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  1. Szatany

    D&D 5E If you could rearrange ability scores

    how would they look? My ideal setup is: Strength - no change Constitution - no change Agility - mobility based portions of dexterity, sneaking, initiative, armor class, finesse melee weapons Precision - manual dexterity and perception, open locks, crafting, spot and listen, ranged attacks...
  2. Szatany

    D&D 5E Barbarian subclass?

    Should barbarian be rather a fighter subclass than a full class? I can see it working either way, and I'm curious about opinions of others. Why it should be fighter's subclass: - barbarian seems rather one-dimensional as a class, compared to fighter and even to 5e paladin - warlord is roughly a...
  3. Szatany

    D&D 5E Ability checks not using modifier

    If the basic rule for ability checks (but not saves, attacks etc.) was to use score -10, instead of modifier, would it benefit the game? The pros I can see is this works better with new feat system, and allows for higher granuality of character's "skills". The cons I can see is slight increase...
  4. Szatany

    D&D 5E A Game of Feats

    For those who like to design stuff, lets have some fun. The rules of the game are: the poster above you posts a feat from the latest dndn packet, and your job is to make that feat equal to +1 bonus to ability score. You can change the effect of the feat, or you can add to it, but it still has to...
  5. Szatany

    D&D 5E Feats that equal +1 ability score

    How, in your mind, should such feats look? Give some examples. My idea: (those two are based on some of original feats presented as the ambusher speciality). Unless otherwise noted, all benefits stack. Ambusher Prerequisites: Dex 11+ * You gain a +2 bonus to initiative checks. * When you...
  6. Szatany

    D&D 5E My idea for skill system

    I like the basics of how skills work in Dnext so far, but I have some issues with it. - not enough skills - this is probably a matter of taste, but I'd like to have more options when it comes to skills - skills are equal - probably because of simplicity, currently all skills are supposed to be...
  7. Szatany

    D&D 5E Design your core races

    As seen in another thread, almost nobody is content with how humans are right now presented in DDN. This thread is for folks like me who like to tinker with their game. Design your version of humans and post it here. Maybe we can get some nice ideas and show D&D design team what we really want...
  8. Szatany

    D&D 5E (no more) boring shields

    For the newest iteration of this idea, see the bottom of this post. VERSION 1 Shields as they are now are extremly boring. There's no variety, they seem almost like an afterthought. Here I present an alternative take on them. Didn't want to just make pricier shields with better AC (mostly to...
  9. Szatany

    D&D 5E Words of power

    Are they still in the game? Classes chapter doesn't mention them, but they are still descriptors attached to individual spells. Also Read First pdf doesn't say that they were changed or removed.
  10. Szatany

    D&D 5E Eyes? who cares

    I was just looking at the character sheet, and something struck me. Why is there a box for writing down the color of your eyes? It's such a minor and totally irrelevant thing. I can understand with hair, they are easily visible on a character and can add to his uniqueness. But eyes? And at the...
  11. Szatany

    D&D 5E Moar fun with weapons

    I've been thinking about how to make weapons in DNDN more interesting to players, and also more diverse. It's about making weapons better with certain maneuvers so they play differently if a player chooses so. It also makes weapons more distinct from eachother. In a hand of a skilled warrior...
  12. Szatany

    Boring shields

    I read the shields and it immediately jump out on me how bland they are. Almost an afterthough. My proposal is this: Shields Buckler* Cost AC Weight steel 20gp +0/+1 10 ironwood 80gp +0/+1 5 mithral 600gp +1 5 Light**...
  13. Szatany

    Race "roles"

    The thread about combat roles made me think. According to its poll, most people want a member of each class to be able to perform any combat role (striker, tank etc.). What if we expanded this approach to races? Races have always been designed in such a way that they naturally gravitate towards...
  14. Szatany

    The Deathscene Action

    There you go, the first detail about 5E mechanics. And I'm the one to report it here :D Have you seen this movie? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/10/dungeons-and-dragons-rema_n_1196534.html?ref=technology&ir=Technology At one point the DM tells a player whos cleric just died to undead...
  15. Szatany

    Age of Wonders

    Hello everyone :) Some of you might remember me from the times when 3.5 on top. It was a fun system but had some serious flaws. Still I and my friends played it, even if less and less as we got more annoyed at the complexity of the game. Then the 4e came and seemed like a fantastic thing at the...
  16. Szatany

    Some random ideas

    What do you think about those. Broken, good, useless? Feat name xxx Prerequisite: martial class Benefit: Whenever you level up and gain a new daily power from your main martial class, you can take an encounter power of equal or lower level instead. Feat name yyy Prerequisite: arcane class...
  17. Szatany

    New Racial Feats

    DRAGONBORN FEATS DRACONIC VITALITY [Heroic] Prerequisites: Dragonborn, dragon breath Benefit: When you use dragon breath, you gain 3 temporary hit points. At 11th level you gain 6 temporary hit points. At 21st level you gain 9 temporary hit points. DRAKE CLAWSTRIKE [Heroic] Prerequisites...
  18. Szatany

    Houserule - Reroll instead of bonus

    I have an idea for a houserule but I want your input first. Under this rule magic items that grant bonuses to skill checks would instead allow to re-roll natural rolls equal to their bonus. For example, a Nature +2 item would not grant +2 to Nature, but instead allow to re-roll any Nature check...
  19. Szatany


    Notes from the designer: An idea straight from a MMO, I thought worth giving a shot. General tactics can be a tool for DMs who, for whatever reason, want to ban or tone down magic items in their games because many tactics replicate properties of those items. For that very reason, tactics offer...
  20. Szatany


    I have this idea running around my head and I better put it to "paper" when it's fresh. I've been playing Warhammer online lately and it has this system of abilities that you can unlock if you are fighting for a set amount of time (like attacking straight for 20 seconds etc.). And I though...