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  1. C

    OotS 489 "Keepin' the Little Man Down"

    New OotS up!
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    Potteresque touches to a magic system

    I was thinking that there are various features of the magic system in the Harry Potter novels that could be imported quite easily for a change of flavor. Not a full blown conversion, just a few touches here and there. For instance: 1. Spells with somatic components require a wand as a focus...
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    Low Point Buy = negative LA?

    Suppose that, as a DM, I were to offer a negative LA in exchange for a low point buy. I.e. instead of generating a 3rd level character with a 32 point buy, a player could make a 4th level character with a lower point buy. Or even a 5th level character with a still lower point buy. What...
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    New categories of favored enemy

    Ok. Basically I have a problem with the classification of Ranger favored enemies. How is it possible that griffons and hydras have more in common than humans and elves? Here's the basic data about the Ranger's favored enemy. It includes the material from the SRD, a paraphrased version of the...
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    Favored enemy: Arcanist?

    I could have sworn I read about an alternative class feature for the Ranger that allowed him to take arcanists (including warlocks) as a favored enemy. But now I can't find it. Anyone know where something like this can be found? Or am I just dreaming it?
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    Classes not dependent on high abilities

    What classes are least dependent on high ability scores? I.e. not only do they not have MAD (like monks and paladins), but they don't really need to have the best ability buffer they can afford (like wizards). I know the warlock is one such class; it is playable even with straight 10s. Are...
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    Changing Favored Enemy?

    I was looking through PHB2 - specifically, the section on retraining. There is provision there for changing languages known and feats and even class specific choices like Wizard Specialization, Clerical Domain, or Ranger Combat Path (Archery vs TWF). But either I'm blind or it doesn't mention...
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    CR and EL Calculations

    I'm been trying to figure out the mathematical basis behind Table 3-1: Encounter Numbers (DMG p. 49). Here's what I have so far: It seems that there is a variable that can be calculated by figuring out how many creatures of various CRs there are in an encounter, and that this number can be...
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    Weapon Aptitude for Fighters?

    Warblades (Bo9S) have an extraordinary ability called Weapon Aptitude. One of its benefits is that all but two of the warblade levels count as fighter levels when qualifying for feats and prestige classes. (So a 6th level Warblade is eligible for weapon specialization). However, the ability...
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    Moderated reviews?

    Did the system eat my review, or is it sitting in a queue somewhere waiting to be approved?
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    Iconic Bestiary: Classics of Fantasy

    This is inexpensive collection of versions of monsters found in the Monster Manual but not in the SRD. The monsters fill roughly the same niche as their closed counterparts, but are creatively reimagined, not just rip-offs. Iconic Bestiary: Classics of Fantasy is a nicely laid out and...
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    [Math] WotC Challenge Ratings

    The contretemps with Upper_Krust about the "new" formula relating CR to EL has drawn me back to the basics; the official rules for challenge ratings and encounter levels. Specifically I'm been trying to figure out the mathematical basis behind Table 2-6: Experience Point Awards (Single Monster)...
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    Challenging Challenge Ratings

    Upper Krust recently proposed changing the scaling rules for CR. Doubling the number of creatures still increases the Encounter Level (EL) by +2 (just like the official rules do) and thus doubling the xp awarded. But he also proposed that CR x 2 = EL + 6. It doesn't look like a big difference...
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    Universal fast healing - effects?

    I'm thinking of a campaign in which most characters get fast healing. Here's my thinking: The warlock class proposed a different model of magic use; a spellcaster who doesn't run out of spells. The problem with the class is that it is tied down by the weaknesses of other characters in the...
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    Magic Item Compendium and the Epic Magic project

    I recently got the Magic Item Compendium, and I was pondering how it helps the Epic Magic project. I feel that one of the obstacles was figuring out the right treasure progression; what items and capabilities should a character have at a given level? Generally, these capacities have to line up...
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    Best values in Magic Item Compendium

    Now that folks have had a chance to look through the MIC, what are the best values in it? The items (or enhancements) that are most useful for their cost? My favorite so far is the everbright weapon enhancement. Not so much for the 2/day blinding effect, but for making the weapon immune to...
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    Splat-book access feats

    What do people think about requiring characters to use a feat slot to gain access to the rules of a particular splat book? I mean the classes (base and prestige), feats and spells. Maybe starting magic items if a character isn't being made at first level. I'm thinking that a character would...
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    Reflect Attack

    Based on Seed: Reflect and Spell Turning. Is it balanced? Any suggestions/improvements? Reflect Attack Abjuration Level: Sor/Wiz 7 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Until expended or 10 min./level Melee attacks targeted against the...
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    Is there a spell that reflects attacks?

    I was looking through the Epic section of the SRD, specifically the seeds of epic magic. Most of them correspond fairly obviously with spells in the SRD. But not all; I happened to find a line in the reflect seed that seemed unlike any spell that I know of: *Is* there a spell that reflects...
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    I'm trying to figure out how to replicate one of Temenun's spells: The [reflect] seed in the big thread doesn't apply to attacks, only spells: Originally posted by Sepulchrave II The ELH version of the seed has a few peculiarities: The highlighted text indicates that the seed is virtually...