• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. mattcolville

    D&D 5E How might one monk grab and steal another monk's staff in combat?

    I've got a monk PC with a staff of striking, we both agree it's a bit too much for a lower-level character and I'm going to throw a higher-level Monk against him in the next encounter. I want to give this Evil Monk an opportunity to grab and steal the Staff of Striking. I can't find a mechanism...
  2. mattcolville

    D&D 5E Question for those who have read Out of the Abyss

    I know you begin the adventure as slaves in the Underdark. Do the heroes ever escape to the surface before the end of the adventure? Do they have any interaction with the surface world over the course of adventure? I'd like to use the module's Underdark content, but I want my heroes to have...
  3. mattcolville

    D&D 5E Character Hook for Against the Cult of the Reptile God

    I ran Against the Cult of the Reptile God for my 5E group. Someone on this forum had the good idea of making one of the villagers in the adventure the sister of one of the PCs, so I did exactly that. Furthermore, I wrote a series of letters to that PC from his sister, providing some clear lines...
  4. mattcolville

    Mike Mearls Talks (er, Tweets) About the Industry

    I think history has proven Mike wrong. The problem is that D&D isn't a game. D&D is a framework that allows 5 players to make a game. So if you like boardgames, you got lots of different games to choose from. If you like RPGs, you got lots of games to choose from. But those games are the things...
  5. mattcolville

    D&D 5E Unsandboxing Princes of the Apocalypse

    Would this work? I've already got a sandboxy setting with adventures littered around and I'd like to add the Temple of Elemental Evil from Princes of the Apocalypse. But I don't want to add all the sandbox elements to my setting. I'd rather just pick one of the pre-dungeons like the Monastery...
  6. mattcolville

    Really Nice Papercraft Terrain?

    Looking for some really nice looking papercraft terrain, specifically a fantasy Inn/Tavern with a big interior. The more classic-looking the better. It seems like there's just a ton of papercraft stuff out there, most of it free and of that I saw, not very awesome. I don't mind spending money...
  7. mattcolville

    D&D 5E Help With My Dark Sun One-shot

    I'm running D&D for a group of friends who I don't normally get to hang out with in person and I want to make it epic and memorable. We're going to play once, so I don't need a ton of content, but we may play for 10 hours and I want to give them some freedom. I'm looking for ideas, resources on...
  8. mattcolville

    D&D 5E Converting Nazin Redthorn to 5E

    I'm new to 5E and sort of missing 4E (though happy to switch) and I'm having a hard time switching gears. Nazin Redthorn is the bad guy of Reavers of Harkenwold. He's a 5th level Elite Human Soldier (Leader). How do I best represent this dude, the Boss of the adventure, in 5E? I was thinking...
  9. mattcolville

    Castle Whiterock Question & Actual Play

    Ran Castle Whiterock over the weekend. The heroes snuck into the courtyard at night and surprised the slavers, dividing and conquering them before killing Ikenvar. Some bandits survived, one of the PC's died, and the two groups agreed to a truce. The heroes withdrawing with their unconscious...
  10. mattcolville

    D&D 5E In Which We Build A 5E Followers Chart, Part One: Clerics

    TL;DR: I'm interested in building a D&D campaign that's more focused around the principle of Lordship presented in AD&D and OD&D. I'm looking for help specifically with charts for followers. Starting with, why not, the Cleric. You got any ideas, post them here! I'll curate the results and create...
  11. mattcolville

    Good Adventures in the Feywild?

    My party is about to enter the Feywild and I'm looking for encounters/adventures that have classic fey creatures in them. Dryads or Centaurs, etc... Not, like, gnomes and werewolves. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to search the Dungeon archive for this stuff.
  12. mattcolville

    Anyone try fixing Scales of War

    I was looking at a thread from 2009 on Scales of War and the opinion seemed to be the adventures were disconnected and often missing key plot elements. Has anyone taken a stab at cleaning this up?
  13. mattcolville

    Best campaign for 1-6? Looking for a prelude to Red Hand of Doom

    Is there a good, dungeony, old school (look and feel, can be recent) adv étude that gets players from level one to six? I'm looking for something to act as a setup or prelude for Red Hand of Doom. Edition doesn't matter.
  14. mattcolville

    Making a Character in Every Edition of D&D, Part One: 1974

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnjA4D0Z4pM I thought this would be a short video, doesn't take that long to make a dude in OD&D, but I became fascinated with all the weirdness in this game, and ended up doing a bunch of research, "why is this like this?" Watch in HD otherwise you won't be able...
  15. mattcolville

    Example of a Sloping Passage Getting the Party into Trouble

    Dwarves can detect sloping passages, and I know from talking to Gary about it that this ability was designed to thwart the DM's attempt to trick the party into going down a level into a more difficult dungeon level. You think you're on level 1, but you're really on level 2. And what level you're...
  16. mattcolville

    Good Adventure for Thieves

    I'm looking for a good adventure for a thief, or party of thieves. Something location based, like a heist. I've seen some thief adventures TSR published as part of the Challenge series, but they were weirdly about solving mysteries? As though being a thief is really about being a detective? But...
  17. mattcolville

    Which Dungeons Did Secret Doors Right?

    Or did them well? I assume Good Dungeons have multiple paths, some secret, and secret content which, if you missed, meant you had a different experience that the parties that found it. That your party and my party could go through a Good Dungeon and, when we compared our experiences, we...
  18. mattcolville

    Fantasy Novels: Do The Rules Of Magic Matter To You?

    I was a guest on a friend's podcast and the topic was Fantasy Worldbuilding. http://directory.libsyn.com/episode/...ast/id/2505006 But really, the topic was "how much do we care about the rules of the secondary world?" And I guess I'm surprised to find that to some people (a lot? I dunno...
  19. mattcolville

    D&D 5E Prepping a 5E Game

    I'm going to run 5E tomorrow for the guys who introduced me to D&D back in 1986. Well, some of them, and one of their sons, and a coworker. Having run 5E at work, I found the process of making a dude was needlessly complicated for three reasons. 1: A lot of the information is presented as...
  20. mattcolville

    Fantasy Grounds Tutorials

    I think Fantasy Grounds is an amazing solution for running D&D online. It's the only true virtual tabletop software I've come across, the rest being purely a battlemat. But F2 simulates all the stuff you do at the table including handouts, rewards, die rolling with actual 3D dice. But gosh it's...