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Search results

  1. mhacdebhandia

    D&D Setting Sketch - Solano

    Solano Less than three generations ago, the Spring Empire looked to have a prosperous future of expansion and discovery. In your grandmother's and grandfather's time, however, the promise of the empire turned sour. Bitter rivalry and open conflict in the Imperial House led to bloodshed and...
  2. mhacdebhandia

    [Ampersand] Bill Slavicsek on campaign settings

    Ampersand: Travelling Show. Bill Slavicsek clarifies some of his statements about campaign settings from the GAMA Trade Show.
  3. mhacdebhandia

    Huge Cover Images from CNET article

  4. mhacdebhandia

    Locations Mentioned in Races & Classes

    I thought this might be an interesting project. Anauli Empire: A long-vanished eladrin civilisation. Arkhosia: A dragonborn empire founded by followers of Bahamut in the arid lands of the south, destroyed by wars with the tiefling empire of Bael Turath. Avaellor: An eladrin city which spends...
  5. mhacdebhandia


    Please delete!
  6. mhacdebhandia

    Design & Development: The Warlock

  7. mhacdebhandia

    Limited-Resource Campaign Design, Take Two

    I enjoyed my last little experiment with limited-resource campaign design, so here we are again. This time around, I'm going to look at building a setting sketch from three angles instead of two: not only "PC races" and "monsters" but also "character classes". It's not really different from what...
  8. mhacdebhandia

    Interesting Google Ad Banner here on EN World

    This popped up for me at the bottom of the Vecna thread.
  9. mhacdebhandia

    The Supplement Treadmill vs. The Alternatives

    From a thread over on RPG.net in the d20 subforum, a discussion about Star Wars Saga Edition and in response to a poster's desire that it be a single book with no supplements: Okay, so this reminded me of Dungeons & Dragons fans bitching about the "supplement treadmill", both in reference to...
  10. mhacdebhandia

    Limited-Resource Campaign Design

    Recently, Whizbang Dustyboots mentioned his method for designing his Midwood campaign: go through the Player's Handbook and the Monster Manual, and pick out the items which are most interesting to you. These then become the sole basis for your campaign. I'm going to try my hand at this, because...
  11. mhacdebhandia

    Interesting statement from a WizO on the D&D forum:

    In this now-locked Future Releases board thread, WizO_Sith stated: Now, is this a new piece of information? I haven't seen this assertion - that they're definitely not doing what they would be doing if they were going to revise the rules anytime soon - before.
  12. mhacdebhandia

    Dave "Wormy" Trampier Interviewed . . .

    . . . about his current job as a cab-driver in Carbondale, Illinois. This interview is from last year, so it may have been posted before, but this is apparently the Dave Trampier. (Link acquired from James Nicoll's LiveJournal.)
  13. mhacdebhandia

    Do your PCs' actions carry over into your next campaign?

    It's a simple question. As an example: The PCs from your last campaign managed to expose Prince John of England as being manipulated by Orcus to the detriment of the kingdom, and restore good King Richard to the throne. In your next game, will Prince John be exposed and King Richard ruling England?
  14. mhacdebhandia

    August 2006 Releases

    Tome of Battle : The Book of Nine Swords (D&D Supplement) Hardcover: 160 pages Publisher: Wizards of the Coast (August 8, 2006) http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0786939222/ Swords of Eveningstar : The Knights of Myth Drannor, Book I (The Knights of Myth Drannor) Hardcover: 352 pages Publisher...
  15. mhacdebhandia

    Iron Heroes - Why?

    I'm curious about something. How many people here who like Iron Heroes like it primarily because they're sick of the Christmas-tree-of-magic-items of standard D&D, and how many like it primarily for other reasons? For my single self, I do like the simplicity of not needing magic items - but not...
  16. mhacdebhandia

    Story Fixes For Character Death

    Transcendence by Mike Mearls (a supplement for Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved) offers an interesting story fix for the death of a PC - though it's limited. Background: the champion class is the Arcana Evolved replacement for/expansion of the paladin class. Each champion has a cause she fights for...
  17. mhacdebhandia

    What History Have You Witnessed

    In the spirit of the local history thread . . . what historical or noteworthy event have you personally seen? Ironically, I can't actually claim to have seen it, but . . . in the 1990s, the Prince of Wales came to Sydney. At one of his public appearances he was giving a speech when someone...
  18. mhacdebhandia

    Prestige Class List Updated

    I've added prerequisites to my list of Wizards of the Coast prestige classes. Check it out!
  19. mhacdebhandia

    Should Players Engage With The Rules?

    Although I understand that many people play role-playing games primarily for the story, the chance to pretend to be someone else, or for other "non-game" "role-playing" reasons, I personally find it quite frustrating when someone agrees to play a game (like Third Edition D&D) which fairly...
  20. mhacdebhandia

    A Textbook Of Unnecessary Setting Design (sorta)

    (I have also posted this to the Wizards of the Coast fora.) A while ago I was contemplating designing a campaign setting of my own. One of the central hooks I was building it around was that the gods were remote - similar to Eberron, which looks like it's going to be the setting I actually end...