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  1. V

    D&D Minis HB = D&D Lite

    In looking over how the DnD MiniHB is promoting a quick skrimish level of play, who's tempted to think that they'll just use the Handbook rules when ever combat comes up? *Sees an image of everyone using their DnD character sheets for the roleplaying sessions and then when the combat comes up...
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    Converting Redline to d20 M

    Redline is FFG's "Mad Max" d20 game that just came out. I couldn't resist and started to covert it over to d20 M. Some of these notes are from me and some of it was help from the gracious boys at FFG: * Redline uses a compressed, simplified skill system. You'll either want to add 1 skill...
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    FFG getting Savvy. Their "Mad Max" game has PrC with 5 levels

    While FFG's Redline game ( http://www.enworld.org/reviews/index.php?sub=yes&where=active&reviewer=JoeGKushner&product=Redl) says d20 on it, I noticed the PrC are only 5 levels. That shouldn't make conversion too hard, right? Hmmm. d20Modern is looking pretty good now.
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    FFG is going for my love of Poly mini-games!!! My poor wallet

    It seems that Fantasy Flight Games is going for my love of those Poly mini-games with their Horizon game line. Basically they plan to put out $15 suppliements every two months to cover cool d20 sidetracks, just like Polyhedron's mini-games do. The first one is for Gama World/Omega Word fans...
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    Taking your d20 Prestige Classes to d20 Modern

    In my frustration of getting tired of waiting for some psionics stuff to come out for d20 Modern, I am tempted to covert over the DnD stuff, especialy the PsiHB PrCs. Any ideas on how to do this? Make them Advanced classes? Or should I spit up the 6 versions of Psion and Psy Warrior into...
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    Lord Soth was on Comedy Central

    I was watching this episode of Insomiac and the crew was doing Fantasy Fest in Key West. The very last image is a guy in a Lord Soth costume signing the wavier to be on the show. Honest LOL!
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    An upcoming SF bonaza for d20 Modern by 3 companies!

    In order of publishing date: August: Bad Axe Games Based upon the d20 Modern SRD, Bad Axe Games' Grim Tales is the high adventure, low magic campaign tool-kit for fantastic roleplaying in your favorite pulp genres, from the dawn of Atlantis to the apocalyptic future of a dying planet. Each...
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    Gama World is coming in 4 months.

    From the WW site: Gamma World Player's Handbook,October 2003, Related Books d20 Modern Roleplaying Game • This core sourcebook has exciting new rules for mental powers and other mutations, including how to create intelligent animal races. • Find ready-to-play settings and clear guidelines for...
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    Tweaking SG-1 rpg with d20 Modern

    Can anyone help please.? I have some players that so finiky that they're are dragging their feet over the idea that SG-1 doesn't specificly say "Must use d20 Modern" on the front or that the SG-1 classes aren't "Advanced Classes." I haven't though out the details yet , but it shouldn't be...
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    Next Poly is a d20 Modern Mini-game

    Just got the heads up that the next mini-game, Iron Lords of Jupiter is d20 Modern. Funny how WotC's designers keep saying d20 Modern is for the modern day only and people keep pushing the evelope -- and the staff of Polyhedron are the vanguard of the movement with d20 Mecha and the like. All...
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    "I ain't feeling the love!" or why do 'epic' players make strict GMs?

    I have felt betrayed lately. I have two players that insist on playing the most expansive characters they can. They not only want to be the movers and shakers, they also always ask for special favors. Sometimes it's for some hook up in the game world or for a special power, or for a...
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    A synergy skill chart

    I am looking for a chart that shows what skill get a synergy bonus from other skills. Anyone have something like that laying around?
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    [MnM] How many Incorpreal/Invisible/ etc. characters do you have in your games?

    Is it me, or is there a trend for players in MnM to think they found a "loophole" when they create a Incorpreal/Invisible character that is backed up with some sort of ranged or ambush tactic? I have had this happen twice now, in two different games.
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    Classic MnM player mistake

    We started a new MnM game at the super hero level and I had one player who decided to have a "cosmic powered" martial artist that could teleport. The dude thought he had the billy bad bass since he loaded not only on unarmed feats but he also had an "gravaelectric" field that provided a force...
  15. V

    For d20 games with long ranges, battle mat or tape measure?

    I ran my first full fledged Mutants and Masterminds game today. Even though I went though the characters with a fine tooth comb, it didn't occur to me how long the ranges on attacks, area effects and super flight movement would be. I laid out my smallish battle mat out and most of the PCs and...
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    I knew it would happen!! Warlord RPG

    From Gaming Report.com AEG also talked about the new Warlord RPG. Developed out of a home game of John Zinser’s, this game is also to be heavily supported. The game is based on the world of AEG’s card game Warlord. The retailers were very happy to see it and from the sound of it AEG support...
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    How did you answer the Wotc psionic poll?

    Just curious and since it seemed that thousands responded, I assumed some of those voters are here. So what was your answers to 1.) How will the use of psionics in a setting affect your purchase of the product. 2.) How close do you hew to the DnD psionic rules 3.) What rules mechanic (level...
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    So how did you answer WotC's psionic survey?

    The three questions focused on: 1.) How would including psionics in a campaign world affect your purchase of said product. 2.) How close do you hew to the published PsiHB rules. 3.) What sort of rules system would you perfer to support psionics (level-based as in PsiHB, skill-based as in part...
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    OA's Hida Defender PrC - is this class in another book?

    Is this class reprinted in any of the WotC class books? I'd like to take the PrC, but my GM is type that he more readily accepts things in the "standard" books, such as WotC core or class books. Besides, he pretty literal minded when he wants to be. (one prequisite is that you have to have the...
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    OA's Hida Defender PrC - is this class in another book?

    Page 212 in Oriental Adventures Is this class reprinted in any of the WotC class books? I'd like to take the PrC, but my GM is so literal minded that it would make my life easier if it was in a class book (one prequisite is that you have to have the race: Human (Crab Clan) )