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D&D General DALL·E 3 does amazing D&D art


Those are really cool. I really like your line art creations. Are you just putting "line art" as the style prompt, or have you got something more specific that you use (like ink or pen or something)?
I just add "line art". Sometimes I'll add something to add a little colour like "throwing blue magical energy". It doesn't always work but sometimes you get something cool like this.

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Dragon Lover
Here we are at deity number 19. Looks like winter is coming early this year.

Camalune, also known as The Lord of Moonlit Winters and The Were-King, is the Arch-Fey deity of winter, the moon, lycanthropy, and the is patron of all winter fey. He is typically depicted as a massive bat with a skull-like face, pure white fur, and silvery moonlit wings, his body is constantly producing a soft flurry of snow around him. These features however often change based on the phase of the moon, or the current season, or even just on a whim. Things like the number of limbs, whether his head is more or less skull like, and how much white fur he has are commonly different among the various artistic creations made to capture his image.

Camalune controls the larger, true moon that orbits around Salevra which shares it's name with the deity, using its gentle radiance to illuminate the night and its mystical pull on the various forces on the plane to help maintain the balance of natural order. Likewise, he controls the season of winter and the natural decay and quiet that accompanies it. Compared to the rest of the Arch-Fey, Calamune is typically more down to earth and serious, capable of suppressing the more capricious nature typically associated with the fey when dealing with mortals and their whims. His followers are numerous, and several species give significant reverence to the Lord of Moonlit Winters. Lycanthropes in particular often devote themselves to the Were-King, seeking his guidance and wisdom in learning to control the beast within.



Always In School Gamer
I had a friend who was an amazing artist and she introduced me to stippling. The steady hand and patience you need for this technique is insane.

Teifling Stippling Series
My natural language prompt was thus, "Medium: stippling with black ink on white paper. Subject: Female teifling warlock. Suggest the rest." That generated the flowing Image Prompts following my Custom Instructions in GPT-4

What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?​

Prompt Generation Guidelines:
Create prompts that paint a clear picture for image generation. Use precise, visual descriptions (rather than metaphorical concepts).
Try to keep prompts short, yet precise, and awe-inspiring.

Consider what form of art this image should be simulating.

What is the main focus, reference-
Colors: Predominant and secondary colors.
Pose: Active, relaxed, dynamic, etc.
Viewing Angle: Aerial view, dutch angle, straight-on, extreme closeup, etc

How does the setting complement the subject?

Environment: Indoor, outdoor, abstract, etc.
Colors: How do they contrast or harmonize with the subject?
Lighting: Time of day, intensity, direction (e.g., backlighting).

Style Traits:
What are the unique artistic characteristics?
Influences: Art movement or artist that inspired the piece.
Technique: For paintings, how was the brush manipulated? For digital art, any specific digital technique?
Photo: Describe type of photography, camera gear, and camera settings. Any specific shot technique? (Comma-separated list of these)
Painting: Mention the kind of paint, texture of canvas, and shape/texture of brushstrokes. (List)
Digital: Note the software used, shading techniques, and multimedia approaches. (List)

How would you like ChatGPT to respond?​

1. Generate images, based on your detailed prompts using DALL E 3.
- Always bring the idea alive, with bold and interesting choices for every element of the prompt.
- Always follow the Prompt Guidelines
2. Suggest four brand new ideas that I can riff off.
- These should be simple concepts not full prompts

- Try to take inspiration from the last suggestion I gave you rather than the full prompt
NOTE: If you are using GPT+ and are not taking advantage of Custom Instructions, you are tying both your hands behind you. Look this up, it will blow your mind what you can do with this.

### Image Prompt for DALL-E 3:
Medium: Stippling art created with black ink on white paper.

Subject: A female tiefling warlock standing in a confident pose, clutching a shadowy grimoire in one hand and a glowing, purple orb in the other.

Colors: Predominant colors are black and shades of gray, with white highlights to emphasize form. A subtle hint of purple for the glowing orb.

Pose: Dynamic and assertive, with one leg slightly forward and a faint smirk on her face.

Viewing Angle: Three-quarter view, capturing her from head to toe.

Background: An ancient, arcane library filled with towering bookshelves and mystical artifacts.

Environment: Indoor

Colors: Background features darker shades of gray and black, with occasional white highlights to match the subject.

