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  1. Zander


  2. Zander

    UK only: Watch the D&D film a week early for charity!

    MediCinema, a registered charity that builds and runs cinemas in NHS hospitals for those who are bed-ridden or otherwise unable to leave hospital, is showing the D&D film on Saturday, 25 March - a week before its general release! It's being shown at selected Vue and Odeon cinemas across the...
  3. Zander

    London, UK - London D&D Meetup is restarting on Saturday, 31 July

    After an enforced break due to the pandemic, the London D&D Meetup is back with face-to-face games starting on Saturday, 31 July 2021. You need to RSVP through the Meetup site, be 18+ and find me at the venue in Borough (central London) on the day before the 1.30pm start time. No experience or...
  4. Zander

    Was Gary Gygax's English Teacher Hollywood Actor Kerwin Mathews?

    I have a soft spot for older fantasy films and was watching one of Kerwin Mathews' on a streaming service last night. I don't know much about Mathews so looked him up on Wikipedia. Turns out the Hollywood actor had taught English at a high school in Lake Geneva, WI around 1952 to 1954 (exact...
  5. Zander

    Dice tower

    Who hasn't created a little tower of dice in an idle gaming moment? I have just received my Kickstarter-backed dice tower from Turrim. I think I originally found out about the project through the News section right here at EN World. The dice are better as a display piece than as actual dice...
  6. Zander

    Polyhero Rogue Dice

    Polyhero, makers of theme-shaped dice, is currently shipping its latest product: Rogue dice. I got my set today. The pictures below are Polyhero's. My Gem d20 in Roguish Rouge (not pictured) which was supposed to be transparent is completely opaque, not even translucent. And it has...
  7. Zander

    Sunday Times article about D&D and gamers

    Last Sunday (17/12/17), the Sunday Times published an article in their Culture/telly listings magazine on the resurgence of D&D and the increasing people who play it. You can find the piece here: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/culture/dungeons-dragons-makes-a-comeback-zcsfmjrwj I don't...
  8. Zander

    D&D 5E Overchannel - how does it work?

    Starting at 14th level, an evoker (wizard) can overchannel a 5th level or lower spell (minimum 1st level) to do maximum damage. How does overchannel work in terms of game mechanics? Do you have to declare that you're overchannelling before you know the outcome of the spell? For example, if...
  9. Zander

    D&D 5E Earth elemental grappling and burying alive questions

    Here's a series of related 5e questions that I would very much like answered. I tried to find answers on the board but didn't find what I was looking for. Apologies if I'm posting this in the wrong place... An earth elemental successfully grapples a PC/NPC or monster on its turn. The...
  10. Zander

    D&D 5E Help with Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound

    I have some questions about Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound and welcome the thoughts of fellow EN Worlders. My questions come from a player's and DM's perspective. 1. Is the hound size S or size M? I'm thinking that anything that can do that much damage with its bite is probably size M. What do...
  11. Zander

    Note to WotC: They're not TRPGs. They're just RPGs.

    I don't visit the WotC site that often so only just noticed they've started calling D&D a "TRPG". The 'T' for "tabletop" is superfluous. D&D is an RPG. No specification is required. Any related class of game such as so-called computer RPGs or live action RPGs, CRPGs and LARPs respectively...
  12. Zander

    D&D 5E Grappling & engulfing - how do they work in 5e?

    I need some help with the 5e rules about grappling and engulfing, specifically in relation to shambling mounds. Is it... A) the shambler makes two slam attacks on the same target and, if they both hit, the target is grappled but gets to break free on its go with a DC14 check or, if...
  13. Zander

    Lego goblin raiding party

    The latest wave of Lego collectible minifigures, Series 13, was released recently. It includes a very cool goblin. I used one to create the front centre goblin in the picture below. He's almost as sold except that I replaced his weapon and gave him short legs instead of standard-sized ones. He...
  14. Zander

    Lego minifigures: D&D 5e classes

    Hasbro already does a crossover between Kre-O, its construction toy brand, and D&D. But here are my version of the D&D 5e classes in Lego. Most of these minifigures are what are called MOCs (My Own Creations) in the Lego fan community, basically kit-bashes supplemented by some third party...
  15. Zander

    [Tokyo, Japan] Seeking 4E or 5E D&D game

    Konichiwa! Are you running or do you know of a D&D game in Tokyo in July/August 2014 with space for an experienced gamer? If so, please post below or PM me. I'm looking for either a 4e or - when it comes out - 5e game. I think I can make it to most parts of Tokyo but can only game in English...
  16. Zander

    D&D 5E Blackjack! - new 5E D&D terminology

    Have any fan-invented terms emerged for 5th ed? I was thinking that when you have advantage (or disadvantage) and roll 2d20 getting a 20 and a 1, that's a "blackjack" (20 + 1 = 21, the highest score in the card game Blackjack). It wouldn't happen very often, but would be pretty funny when it...
  17. Zander

    News just in: d22, d18, d14, d7 and d5 required to play 5E (D&D Next)!

    Just kidding! You won't need any of those dice to play the forthcoming edition of D&D. But, if you're interested, those dice do exist. I just got these from Impact Miniatures: Cool, eh?:cool: I don't think any of them are fair in the sense of giving you an equal chance of rolling each number...
  18. Zander

    BBC site article on the 'D&D is evil' controversy

    A balanced article on the BBC News site ( http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-26328105 ) about the so-called 'dangers' of D&D that grabbed the (US) media's attention in the 1980s. Of course, none of the 'evils' attributed to the game ever materialised. In light of that fact, many media outlets...
  19. Zander

    Help! Can't unsubscribe from threads

    Hello, Mods, I'm being bombarded with e-mails telling me that a thread to which I contributed has received a response and what the response is, usually two e-mails per response. It's clogging my inbox. I tried changing my settings at EN World and using the unsubscribe link in the e-mails but...
  20. Zander

    D&D Lego minifigures

    As you may already know, Kre-o, Hasbro's construction toy brand, has recently released a D&D line in the US. This has allowed me to fulfil a long-held ambition of creating a Lego-like minifigure of Drizzt without having to resort to heavy modifications such as painting Lego parts. Here is a...