or get to play any, unless I happen to stumble into a game DMed by diaglo...
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    Libris Mortis Art Gallery

    Hi, I just looked at the posted art gallery for Libris Mortis, and it looks like WotC have almost excluded pictures with a cartoonish look, except for the cover look of course! To me this is really an improvement. What are your opinions about this? Is this a new trend or? Cheers, Stegger Edit...
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    looking for feat

    Hi, I was looking through my WotC books the other day, looking for a feat that allows you to both move and make a full attack in one round. Does that feat exist at all? I think I saw it somewhere a while ago, but could be wrong. It seems really powerful, but still.... Thanks in advance, Stegger
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    Your favorite PC! I need inspiration...

    Hi, I am about to make up a new character, probably 1st level, and would like to see what other people here at ENworld have as their favorite PC. I am interested in your choice of race, class, feats etc but also, if possible, background stories of the character as well as hints as to why you...
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    Player looking for group (Copenhagen, Denmark)

    Hi, I recently moved to Copenhagen and are now looking for a group that has a seat available for another player. I have been playing since 3rd edition was published with some friends mostly in Greyhawk and in FR so anything similar to this would suit me. I am 29 years old with a good sense of...
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    Players guide to faerun?

    Hi, this has probably been said a number of times, but does anyone know the street date of the upcoming Players Guide to Faerun? Thanks, Stegger
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    D&D PDA software?

    Hi, I just brougth a IPAQ 4150 and was wondering if there was any software out there that I could use when playing d&d? Like charactersheet etc... I have looked at http://www.webcommando.com/rpgcommando/index2.html but they dont seem to be to active. Thanks in advance, Stegger
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    Draconomicon Chat Transcript

    A transcript of the Draconomicon Chat has been put op on the wizards board in the new Draconomicon forum: http://boards1.wizards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=136691 And now we can start to speculate............... Stegger