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Search results

  1. M

    Steampunk Laptop

    This seems like the kind of thing that would have been posted here already, like the fifty threads on the Ancient Roman d20 a while back, but I don't see any, so here goes. This guy crafts authentic-looking and fully functional steampunk items and casings: his latest creation is the Steampunk...
  2. M

    Should non-evil planar beings get more coverage?

    OK, so I have all these fiends in various gaming books (both official and third-party), we have the ongoing popular write-ups on unique fiends in Dragon, and there's going to be even more on planar evil guys next year as this board has been discussing lately. Do you feel that non-evil planar...
  3. M

    Encyclopedia Arcane: Compendium

    Mongoose's venerable line of Encyclopedia Arcane magic supplements began in 2001 and ended, for now, in mid-2004, one year after D&D's revision from the 3.0 to 3.5 rules. With the earlier books in the line becoming hard to find and not up to date with 3.5, Mongoose has released a compilation...
  4. M

    Product database addition request

    Encyclopeda Arcane: Compendium by Mongoose, if you please. Planning to post a review.
  5. M

    Need advice on 3D programs

    It said we can discuss "tools and techniques" in this forum and computer art is part of this, so I figured this is a good place to ask this to those familiar with the 3D programs out there. I need advice on 'em. These first two are specific to 3D figure rendering programs: - Is Poser 5 a good...
  6. M

    GURPS Horror 3e - how broadly useful?

    With Hallowe'en coming up, I don't know if I wanna wait a couple months to see what Mongoose has in their OGL Horror book. I already have CoC d20 and there's some advice on running a scary campaign in there, but I hear good things about GURPS Horror 3e as well. So I ask: how much of it is...
  7. M

    Devilish question (cornugon/malebranche)

    I got the 3e MM2 recently which includes the malebranche devil. I'm kind of confused now because the cornugon devil is in the 3e MM and I thought "cornugon" and "malebranche" used to be two names for the same devil? :confused: Were they two separate devils in 1e? It's been about 15 years...
  8. M

    Devilish question (cornugon/malebranche)

    I got the 3e MM2 recently which includes the malebranche devil. I'm kind of confused now because the cornugon devil is in the 3e MM and I thought "cornugon" and "malebranche" used to be two names for the same devil? :confused: Were they two separate devils in 1e? It's been about 15 years...
  9. M

    Flying snakes (real ones!)

    http://abcnews.go.com/sections/scitech/DailyNews/snake020807.html http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/08/0807_020807_flyingsnake.html This newest report on Singapore flying snakes only hit the news in the last couple days, but I thought it was kinda funny that Flying Fang snakes were...
  10. M

    Building a raft

    A three hour tour.... PHB p. 143 has stats for raft movement, but I don't see anything else. How long would it take, without the help of magic, to build a small raft for one or two medium-sized creatures? Would any checks be appropriate?
  11. M

    L5R: Rokugan geography question

    If the lands north of Rokugan contain a vast, hot desert, does that mean Rokugan is located in the southern half of the world it's in, or is there some kind of magic at work?
  12. M

    MotP's Inevitables - ever used them?

    I haven't, but I think you could run a great "Terminator" plot around one..... would you sic an Inevitable on a party of PCs who severely broke a "natural law", even if they didn't do it for selfish means - going to great lengths to cheat death is cited in MotP, but it's not much of a leap to...
  13. M

    What is YOUR concept of the fantasy ninja?

    OA didn't offer a core ninja class because there are just too many conflicting ideas of what a fantasy ninja "should" be (plus the debate of whether or not it should be a core class at all). There are two different ninja PrCs in WotC publications, and Rokugan has a core ninja as well.... but...
  14. M

    What is most YOUR concept of the fantasy ninja?

    OA didn't offer a core ninja class because there are just too many conflicting ideas of what a fantasy ninja "should" be (plus the debate of whether or not it should be a core class at all). There are two different ninja PrCs in WotC publications, and Rokugan has a core ninja as well.... but...
  15. M

    Rules for Drunkenness

    It came up twice in three weeks on the Rules forum, so I did this up. Could anyone with, uh, practical experience take a look and see if this feels "right" - some of my modifiers at steps 5-7 may be off a bit, and I don't know how well Table 2 really "scales" down at the dangerous end - I like...