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Search results

  1. Tewligan

    Conan and other R.E. Howard stories online

    Hey! If you've never read any Conan stories, go here now: A - M, Project Gutenberg Australia free ebooks ebook etext etexts Looks like the Gutenberg Project has a crapload of R.E. Howard's stuff up for the reading online. Although I've read a lot of the Conan stories, I've never gotten around to...
  2. Tewligan

    (Poll) Will the DDI delay influence your 4e purchases?

    So, it looks like DDI will not be ready to start rollout any earlier than a few months from now, at best. Will this affect your decision to purchase the books? Personally, I'm definitely not buying into it now. I was considering picking up the PHB - although this edition looks to be far from my...
  3. Tewligan

    Any online art galleries for Magic: the Gathering?

    Just wondering if there are any sites that have at least a somewhat comprehensive gallery of Magic card art through the years? A bit of searching has turned up a few galleries of individual artists, but not much else - I want one site where I can just browse through all (well, a lot) of the...
  4. Tewligan

    Are the Circvs Maximvs forums down?

    When I go to CM, I'm not seeing a Forum selection. Then, when I add '/forum' to the address, it kicks me over to ENWorld. What the hey?
  5. Tewligan

    Review of Dragon magazine covers at SomethingAwful.com

    Heh - I thought this article was pretty funny: http://www.somethingawful.com/d/guides/dragon-memory-love.php
  6. Tewligan

    People using Gary's avatar

    So, I've already noticed a couple of people on here using Gary's Futurama avatar. Does that seem...odd to anyone else? I don't know if I would call it disrespectful - I know it's certainly not intended to be disrespectful - but it just doesn't seem quite right to me. Not this soon after his...
  7. Tewligan

    Savage Worlds, Explorers Ed. vs. the big book

    So, I'd been thinking of running this for at least a one-shot for a while now, and started thinking about it again after reading Wik's SW thread. I still need to, y'know, buy the book and actually READ it, and I was wondering which I should get. Does the big hardcover book have a lot of...
  8. Tewligan

    Picture of my new Warduke tattoo!

    Went under the needle for about 3 1/2 hours on Sunday. The bandages are now off. I've got another visit scheduled to finish the shading on the shield, sword, and loincloth, but he's mostly done. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...WARDUKE!
  9. Tewligan

    Looking for "old-school" tattoo ideas!

    So, I think a tattoo is in my near future, and I'm trying to figure out what I want to defile my pristine skin with. I think I want to go with some old art that screams "D&D!" to me, but I haven't settled on a firm choice yet. Right now, the strongest contenders are Warduke (Truman's art, NOT...
  10. Tewligan

    Gaming in Portland, OR?

    Just wondering if anyone's looking to fill an empty spot at their game table in Portland. Pretty much any game would be keen* - I DO have a soft spot in my heart for 1e AD&D, but I'm certainly not picky. I enjoy campaigns that have a lot of roleplaying, but I also quite enjoy beating the bejesus...
  11. Tewligan

    Photoshopped D&D Monsters!

    The Photoshop Phriday feature of Something Awful today is dedicated to Photoshop-creating D&D monsters! http://www.somethingawful.com/d/photoshop-phriday/dungeons-dragons-monsters.php EDIT:However, having actually gone through them, I now see that most of them are kind of lame. A few are okay...
  12. Tewligan

    D&D Game Day - 4th Edition content?

    So, apparently Worldwide D&D Game Day is on November 3rd. A local retailer at the LGS is saying that people are going to be able to give 4e a try on that day. Now, I'm pretty sure that's not actually the case, but what WILL be going on on that day? Does WotC have any special teasers or releases...
  13. Tewligan

    Funny rundown of goofy D&D monsters

    Just saw this, and thought it was pretty funny. The rest of the site is pretty entertaining too, although there is a bit of salty language scattered throughout. http://www.headinjurytheater.com/article73.htm
  14. Tewligan

    Whatever happened to Zogonia?

    So, is Zogonia ever going back online or what?
  15. Tewligan

    What's Pun-Pun?

    I see the name "Pun-Pun" come up now and again, but I have no idea what/who the hell it is. Someone help me out here! It sounds like maybe it's some anime thing?
  16. Tewligan

    Finally - I've got a 1e game!

    Ah, I am a happy Tewligan! Shortly after moving, I've at last fulfilled my wish of assembling a 1e group - with an experienced 1e DM even, so I can play rather than run it! Plus, I met the other players today, and they seem normal! Ohhh, I don't know what character to play...An illusionist? I've...
  17. Tewligan

    Shut up out there!

    Gaa! So, I moved to Portland, Oregon a few weeks ago, and I'm both entertained and irritated by something that happens outside the apartment every Saturday morning. By 7:00 am at the latest, a group of 5-8 protestors gathers outside a building just cattycorner across the intersection we're on...
  18. Tewligan

    Good game stores in Portland, OR?

    Well, I've finally made my move to Portland as of Saturday. I've got my TriMet pass, I've marvelled at the lack of sales tax, and I've thrilled to seeing rain again after the hideously dry winter/spring in Los Angeles. However, I've not yet been to a local game store (or, as my girlfriend...
  19. Tewligan

    Using 2E stuff with 1E rules?

    So, last night at my FLGS (yay, Game Empire!), I picked up the 1st edition PHB, DMG, and MM. Again. Oh, the number of times I've owned those, only to lose them, leave them behind when moving, etc... Anyway, they also had a copy of the 2E Monstrous Manual, which looks to be jam-packed with...
  20. Tewligan

    (Rant) Sorrow, thy name is UPS!

    Oh, those bastards. So, this past weekend I flew up to San Francisco to visit a friend. While there, the good fellow gave me a computer - he's a game programmer, and goes through computers like fat kids go through Twinkies. Rather than mess around with checking it at the airport, I decided to...