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Search results

  1. Aeric

    D&D 4E Mecha in 4E

    I'm gearing up for my first 4E campaign and I need help coming up with stats for what are essentially mecha. Here's what I've come up with so far: The mecha are magical constructs that require a pilot to perform any actions. They have their own physical attributes and defenses, but use the...
  2. Aeric

    How often does Grappling happen in your game?

    Seeing the various threads over the years about 3E's grappling rules, and then today seeing the ad for EN World's rules for grappling, got me to thinking. Just how often does grappling happen in games? It seems like it must happen a lot for the rules to receive so much attention. It very...
  3. Aeric

    Dungeon-light campaign-length adventures

    A friend of mine is looking to run a D&D campaign in the near future, and he wants to use published adventures. However, he has found that most such adventures are centered around dungeons. In order to help him out, I'm trying to compile a list of modules which are not dungeon-centric. A...
  4. Aeric

    Deus ex Machina -- Now What?

    I ran the first session of my new Forgotten Realms campaign last night. The party is composed of all evil types who are being drawn to the north by dreams. These dreams are being sent to them by a BBEG who wants them to be his agents in the world. This same BBEG, who is currently trapped in a...
  5. Aeric

    Looking for a New Setting to Conquer

    I'm thinking about running an all-evil campaign, in which the PCs all work for the BBEG looking to take over the world. Since the "hook" for this game is that the players will be playing the bad guys for a change, I would like to run it in as vanilla a setting as possible. I would use...
  6. Aeric

    Ebberon - If not guns, then what?

    I've read many forum threads about firearms and their place (or lack thereof) in the Eberron campaign setting lately. The biggest argument against them is the proliferation of magic in that world. Why have guns when you can have magic? While it isn't necessarily an argument I agree with...
  7. Aeric

    Help me create a paladin's code checklist!

    We see a lot of paladin threads here on EN World, and a lot of them have to do with specific situations. In every thread asking "what should I do in this situation?" the best advice given is "ask your DM what is appropriate behavior." Even better advice is to ask these questions before the...
  8. Aeric

    Mini Campaign -- Suggestions?

    I've volunteered to run a short (12-session) campaign while the current DM's wife is on hiatus. Does anyone know of any good published adventures that could be stretched over twelve sessions? I'd like to avoid dungeon crawls if at all possible. Oh, and it's not limited to D&D, either. Thanks...
  9. Aeric

    Ideas for Halloween Adventure

    For many years now, I have aspired to run a one-shot adventure on or near Halloween night. It seems that this year, I will finally get the opportunity! My weekly gaming group meets Monday nights, and our current DM has agreed to let me run my one-shot on the 30th. Now all I need is an idea...
  10. Aeric

    Loooong Campaigns...How Do You Do It?

    Every once in a while, I come across a reference on these boards to campaigns which last years, sometimes decades. After reading a recent thread by Piratecat about the end of his 14 year long campaign (here), I just have to ask: How the heck do you do it?? I just finished running a year-long...
  11. Aeric

    Regular NPCs and the Large Party

    I run an Eberron campaign with seven players. As if that wasn't challenging enough, I recently introduced an NPC who is going to be interacting with the PCs a lot - the pilot of the PCs' airship. As she is no ordinary pilot (she's a dryad that is bound to the ship), I would very much like for...
  12. Aeric

    Identifying an Artifact

    My players recently acquired a minor artifact and now they want to "identify" it. I know the spell Identify doesn't work on artifacts, so how would they go about doing this? Are there any official rules for "identifying" artifacts?
  13. Aeric

    Life After RttToEE

    Hello, fellow EN Worlders. I need some advice on a mid-level campaign I'm going to be running in the near future. For the past year now, I've been playing in a campaign which has primarily consisted of Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil which, for those unfamiliar with it, is, for the most...
  14. Aeric

    Variant Wizard Class--Opinions?

    Hello All. I have come up with a variant on the core wizard class from the PHB. I thought that since the fine people of the EN World boards seem to know so much more about the rules and how they balance than I do, I would run it by you guys and see what you thought of it. Any feedback...