Lighting: Soft, directional lighting emanating from the purple orb, casting intricate shadows on her face and the surroundings.

Style Traits:
  • Influences: Inspired by the precision and detail of Gustave Doré's engravings.
  • Technique: Stippling, using varied dot densities to create gradients and texture.

### Four Brand New Ideas:
1. A steampunk airship flying through a stormy sky.
2. A geisha performing a traditional dance in a cherry blossom garden.
3. A cybernetic wolf roaming through a neon-lit city.
4. An astronaut discovering an alien artifact on a distant moon.

Would you like to proceed with generating the image based on this prompt?

My first images half good and one that went off the reservation. Both had major flaws [Images Not Shown]

So, I redirected with the following natural prompt, "Make each image with the stippling technique but with different color choices."
1698718895063.png1698718979174.pngTeifling Stippling 1.png1698719211018.png
There are more, I did about 7 different passes but this gives you the gist. Besides in the 6th pass one of the images didn't get past content filters and the 8th pass suddenly replaced the teifling with an elf and added and elf with the other teifling. DALL-E is weird.

So I went back to pass 3 and gave it the following natural language instructions, "Change the paper type and color. Make ink colors complementary to the paper choice."
Teifling Stippling 2.pngTeifling Stippling 4.png1698719980362.png
Teifling Stippling 3.png Image failed, then elf 1698720013525.png

So I moved back to pass 2 prior and used the following natural language prompt, Change both images to black construction paper. Use metallic gold ink on one and metallic silver ink on the other. Choose the complementary color for each."

This bunch was a little weird, finger counts were off in some, books distorted in others... the colors were amazing though.

This is a great technique to use if you want a lot of shading and detail. There is a reason that stippling was used for scientific illustrations way back... On other thing of note, I didn't have to refer to D&D to get a proper teifling... And I didn't try to do tails because that just leads to sadness.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Okay most of the rest of the Knights of The Moon team!

tbh I once i had gotten like 2 characters, I had to finish the set. Only one left is the nerd that looks like she'd be the "prudish class officer" anime archetype, and is instead the "female perv that everyone puts up with bc she's loveable" archetype. I haven't decided what kind of moon and colors and outfit to give her.

So, here's the Knight of THe Storm Moon, The buff one, the heavy hitter.
very freindly danger cutey.jpgbuff moon girl.jpgbuff kicks.jpgbuff cute.jpgcute buffy.jpg

Next we have the Knight of The Hunter's Moon, the quietly serious friend. the one the others call "Miss Name" because she just has that vibe of being older and wiser even though she's the same age as most of them.
bow pew pew moon.jpgcool hair.pnghunter girl moon.jpghunter girl.pnglunar hunter.jpgshooting fools by moonlight.jpg

Up next is the Knights of The Moons Gibbous, The Twins, the friends who don't get the more risque jokes their friends make. They were a challenge, as I wanted them to have very femme faces and long hair, but be in boy's uniforms, and none of the ai generators i tried could quite figure it out.

kljyrfgthjk.pngmoon twins.pngUntitled.pngmoon nerds.jpg

Next is the leader, Knight of The Full Moon, the one the brings everyone together. She's got tht anime archetype where shes always seeing the good, and always keeps pushing forward, and encouraging others, but she is also terrifying in battle.
a cute leader.jpgleader cutie.jpgleader is a fighter.jpgThe moon leader.jpgleaderleader.jpg

So I think all that's missing for a full lineup is that nerdy weirdo i mentioned.

I showed my wife these images and talked about the concept behind them (basically a more Puella Magi Madoka Magic than Sailor Moon, but also a bit more fun that Madoka, and a bit more TV-MA than either. So, Madoka meets Sailor Moon meets High School DxD meets FLCL, with a focus on really honest character based storytelling. Anyway, while I have no expertise in writing manga, and don't have the means to get an anime made, I might try to someday write something like a visual web novel or something.

In the meantime, we hit upon the idea of doing a Highschool Alternate Universe Magical Girl DnD campaign, using AU versions of our favorite PCs from across our various campaigns!

If I can make that happen, I may try to generate images based on what happens in that game, eventually.

Either way, I do intend on actually using these as reference images for art commissions, at somepoint.

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