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D&D General In what modules can PCs fight an Archfey?

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Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
I also found Baba Yaga; she's really tough.


Definitely very flavorful these stats.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
I know Tome of Beast 2 from Kobold Press also has stats for baba Yaga (and her sentient iron denture).

Also, some of the published adventure for 5e can be converted easily to includes more fey themes:
  • LMoP: the last boss could be a darkling and his force of hobgoblins could be made of feywild hobs.
  • Rime of the Frost Maiden can easily be run with Baba Yaga or the Prince of Frost instead of Auril.
  • Storm King Thunder could be made that the Giant court was infiltrated by the Formorian to sow chaos to carve a place for themselves in the Ordning.
  • Out of the Abyss; the ''Alice in Wonderland'' theme of the adventure can be increased by having the demon-lords freed by some twisted archfey who wants to gorge themselves on the raw emotions and madness created by the fiends.

There was a big article on this guy in 4E. I already gave you the gist of his backstory while describing Koliada, but here's some more details:

  • The Prince of Frost has three major goals: To find Sharaea's soul so he can at last force her into marriage, to find the reborn Hayne Kasar and punish him for "stealing" her, and to try soothe and his own heart by sending his agents to sow sorrow and best mortal heroes who remind him of Hayne Kasar.
  • Possible adventure hooks include rescuing people frozen in the Prince's palace or finding the reincarnations of Sharaea and Hayne.
  • Defeating the Prince of Frost could require playing the song Sharaea composed for him long ago.
  • Most other members of the Winter Court fear and despise him, with his most loyal vassals being the cursed banshees of Sharaea's sisters. Their true names have been lost, replaced with the names Mournwind and Soulsorrow.
  • The older members of the Summer Court who remember his origin as the Sun Prince mourn what he has become. Despite the Prince of Frost's evil nature, he still loves his mother Titania and would come to her aid if the need proved dire enough.
  • Though the Prince of Frost hates the Raven Queen for separating him from Sharaea through reincarnation, the goddess is secretly considering making the Prince her consort due to both his sheer power and his connection to both death and winter. She hesitates because of the possibility the revelation would warm his heart and turn him back into the Sun Prince.
  • Warlocks who have the Prince of Frost as their archfey patron often follow one of four creeds: The Bitter Creed demands that you Never Love, Be Cold, and Never Steal. The Vengeful Creed demands you Seek Vengeance, Show No Mercy, and Punish The Deserving. The Lovelorn Creed demands that you Search for Sharaea, Encourage Love, and Follow Instructions. These rare warlocks have somehow struck a cord with the tiny candle of love still locked deep in the Pale Prince's heart, and so won his patronage in exchange for agreeing to help him in his quest to regain his love. The Tragic Creed is similar to the Lovelorn Creed, but replaces Encourage Love with Spread Sorrow.


I am not very familiar with 4E, but I was able to dig up the Winter Witch's stats;

View attachment 140859

She seems pretty tough to me. Turning it into 5E would be a little complicated (turning some of these abilities to passives and legendary actions) but she would definitely make a formidable end-game boss.
I actually converted her in Dave2008's epic monster thread (the old one), but I think I made her way too complicated to run, wanting too many things. So I will just say converting her wasn't that hard, the hard part was keeping focus, so to speak. (think she was epic CR26).

There was a big article on this guy in 4E. I already gave you the gist of his backstory while describing Koliada, but here's some more details:

  • The Prince of Frost has three major goals: To find Sharaea's soul so he can at last force her into marriage, to find the reborn Hayne Kasar and punish him for "stealing" her, and to try soothe and his own heart by sending his agents to sow sorrow and best mortal heroes who remind him of Hayne Kasar.
  • Possible adventure hooks include rescuing people frozen in the Prince's palace or finding the reincarnations of Sharaea and Hayne.
  • Defeating the Prince of Frost could require playing the song Sharaea composed for him long ago.
  • Most other members of the Winter Court fear and despise him, with his most loyal vassals being the cursed banshees of Sharaea's sisters. Their true names have been lost, replaced with the names Mournwind and Soulsorrow.
  • The older members of the Summer Court who remember his origin as the Sun Prince mourn what he has become. Despite the Prince of Frost's evil nature, he still loves his mother Titania and would come to her aid if the need proved dire enough.
  • Though the Prince of Frost hates the Raven Queen for separating him from Sharaea through reincarnation, the goddess is secretly considering making the Prince her consort due to both his sheer power and his connection to both death and winter. She hesitates because of the possibility the revelation would warm his heart and turn him back into the Sun Prince.
  • Warlocks who have the Prince of Frost as their archfey patron often follow one of four creeds: The Bitter Creed demands that you Never Love, Be Cold, and Never Steal. The Vengeful Creed demands you Seek Vengeance, Show No Mercy, and Punish The Deserving. The Lovelorn Creed demands that you Search for Sharaea, Encourage Love, and Follow Instructions. These rare warlocks have somehow struck a cord with the tiny candle of love still locked deep in the Pale Prince's heart, and so won his patronage in exchange for agreeing to help him in his quest to regain his love. The Tragic Creed is similar to the Lovelorn Creed, but replaces Encourage Love with Spread Sorrow.

Man, 4E had the best lore

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