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  1. T

    Games that are more fun than their books or core setting would suggest?

    There's a great thread going right now about "Games that are more fun to read than play," but a tangential thread idea came to mind. Anybody buy any gaming materials that resulted in a great game, but the core materials (perhaps the campaign setting, rules presentation etc.) were not as...
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    D&D 3E/3.5 Recommend an online 3.5 character sheet?

    I posted this in the D&D utilities forum, but no one replied, so I figured I'd try here: Recommend an online 3.5 character sheet? I'm starting a new 3.5e game, and my players and I are using Obsidian Portal to track the campaign. I'm looking at some ways to put character sheets online...
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    D&D 3E/3.5 Recommend an online 3.5 character sheet?

    I'm starting a new 3.5e game, and my players and I are using Obsidian Portal to track the campaign. I'm looking at some ways to put character sheets online, like I used to do in my pbp days. Lots of new options. Can anybody recommend a good site for a forms-based 3.5 character sheet that...
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    Need ideas for Fey scenarios

    Playing 4E Forgotten Realms with my usual crowd of lunatics, and I've started down a path in our sandbox game that they're really enjoying - having them explore a forest filled with fey creatures and eladrin intrigue. As a matter of fact, it's completely sidetracked them from any of our usual...
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    Anybody playing Dragon Warriors?

    Say, did anybody else get turned onto Dragon Warriors (Mongoose/Flaming Cobra/Magnum-Opus-Press) off of the Free RPG Day booklet? Or were you playing it before? (Or heck, did you have the 6 novel-sized rule books from the 80s?) I just ordered it from my Friendly Neighborhood Gaming Store...
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    Running Palladium Fantasy RPG

    Say, I'm stoked to see that Palladium is now participating in drivethrurpg.com and other one bookshelf sites. I have a tremendous amount of respect for Kevin Siembieda and Palladium's books, which are true labors of love and gamer's games. I haven't played Palladium Fantasy in about 20 years...
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    What Would Google Do? - the Wizards of the Coast Edition

    Say, have any of you read Jeff Jarvis' new book, "What Would Google Do?" It posits that Google's approach to information and technology has changed the way a lot of companies do business, and shows some opportunities for companies that haven't to be "googley" and embrace openness and...
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    Current versions of HARP/Rolemaster and Runequest - anyone playing them? any advice?

    Say, in another thread I started about games with an "old school" feel (or at least a re-release of an old school game), I asked about RuneQuest and HARP. We got off on some tangents - rightly so, and well explored - about C&C and other games. But, my curiosity keeps coming back to the...
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    Looking for the Old School: Tell my group what to play

    So, my buddies and I all started during the 1e and 2e days, played a TON of 3.5 and have recently converted to 4e. We keep coming back to "wow, I wish we could play something that was more like first edition..." It may just be that we play 4e with some of the "first edition feel" modules and...
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    Tips for expediting 4e Encounters?

    Say, in our weekly game, the DM and I were talking about the length of time we spend on 4e encounters, vs. the amount of time we spent on 3.5e encounters. Usually, we'd plow through 4-6 encounters for 3.5e in a 4 1/2 hour session with plenty of time for roleplaying and exploration, too. In 4E...
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    Is Iron Heroes *revised* worth the money?

    Say, I've got the original Iron Heroes, and now I see there's "Iron Heroes *revised*" out. Anybody gotten it yet? Is it worth the cost?
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    Requests in Dragon Letters column to go online/disk *in the 80s*

    In light of all that's afoot with Dragon and Dungeon, I thought it might be interesting to post some stuff I remembered reading back in the day: From issue 122: I would like to present an idea of mine in this column. There have been many people writing to DRAGON Magazine concerning how they...
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    Gamma World

    Say, I'm slowly getting back in to Gamma World (after watching the Omega Man last weekend, to be honest). Reading through the d20 stuff, but also found a lot of the original versions available from sellers online (including enworld!). Any suggestions about how to run the campaign or...
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    Ptolus Ptips? Starting up a campaign...

    Sorry for the Ptolus pun. Anyway, starting up a campaign in Ptolus for my usual gang of players. Curious who's dived into the mammoth setting yet, and if they had any tips for a DM. I'll be starting with the adventures from the book, if only just to use what's there and focus my prep time on...
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    Anybody having issues loading dndonlingames.com, today?

    Anybody else having issues loading this site today? I'm getting redirected to a domain name renewal page hosted by: revenuedirect.com. Even trying to load subpages or subdomains (E.g. srd.dndonlinegames.com) is causing troubles. If any of the admins are checking this board, please contact...
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    New Basic Set - Thoughts on its use as an intro?

    Didn't see a thread strictly about this aspect of the new Basic set. I just bought it yesterday to have on hand as a teaching tool for new players - even for some who have played older editions of d&d but are completely overwhelmed by all the new statistics/skills/feats in 3.0/3.5. Anybody use...