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D&D General DALL·E 3 does amazing D&D art

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Dwarven priests in geometric clerical vestment offer Puja to a painted statue of Sharindlar. Sharindlar appears as a slim, spirited, full-bearded and flame-haired dwarven maiden, possesses arresting eyes that seem to change color often different observers down the centuries have reported them as being of differing hues. She never wears armor, and is barefoot clad in diaphanous gowns



Vergadain appears as a tall dwarf clad in brown and yellow mer- chant's clothing, which is often tattered or dusty. Underneath these garments, he wears armor, and often carries musical instruments, disguises, and treasure (such as gems) in sacks. He guards these sacks by thrusting poisonous snakes and similar creatures into them with his val- ued belongings. He has a great singing voice, is a master of disguise and mimicry. Vergadain smiles more than any other dwarf deity



Massive undergroind temple.with decorstice geometric themes with a Dwarven priest with a large ceowd of Dwarven worshippers offering Mass to an altar with a painted statue of Dumathoin A cut, faceted gem inside a mount. Dumathoin appears as a tremendously powerful dwarf, His shoulders are as broad as most barn doors, and his arms are knotted and bulging with corded muscles, His skin is earth-brown, his hair and beard the hue of grey stone, and his eyes are of silver fire.



Ornate ggilded temple, Dwarven priest lead Dwarven worshippers in offering Puja tp a fiamt golden statue of Abbathor. Abbathor is squat and hunched with golden-green eyes, and seems to slither and sidle along as he walks, never making much noise, but often rubbing his hands together; carrying gems or gold, he often caresses these in a continuous, unconscious, overwhelmingly sensuous manner.



Rustic chapel, D&D Dwarven Ladybpriestess leads a congregstion of Dwarven women in prayer to an altar with a painted wooden ststue of the goddess The Reverend Mother. The Revered Mother appears as a huge female D&D dwarf, fearless of aspect but gentle in speech, whose brown beard is braided into four rows.


What’s the secret to getting two distinct people in the same image?

These are the prompts I used for the three images:
Circular ornamental frame. A duo of male human artificers. The first has blond short hair, blue eyes, and a star, gold and blue attire motif. The second has short brown hair, yellow lensed goggles and a blue and black attire motif. Art Nouveau watercolor art.
Circular ornamental frame. A duo of male human paladins. The first has red high and tight hair, blue eyes, and a lantern, green and black attire motif. The second is a brown anthropomorphic Irish Terrier, with a lantern, green and black attire motif. Art Nouveau watercolor art.
Circular ornamental frame. A duo of female human warlocks. The first has ice magic, platinum blonde short hair, blue eyes, and a blue and white attire motif. The second has green fire magic, green long hair, green eyes, brown skinned and a two tone green attire motif. Art Nouveau watercolor art.

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