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Search results

  1. V

    Game Wikis?

    Who uses 'em? Which ones work and why, please? Do you host your own, or get them from somewhere else? Primarily interested in free, or low monthly cost services. Not looking to start one right away, but gathering data. Thanks in advance for all the info!
  2. V

    Tell me of your best Mook Fights!

    What was fun? What did you do? What mooks did you throw against the PCs? Any interesting terrain? How did you make it a challenge? Or was it just a big slaughter-fest for the PCs to enjoy?
  3. V

    Pathfinder I: Burnt Offerings

    98 pages, softcover, including one page of ads for upcoming Pathfinder books and half a page for the OGL. This is Part I of a six-month adventure path set in the new world of Golarion. It's extraordinarily well done. The village is very detailed. The area is cool. The major villain is sad, has...
  4. V

    Post Submission Error

    Reporting the following (apologies if this is already reported): When I hit Submit, the delay in submission takes a while. I then see the screen (couldn't capture it, sorry) that says I've already submitted and it's a duplicate post. Then it displays my post that I just made (once) and didn't...
  5. V

    No Penalties

    At least according to the front page scoop. So, what's next? Lower AC for monster? ;)
  6. V

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder I - Burnt Offerings?

    Is this in the Review database? I could not find it. If it isn't there, would someone please add it? If it is, would someone please link to it? I wrote a review. Thanks.
  7. V

    Magic Construction Projects

    While reading a forthcoming manuscript on medieval towns, I got to thinking about some of the issues in a D&D context. This led to wondering, how would you use magic for construction projects. Example: road maintenance. In a medieval town, property owners had to repair the road in front of their...
  8. V

    Flaws In Your Playing

    Inspired by the "Flaws in your game", what are your flaws as a player? Mine are: 1. I often lose my sheet. 2. I keep having to reread rules on abilities I should know. 3. I can be disruptive with my roleplaying, to the detriment of the DM's goal for the session.
  9. V

    E-Z TILES: Dungeon Set 1 & 2

    Fat Dragon EZ Tiles: Dungeon Set 1 & 2 This series are game aides suited for a DM who wants to map with increased visual presentation without having to draw out the map. The series provides pdfs of the dungeon environment (including caverns). You choose a basic image like a corridor, room with...
  10. V

    Please Add Fat Dragon & Reviews in general

    Could someone please add Fat Dragon Games to the Reviews database please? I have a review of their EZ Tiles Dungeon Set 1 & 2 that I would like to post. Also - I only review products about once a quarter. Can someone tell me where the basic "post a review" button is please? I keep having to...
  11. V

    Blood spots with ink?

    I have some parchment that I want to make look bloodstained. Any thoughts? (No, I'm too uncomfortable at the thought of poking myself.) I have scab red and various shades of brown ink. I was thinking I could do acrylic followed by ink over it? Any other suggestions please?
  12. V

    Iron Heroes DMs!

    Is anyone going to Gen Con? Is anyone free on Friday night? The Iron League is missing a DM after a last minute cancellation. All of them are busy, so I'm helping out post a notice here to ask for help. If you've DMed Iron Heroes and you'd like to help out, the slot is from 7 PM to 11 PM...
  13. V

    The Flight Problem - A New Approach?

    Conscription. That's the notion. Read on.... D&D is a ton of fun. Flight is an obstacle however because it lets PCs avoid obstacles. (Had we wings, I suspect that flight would not be a special ability but a required movement mode, but that's not helpful.) I've had a lot of fun devising...
  14. V

    Easily Found Book Titles?

    Weird thing I noticed. When I go to get a book off the shelf, lots of my D&D and d20 titles have similar coloration. Tonight, the shelf was in shadow. I noticed I could easily find the following ones: Oriental Adventures Nyambe Tome of Horrors (Arcana Evolved was in my bag of course...
  15. V

    Small Acts of DM Cruelty

    Bard player, calling to cowering and defeated priest. "How do we defeat that thing?" "You fools attacked before we could complete the bargain! Your own fate is sealed now unless you command it in to perform the Dance of Untasted Flesh!" "Is there a particular tune to that? Or will any dance...
  16. V

    Ptolus $120 Thread

    I think it's becoming very acrimonious. (If I may use a big word?) I didn't want to report a "bad post" since I think the last couple pages are a combination of a lot of folks jumping in and arguing. Sorry if this is supposed to get reported differently.
  17. V

    Reviews Question

    Please excuse my ignorance. I was pretty sure that I had two reviews in the old database. I can only find one now - my review of Poisoncraft. I thought I had posted a prior one a long time ago for Backdrops. I found my Poisoncraft review under my old Varianor user name (which I cannot get into...
  18. V

    Working With Cardboard

    I've made 1.5 cardboard game dioramas so far. It works out well, as those who attended the Boston GameDay last seemed to think. For my next trick, I want to make a boat. Has anyone worked with hot glue and cardboard? Do you have any suggestions? I want a curved hull. I'm going to make flat...
  19. V

    Sig Virus?

    I apologize for not reading more closely, but what's with the "sig virus [uh oh]" bit? Did I miss something? Am I supposed to change it?
  20. V

    Thanks Moderators

    I noticed you've all been very busy the past month. Even though I only visit once a day, I appreciate the efforts to police up a very large board and keep it friendly. Thanks!