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  1. J

    Opportunity Attacks question

    Specifically, I'm asking this about the Warlord power Diabolic Stratagem from Dragon 369. Is the enemy always aware that he is going to provoke opportunity attacks if he does a certain action...specifically about the above power. For those that don't have access to Dragon...basically after...
  2. J

    Power Cards for whining players or DMs

    Just for fun, I put these together for our group, but I thought I'd share in case anyone gets a laugh or even would like to use them...or if they inspire you to make your own. Background: Our group has played together since 2000 when 3rd edition came out. We started, as a joke, to pass around...
  3. J

    Character Generator

    From what I can tell, 4E overall looks very promising. Having said that, I wish I could pay a one-time fee for a GOOD character generator that actually works. I do not want to pay a monthly fee to play D&D and do not care about online stuff. I do not want to buy ebooks either. I would also...
  4. J

    Transmuting weapon [MIC]

    Does the Transmuting weapon enhancement from the Magic Item Compedium overcome any damage reduction? For example, if a transmuting great sword struck a creature with say DR 15/good and bludgeoning, would it bypass both on the following round? As worded, it appears to work against ANY type of...
  5. J

    Fast Healing stackable?

    Hello, If you gain Fast Healing from multiple sources (specifically, let's say the Unholy Scion template and the Evolved Undead template), do they stack? These are from Heroes of Horror and Libris Mortis. The Evolved Undead template I know stacks with itself, as it specifically says so in the...
  6. J

    Undead Grafts

    Hello, Do Undead Grafts work after you become undead? For example, if a wizard grafted a Bodak's Eye, an Enervating Arm and a Mohrg's Tongue onto his body, and THEN became a lich...would they all function normally? The lich description specifically says that they creature's eyes are...
  7. J

    Deadly Traps/Tomb of Horrors

    Howdy. I'd like to beef up the Tomb of Horrors to use when my PCs are more along the lines of 17th level, possibly even higher. What's the best book out there for higher CR traps? I know there's Traps and Treachery, but I think that was 3.0. I guess 3rd party stuff's ok since I'm the DM...
  8. J

    Encounter Levels for large parties

    Howdy. I have a party of 7 PC's, and they also each have intelligent items that gain powers as they level. Without posting the actual items, I'll just say that they are pretty nice and get better as they level up. Right now, I'm thinking of adding +1 to the average party level, based solely...
  9. J

    Adventure ideas after 10th level

    Ok, so my players are still 2nd level...but I am finding that planning the entire campaign out helps me a lot. What I need help with is finding an adventure (actually, probably several adventures) for my 8 players after the Red Hand of Doom. Here's the basics of the campaign: We're starting...
  10. J

    Dragon Spirit Cincture [Magic Item Com.]

    I'm a little uncertain how to apply this item to, say a Dragon Shaman. Does the item change the base hit die of damage from d6's to d8's...OR does it just add another 1d6 damage? The way it's worded is a little confusing to me, and a simple example would have been nice. Thanks.
  11. J

    Lichfiend CR

    Howdy, Is the Lichfiend REALLY a CR +0 adjustment?!? This is an optional Lich template mentioned in Libris Mortis (90% sure...not at home) for outsiders who qualify. I guess I should check for errata...Thanks.
  12. J

    Hulking Hurler Stone Giant question

    Howdy. If a stone giant with the hulking hurler prestige class from CW took the trick Meteoric Strike, how would that benefit his damage? As worded, it appears to add bonus (written as "extra") damage, meaning you would simply add twice the strenth bonus to his total damage dealt. I'm...
  13. J

    Worst/Funniest Character Names of all time

    It's probably been done before, but here we go. I'll start off with a character name so sick and twisted that it took two people to think up. Let me preface this by saying that I have no issues with those of homosexual persuasion, and this is not meant to be defamatory towards them in the...
  14. J

    Turning Undead clarification

    Ok, I've never played a cleric and now I'm dming, so I'm a little confused. Let's say we have a 5th level cleric with an item similar to the Phylactery of Undead-Turning, except it only adds +2 (instead of +4) to his effective turning level. He rolls a total of 16 on his turning check, which...
  15. J

    Intelligent Items at 1st level?

    Have any DMs out there ever run a campaign centered around magic items? I'm handing out intelligent items that are pretty powerful at 1st level. Although they are each very nice, I'm trying hard to make them balanced. For example, the armor for the rogue is a +1 glamered mithril chain shirt...
  16. J

    adding templates and ECL

    Howdy, I'm a noob DM trying to make the recurring villain, a 1st level half-fiendish doppleganger rogue. This seems a bit much to me, but according to the MM, this is an ECL 13 (4 for racial HD, 4 for adjustment, 4 for template, 1 for class level). Is this right? I'm sorry, but a 13th level...
  17. J

    DM Screens

    Howdy, I'm a noobie DM wondering which is the best 3.5 screen to buy. I'd like to get the Forgotten Realms one, but it's 3.0. Anyone know how much stuff I'd have to change to convert the FR screen to 3.5? If it's too much, then what's your favorite 3.5 screen? I'm too lazy to build one...
  18. J

    DM newbie seeking advice

    Well, I've Dmed a few times, but I've mostly been just a player for the past 20-something years. Anway, I'm starting a campaign and I need some advice on which adventures to buy. I don't have a lot of spare time to create my own world, but I'll probably tweak things here and there. We're...
  19. J

    Armbands of Might

    How does the power attack bonus granted from these armbands (from complete adventurer I think) stack or multiply? That is, if you have an ability such as Leap Attack that multiplies power attack damage, would it multiply this bonus as well? For example, if my 20th level dwarf power attacks for...
  20. J

    Leap Attack

    First of all, I just discovered this feat, and it seems to be one of the coolest for any fighter or monk. Now my question: Can this feat be used during movement other than ground? Mainly I'm wondering about flight. For example, if you were flying right above the ground towards an opponent...