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    Scott's Gallery

    I'll be posting the odd piece of artwork I have done for clients and personal stuff in this thread, when I get a chance :) For The Carrion Crown Adventure Path: Wake of the Watcher by Paizo © Paizo Erinyes for Badaxe Games © Scott Purdy Gnoll for Badaxe Games © Scott Purdy Cheers all! Scott
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    [IlloDeli] Releases New Artwork For Publishers!

    Greetings from the Deli, art pickers! We've been beavering away quietly as ever, and we are proud to bring you a host of new items and features: We are proud to present Illodeli Premium - a new tier of stock art that contains our most precious images. These aren't for everyone, we know that...
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    SERVICE - ART SERVICE - Publishers - but first rights artwork at Illodeli.com

    illodeli.com At Illodeli we continue to supply small press publishers with high quality ready made 'first print rights' artwork. Select your artwork, purchase, and download in three easy steps. If you have any questions feel free to email us at illodelimail@gmail.com
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    Publishers - buy first rights artwork at Illodeli.com

    <a href="http://www.illodeli.com/products-page/covers/ice-beast-cover-by-scott-purdy2/"><img src="http://www.illodeli.com/wp-content/uploads/wpsc/product_images/thumbnails/PURDY-IceBeast-Cover.jpg" border="0" alt="" width="120" height="120" /></a> <a...
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    ILLODELI - New artwork for sale!!

    New work at Illodeli.com: Your irregular report on what's new over at The Deli! This week we have three new character images from Jon Hodgson and a new cover/full page image from Scott Neil: To see our entire range click here, and you can see everything from newest additions to the oldest...
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    IlloDeli - New Artwork for the New Year

    Welcome to 2009! Over at illodeli.com - Pick Your Own! we've been quietly working away behind the scenes and today we are ready to unveil our massive expansion of stock! We have upgraded the server to take six times the images, and we're doing our best to fill the space! There are some great...
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    Illodeli - A new Art Service

    Illodeli.com: Pick your Own Illodeli.com is a new online store which offers publishers the chance to buy artwork for their publications and immediately download it at print resolution. Illodeli.com features the work of industry illustrators Scotty Purdy, Andy Hepworth and Jon Hodgson. We have...
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    Blobs arty thread

    Hi people, I used to be a regular here at ENWorld a long long time ago. I've not posted for well over year now though, due to me now being a part time illustrator while my wife studies to become a nurse. So because of that I thought I'd whack up some of my latest work, mainly sketchy stuff, but...
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    [Art] Zombies.. NOW in technicolour!!!

    Hey guys, I've not posted around here for a long, long time so here are a couple of pieces I did for Bottled Imp Games ... I've also painted these guys.. they were originally in greyscale. All images copyright (c) 2004 Scott Purdy Hope you enjoy 'em! :)
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    [Bottled Imp Games] Lords of the Night: Zombies.. out now!!

    Press Release THE LORDS OF THE NIGHT: ZOMBIES Release Date: July 2004 ISBN: 0-9543735-9-6 Retail Price: $19.99 Product Line: Darkness Rises Category: d20 Sourcebook Pages: 96 Format: Perfect Bound Author: Andrew Kenrick and Stuart Renton Cover Artist: Jon Hodgson Interior Artist: Scott...