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Search results

  1. Mistwell

    Hundreds of Beavers (the movie)

    The movie Hundreds of Beavers is worth seeing, if you liked old Monty Python level of absurd movies, with a sprinkling of Looney Toons. It's black and white, there is no dialogue (for the most part), and well written. Smart, silly, funny. Apparently it's better with an audience, and it' plays...
  2. Mistwell

    Best D20 Space Games (not fantasy)

    I'm wondering what games people think are the best d20 space games, which are not fantasy games in space. No spells, no magic, not looking for anything like spells unless it involves psionics. So no on Starfinder. The first that comes to my mind is the old d20 Future, which I do think is a...
  3. Mistwell

    D&D (2024) What are your best Playtest Level 3 Builds?

    I am going to play a one-shot (or maybe a few shots) with a level three PC. The DM likely will let me play a playtest character. What are some idea for a third level playtest PC? Any race. Optimized or non-optimized doesn't matter. Cool story or just bashes heads, either is fine. What are some...
  4. Mistwell

    D&D (2024) Playtest 8 Survey

    A user named Delight has done extensive playtesting and a review of every element of the Bastion system, posted a Google Doc about it open for others to see, and it includes at the bottom how they filled out the survey on the Bastion portion of these playtest rules. It's good. It's so good I am...
  5. Mistwell

    D&D (2024) Does the concept of subspecies of Elves come across as racist to you

    Does the concept of subspecies of Elves come across as racist to you? This question comes from the Half-Race Apperception Thread
  6. Mistwell

    Summer Movies

    I can't recall seeing this level of detail reported about a single weekend of movies.: https://deadline.com/2023/06/box-office-the-flash-bomb-elemental-1235419478/ Writer Anthony D'Alessandro is naming exactly what was spent, in which methods, on some of marketing (though not all of the...
  7. Mistwell

    D&D (2024) Searching and Safely Triggering Traps and Secret Doors

    Forget how you think the rules currently handle searching for traps and disarming them, and searching for secret doors and figuring out how to open them. How do you think the new rules should handle these tasks, and how show they clarify the rules to make it clear that's how it works? For me...
  8. Mistwell

    D&D (2024) I like the new Warlock

    I really like the new proposed Warlock class. I could have posted this in one of the various other Warlock threads but those seem very loaded down with people complaining about the changes. But this is not a "plus" thread (which I don't really believe in) so feel free to disagree here with all...
  9. Mistwell

    D&D 5E Wildshape Interactions with Weird Racial Features

    Treantmonk has an upcoming good video on racial options for the druid Wildshape feature, using the Moodruid subclass. When the video goes live on YouTube I'll try and edit this post to link to it. There are two races he includes which are "very weird" and prone to DMs saying their key racial...
  10. Mistwell

    D&D 5E The Misleading Scout - The Mislead Spell

    Hey guys, I'd like some opinions on a specific use of this spell: Mislead 5th level Cleric illusion spell, 1 Action cast (somatic component only). Range self. Duration: hour (concentration. Save: None You become invisible at the same time that an illusory double of you appears where you are...
  11. Mistwell

    D&D (2024) What will One D&D Eventually Be Commonly Called

    What do you think the common parlance will be for the game that is eventually published which is currently being playtested as One D&D?
  12. Mistwell

    WotC Post about number of employees at WOTC working in D&D Division?

    A long time ago @Morrus used to keep a list of the full time employees working on D&D specifically at WOTC. I wonder if anyone knows where that list is at? I doubt it's been kept updated but I was curious where it left off. I am not looking for the names of employees. I just wanted to see if...
  13. Mistwell

    D&D (2024) Inspiration From Nat 20 Will Bog Down The Game

    I like and use inspiration as it is in the existing game, though I understand why many people don't or mostly ignore it. And I'm cool with introducing mechanical ways to gain inspiration, like the Musician feat. I don't think the natural 20 "on any check" grants Inspiration is a good rule...
  14. Mistwell

    D&D (2024) Feat Chains are Incompatible with Easy CharGen + 1st Lev Feats

    The new UA playtesting the upcoming D&D revisions for 2024 introduce 1st level feats, which are intended per the designers to: 1) Make it easy on beginners to pick a feat without being overwhelmed by the number of choices. As stated by Crawford, “Feat selection should not be overwhelming, and...
  15. Mistwell

    D&D 5E Heat Metal Spell. Unfair to Heavy Armor Wearers?

    Heat Metal is a 1 action casting 2nd level concentration spell which damages someone holding or wearing a manufactured metal object. It has a range of 60 feet. Which will be relevant to this conversation. It does 2d8 fire damage each round the caster uses a bonus action to cause that damage...
  16. Mistwell

    D&D 5E Over 10 Years Since the Open 5e Playtest Began!

    On May 24, 2012, WotC launched an open-to-the public playtest of DND Next. In the first year, over 120,000 people registered as official playtesters. What's your story of starting to play 5e? For my group, we started playing in that first year, with a combination of our prior players from 4e...
  17. Mistwell

    D&D 5E Fixing Channel Divinity: Twilight Sanctuary

    I'd like recommendations for how to adjust the power level of Channel Divinity: Twilight Sanctuary while still leaving it as a cool, useful, and flavorful ability for the Twilight Cleric. Channel Divinity is the keystone ability for this subclass, so I don't want to nerf the power down so far...
  18. Mistwell

    D&D 5E Do you find alignment useful in any way?

    The question is not how useful you find alignment. The question is just if you find alignment useful in any way in any of your 5e D&D games? If you care to comment how you've found it useful, or how you've found it to be no use at all, please do so.
  19. Mistwell

    D&D 5E Artificer Alchemist / Warlock = Tons of Elixirs?

    This thought came from this thread. I am trying to figure out how to optimize an alchemist, even if that uses multiclassing, feats, or the optional Tasha's rules. One thought I had was to really stock up on Elixirs. The Alchemist sub-class essentially stores first level spells in a potion...
  20. Mistwell

    D&D 5E Rogues are Awesome. Is it the Tasha's Effect?

    I am playing a traditional rogue for the first time in 5e. He's a halfling arcane trickster, dex based. We're up to 6th level now. Out of combat he of course excels. We're playing Mad Mage, and he's excellent with traps, secret doors, and anything requiring investigation or scouting., That Mage...